第1条 適⽤
1. 本規約は、本サービス(第2条に定義)の利⽤に関する当社とお客様(第2条に定義)との間の権利義務関係を定めることを⽬的とし、お客様と当社の間の本サービスの利⽤に関わる⼀切の関係に適⽤されます。
2. 当社が当社ウェブサイト(第2条に定義)上で随時掲載する本サービスに関するルール、諸規定等(プライバシーポリシー(xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/)を含む)は本規約の⼀部を構成するものとします。
3. 本サービスの利⽤にあたり、お客様が外部サービスを利⽤する場合、当該外部サービスの利⽤規約についてはお客様の責任において確認をし、遵守することとします。お客様による外部サービスの利⽤が規約違反やその他不適切な形式により⾏われた結果、外部サービスとの間で紛争が⽣じた場合、お客様は直ちにその内容を当社に通知し、お客様の費⽤と責任において当該クレーム⼜は紛争を処理するとともに、当社に損害が⽣じた場合には当社に対しその損害を賠償するものとします。
第2条 定義
(5)「登録希望者」とは、第3条において定義された「登録希望者」を意味します。 (6)「登録情報」とは、第3条において定義された「登録情報」を意味します。
(7)「お客様」とは、第3条に基づき本サービスの利⽤者としての登録がなされた個⼈⼜は法⼈を意味します。また、本サービスの利⽤者としての登録がなされた個⼈⼜は法⼈が、当社の別途の同意を個別名を限定列挙する形で取得された場合、「お客様」の対象範囲は以下に拡⼤されます。以下(b)~(d)の 利⽤者は、お客様の責任においてxx⽤規約の範囲にて利⽤が可能となり、当該利⽤者の⾏為についてはお客様ご⾃⾝がその責任を負うものとします。
(a) お客様ご⾃⾝
(b) お客様のグループ会社、関連会社、⼦会社
(c) お客様の業務委託先
(d) その他、上記(b)(c)に準ずる法⼈あるいは個⼈
第3条 登録
1. 本サービスの利⽤を希望する者(以下「登録希望者」といいます。)は、本規約を遵守することに同意し、かつ当社の定める⼀定の情報(以下「登録情報」といいます。)を当社の定める⽅法で当社に提供することにより、当社に対し、本サービスの利⽤の登録を申請することができます。
2. 登録の申請は必ず本サービスを利⽤する個⼈⼜は法⼈⾃⾝が⾏わなければならず、原則として代理⼈
3. 当社は、第1項に基づき登録を申請した者が、以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、登録を拒否することがあります。
(3).本サービスを、本サービスと同⼀⼜は類似のサービスであると当社が判断するサービスの開 発、運営その他これに関連する⾏為並びにこれらの⾏為のための調査⽬的で利⽤しようとしていると当社が判断した場合
4. 当社は、前項その他当社の基準に従って、登録希望者の登録の可否を判断し、当社が登録を認める場合にはその旨を登録希望者に通知します。かかる通知により登録希望者のお客様としての登録は完了し、本規約の諸規定に従った本サービスの利⽤にかかる契約(以下「利⽤契約」といいま す。)がお客様と当社の間に成⽴します。
5. お客様は、登録情報に変更があった場合は、遅滞なく、当社の定める⽅法により、当該変更事項を当社に通知し、当社から要求された資料を提出するものとします。
第5条 イベント並びにチケットの提供及びキャンセル
1. お客様は、当社所定の⽅法により、EventHubを通じてイベントの作成を申請することができます。当社は、申請されたイベントが、当社が別途定める基準を満たしているか審査するものとします。
2. イベントが審査に通過した場合、お客様はイベントの内容に従い、イベント参加者に対し、⾃らの責任で当該イベントのチケットを販売し、当該イベントを提供するものとします。チケットの売買契約はお客様とイベント参加者等の間で成⽴し、当社はチケットの売買の当事者となるものではありません。
3. 当社は、イベントが当社が別途定める基準を満たしていないと判断した場合、当該イベントの作成にかかる申請の拒否、当該イベント⼜は当該イベントにかかるウェブページの削除、その他の必要な措置を⾏うことができるものとします。イベントが削除された場合、チケットを購⼊したイベント参加者等に対して購⼊代⾦の全額の払戻しがなされるものとし、お客様は、当社が定める払戻しにかかる
4. お客様は、当社及びイベント参加者等との間で別途合意のない限り、イベント及びチケットの売買契約を解約及びキャンセルできないものとします。
5. お客様は、参加者に提供するイベントに法令及び契約違反その他の問題があった場合や、それにより
6. お客様が、本サービス上にて公開したイベントをその終了前に中⽌する場合、当社所定の⽅法により当該イベントのキャンセル⼿続きを⾏うものとします。お客様が当該イベントのキャンセル⼿続きを
1. お客様は、本サービス利⽤の対価として、当社が別途定める利⽤料⾦を負担するものとします。
2. 利⽤料⾦は、利⽤開始⽉末⽇に締めて請求書を発⾏します。利⽤開始⽇の属する⽉の翌⽉以降の⽀払いについては、毎⽉末⽇に締めて請求書を発⾏します。
3. お客様は利⽤料⾦を請求書発⾏⽇から1か⽉以内に当社の指定する⽅法で当社に⽀払うものとします。
4. お客様が利⽤料⾦の⽀払を遅滞した場合、お客様は年14.6%の割合による遅延損害⾦を当社に⽀払うものとします。
5. イベント参加者等が本サービスを利⽤してクレジットカード決済によりお客様からチケットを購⼊する際、当社は、お客様を代理して売上代⾦を受領することができるものとし、お客様は当社が売上代
1. お客様は、⾃⼰の責任において、本サービスにかかるユーザーID及びパスワード(以下「ID等」といいます。)を管理及び保管するものとし、これを第三者に利⽤させたり、貸与、譲渡、名義変更、売買等をしてはならないものとします。管理画⾯にアクセスするために発⾏されるID等は、原則として特定の個⼈が使⽤するものとし、複数⼈で使⽤しないものとします。
2. ID等の管理不⼗分、使⽤上の過誤、第三者の使⽤等による損害の責任はお客様が負うものとし、当社は⼀切の責任を負いません。
3. お客様は、ID等が盗まれ、⼜は第三者に使⽤されていることが判明した場合には、直ちにその旨を当社に通知するとともに、当社からの指⽰に従うものとします。
(1).当社、イベント参加者等⼜は他のお客様、その他の第三者の知的財産権、肖像権、プライバ シーの権利、名誉、その他の権利⼜は利益を侵害する⾏為(かかる侵害を直接⼜は間接に惹起する⾏為を含みます。)
(3).法令⼜は当社若しくはお客様が所属する業界団体の内部規則に違反する⾏為 (4).本サービスに関し利⽤しうる情報を改ざんする⾏為
(6).当社による本サービスの運営を妨害するおそれのある⾏為 (7).その他、当社が不適切と判断する⾏為
(1).本サービスに係るコンピューター・システムの点検⼜は保守作業を定期的⼜は緊急に⾏う場合 (2).コンピューター、通信回線等が事故により停⽌した場合
2. 当社は、当社の都合により、本サービスの提供を終了することができます。この場合、当社はお客様に事前に通知するものとします。
3. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が⾏った措置に基づきお客様に⽣じた損害について⼀切の責任を負いません。
1. 本サービスの提供を受けるために必要な、コンピューター、ソフトウェアその他の機器、通信回線その他の通信環境等の準備及び維持は、お客様の費⽤と責任において⾏うものとします。
2. お客様は⾃⼰の本サービスの利⽤環境に応じて、コンピューター・ウィルスの感染の防⽌、不正アクセス及び情報漏洩の防⽌等のセキュリティ対策を⾃らの費⽤と責任において講じるものとします。
1. 当社ウェブサイト、本サービス及びEventHubに関する所有権及び知的財産権は全て当社⼜は当社にライセンスを許諾している者に帰属しており、本規約に定める登録に基づく本サービスの利⽤許諾は、本規約において明⽰されているものを除き、当社ウェブサイト、本サービス⼜はEventHubに関する当社⼜は当社にライセンスを許諾している者の知的財産権の譲渡⼜は使⽤許諾を意味するものではありません。お客様は、いかなる理由によっても当社⼜は当社にライセンスを許諾している者の知的財産権を侵害するおそれのある⾏為(逆アセンブル、逆コンパイル、リバースエンジニアリングを含みますが、これに限定されません。)をしないものとします。
⼀切の情報(以下「当社取得情報」といいます。)を当社プライバシーポリシー( xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx-xx-xxxxxxx/)の利⽤⽬的に従った⽅法で利⽤できるものとします。また、お客様は基礎的なアクセス情報を管理画⾯からいつでも閲覧することができるものとします。当社は、かかる利⽤のほか、統計的な分析、サービスを改良するため及び広告に利⽤する⽬的で、当社取得情報を含む当社がEventHubの利⽤⼜は本サービスの利⽤に関し取得した⼀切の情報をデータ化することができるものとし、これらをお客様と共有できることとします。当社は、データ化した情報を当社の裁量で特定の個⼈を特定しない⽅法で利⽤でき、当社が⽬的達成のため必要と判断した第三者と共有することができるものとします。
3. 当社は、当社取得情報を運営上⼀定期間保存していた場合であっても、かかる情報を保存する義務を負うものではありません。
1. 当社は、お客様が、以下の各号のいずれかの事由に該当する場合は、事前に通知⼜は催告することなく、当該お客様について本サービスの利⽤を⼀時的に停⽌し、⼜はお客様としての登録を取り消すことができます。
⼿形交換所の取引停⽌処分その他これに類する措置を受けたとき (7).差押、仮差押、仮処分、強制執⾏⼜は競売の申⽴てがあった場合 (8).租税公課の滞納処分を受けた場合
(9).死亡した場合⼜は後⾒開始、保佐開始若しくは補助開始の審判を受けた場合 (10).6ヶ⽉以上本サービスの利⽤がなく、当社からの連絡に対して応答がない場合 (11).第3条第3項各号に該当する場合
2. 前項各号のいずれかの事由に該当した場合、お客様は、当社に対して負っている債務の⼀切について当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに当社に対して全ての債務の⽀払を⾏わなければなりません。
3. 当社は、30⽇前までに当社所定の⽅法で相⼿⽅に通知することにより、お客様の登録を取り消すことができます。
4. 当社は、本条に基づき当社が⾏った⾏為によりお客様に⽣じた損害について⼀切の責任を負いません。
5. 本条に基づきお客様の登録が取り消された場合、お客様は、当社の指⽰に基づき、当社から提供を受けた本サービスに関連するソフトウェア、マニュアルその他の物につき、返還、廃棄その他の処分を⾏うものとします。
1. 当社は、本サービス及びEventHubにつき如何なる保証も⾏うものではありません。本サービス及び EventHubは現状有姿で提供されるものであり、当社は本サービス及びEventHubについて、特定の⽬的への適合性、商業的有⽤性、完全性、継続性等を含め、⼀切保証を致しません。
2. お客様が当社から直接⼜は間接に、本サービス、EventHub、当社ウェブサイト、本サービスの他のお客様その他の事項に関する何らかの情報を得た場合であっても、当社はお客様に対し本規約において規定されている内容を超えて如何なる保証も⾏うものではありません。
3. お客様は、本サービスを利⽤することが、お客様に適⽤のある法令、業界団体の内部規則等に違反するか否かを⾃⼰の責任と費⽤に基づいて調査するものとし、当社は、お客様による本サービスの利⽤が、お客様に適⽤のある法令、業界団体の内部規則等に適合することを何ら保証するものではありません。
4. 本サービス⼜は当社ウェブサイトに関連してお客様とイベント参加者等、他のお客様、その他の第三者との間において⽣じた取引、連絡、紛争等については、お客様の責任において処理及び解決するものとし、当社はかかる事項について⼀切責任を負いません。
5. 当社は、当社による本サービスの提供の中断、停⽌、終了、利⽤不能⼜は変更、お客様のメッセージ
6. 当社ウェブサイトから他のウェブサイトへのリンク⼜は他のウェブサイトから当社ウェブサイトへのリンクが提供されている場合でも、当社は、当社ウェブサイト以外のウェブサイト及びそこから得られる情報に関して如何なる理由に基づいても⼀切の責任を負わないものとします。
7. 当社は、本サービスに関連してお客様が被った損害について、⼀切賠償の責任を負いません。消費者契約法の適⽤その他の理由により当社がお客様に対して損害賠償責任を負う場合においても、当社の賠償責任は、損害の事由が⽣じた時点から遡って過去6ヶ⽉間にお客様から現実に受領した本サービスの利⽤料⾦の総額を上限とします。
1. お客様は、本規約に違反することにより、⼜は本サービスの利⽤に関連して当社に損害を与えた場合、当社に対しその損害を賠償しなければなりません。
2. お客様が、本サービス⼜はEventHubに関連してイベント参加者等、他のお客様、その他の第三者からクレームを受け⼜はそれらの者との間で紛争を⽣じた場合には、直ちにその内容を当社に通知するとともに、お客様の費⽤と責任において当該クレーム⼜は紛争を処理し、当社からの要請に基づき、その経過及び結果を当社に報告するものとします。
3. お客様による本サービスの利⽤に関連して、当社が、イベント参加者等、他のお客様、その他の第三者から権利侵害その他の理由により何らかの請求を受けた場合は、お客様は当該請求に基づき当社が当該第三者に⽀払を余儀なくされた⾦額を賠償しなければなりません。ただし、当該請求について当社の責に帰すべきが事由ある場合は、この限りではありません。
4. お客様が代理店の場合には、お客様は、実際に本サービスを利⽤する者(以下「エンドユーザー」といいます。)が本規約に同意していることを表明し、保証するものとします。エンドユーザーが本規約に違反した場合の賠償及び責任等はお客様が負担するものとします。
1. 本規約において「秘密情報」とは、利⽤契約⼜は本サービスに関連して、お客様が、当社より書⾯、
⼝頭若しくは記録媒体等により提供若しくは開⽰されたか、⼜は知り得た、当社の技術、営業、業 務、財務、組織、その他の事項に関する全ての情報を意味します。但し、(1)当社から提供若しくは開
⽰がなされたとき⼜は知得したときに、既に⼀般に公知となっていた、⼜は既に知得していたもの、 (2)当社から提供若しくは開⽰⼜は知得した後、⾃⼰の責めに帰せざる事由により刊⾏物その他により公知となったもの、(3)提供⼜は開⽰の権限のある第三者から秘密保持義務を負わされることなく適法に取得したもの、(4)秘密情報によることなく単独で開発したもの、(5)当社から秘密保持の必要なき旨書⾯で確認されたものについては、秘密情報から除外するものとします。
2. お客様は、秘密情報を本サービスの利⽤の⽬的のみに利⽤するとともに、当社の書⾯による承諾なしに第三者に当社の秘密情報を提供、開⽰⼜は漏洩しないものとします。
3. 第2項の定めに拘わらず、お客様は、法律、裁判所⼜は政府機関の命令、要求⼜は要請に基づき、秘密
4. お客様は、秘密情報を記載した⽂書⼜は磁気記録媒体等を複製する場合には、事前に当社の書⾯による承諾を得ることとし、複製物の管理については第2項に準じて厳重に⾏うものとします。
5. お客様は、当社から求められた場合にはいつでも、遅滞なく、当社の指⽰に従い、秘密情報並びに秘密情報を記載⼜は包含した書⾯その他の記録媒体物及びその全ての複製物を返却⼜は廃棄しなければなりません。
当社は、本サービス⼜はEventHubの利⽤実績の公表、広告宣伝及び利⽤促進等の⽬的に必要な範囲で、当社ウェブサイト、ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス、放送、出版その他の媒体におい て、お客様の社名、利⽤事例その他のお客様⼜はイベント参加者等の利⽤状況の全部もしくは⼀部を公表することができ、お客様は当該公表にあらかじめ同意するものとします。
1. 当社は、本サービス⼜はEventHubの内容を⾃由に変更できるものとします。
2. 当社は、本規約(当社ウェブサイトに掲載する本サービスに関するルール、諸規定等を含みます。以下本項において同じ。)を変更できるものとします。当社は、本規約を変更する場合には、変更の内容及び変更の効⼒発⽣時期を、当該効⼒発⽣時期までに当社サービスサイト (xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx-xx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx/)にて告知するものとします。告知された効⼒発⽣時期以降に、お客様が本サービスを利⽤した場合⼜は当社の定める期間内に登録取消の⼿続きをとらなかった場合には、お客様は、本規約の変更に同意したものとみなします。
1. お客様は、当社の書⾯による事前の承諾なく、利⽤契約上の地位⼜は本規約に基づく権利若しくは義務につき、第三者に対し、譲渡、移転、担保設定、その他の処分をすることはできません。
2. 当社は本サービスにかかる事業を第三者に譲渡(事業譲渡、会社分割その他態様の如何を問わないものとします。)した場合には、当該譲渡に伴い利⽤契約上の地位、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びにお客様の登録情報その他の顧客情報を当該譲渡の譲受⼈に譲渡することができるものとし、お客様は、かかる譲渡につき本項において予め同意したものとします。
EventHub Corporation
<Between EventHub and Customers> Terms of Use
The original version of this agreement is in Japanese and this is a translation of the original document. The original Japanese agreement can be found at
https://eventhub.jp/terms-of-service-customer/. All disputes of this agreement will be based on the original Japanese version of this agreement.
The terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") describe the conditions that customers must adhere to when using the Service provided by EventHub (hereinafter referred to as "EventHub") and the rights and obligations between EventHub and its customers. Before using EventHub’s Service, all customers are required to read these Terms in full.
Article 1: Application
1) The purpose of these Terms is to define the rights and obligations between EventHub and the Customer (as defined in Article 2) concerning the use of the Service, and they apply to all relations between the parties related to the use of the Service.
2) Rules, provisions, etc., regarding EventHub’s Service that are occasionally posted on EventHub's website (as defined in Article 2), including the Privacy Policy (https://eventhub.so/privacy/), are part of these Terms.
3) If the Customer uses external services in conjunction with the Service, they are responsible for checking and adhering to the terms of use of those external services. If disputes arise between the Customer and external services due to violations or inappropriate usage, customers must promptly notify EventHub, handle the claim or dispute at their own expense and responsibility, and compensate EventHub for any damages incurred.
Article 2: Deffinitions
In these Terms, the following terms will have the meanings specified below:
1) "Event Platform" refers to the platform service provided by EventHub, which includes event management, networking among event participants, matchmaking tools for business discussions, and a platform for selling tickets to events organized by customers. This definition includes changes to the name or content of the service for any reason.
2) "Event Participants" means the "Event Participants” as defined in Article 4.
3) "Intellectual Property Rights" refers to copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, design rights, and other intellectual property rights, including the rights to obtain them and to apply for registration of these rights.
4) "EventHub Website" refers to the websites operated by EventHub with the domain "eventhub.jp" and “eventhub.so”. This includes any subsequent changes to the website's domain or content.
5) "Registrant" means the "Registrant" as defined in Article 3.
6) "Registration Information" refers to the "Registration Information" as defined in Article 3.
7) "Customer" refers to individuals or legal entities who have registered as users of the service under Article 3. If an individual or legal entity has registered as a user of the service and has obtained separate consent from EventHub to include specific individuals or entities, the range of "Customers" extends as follows. Users under (b) to
(d) below can use the service within the scope of these Terms under the responsibility of the customer, and the customer will be responsible for the actions of these users:
a) The customer themself.
b) The customer's group companies, affiliated companies, and subsidiaries.
c) The customer's business contractors.
d) Other legal entities or individuals similar to (b) and (c) above.
8) "Service" refers to providing the Event Platform for specific events organized by the customer.
9) "Agreement" refers to the "Agreement" as defined in Article 3, paragraph 4.
10) "Ticket" refers to an electronic medium created in Event Platform that allows participation in an event, or a printed version of this medium.
Article 3: Registration
1) Anyone wishing to use the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Registrant") can apply for registration of the service by agreeing to these terms and providing certain information (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information") to EventHub in the manner specified by us.
2) Applications for registration must always be made by the individual or entity intending to use the Service, and in principle, applications by proxy are not allowed. Moreover, Registrants must provide accurate, true, and up-to-date information to EventHub during registration. Support companies (corporations without a sales agency agreement) applying on behalf of the Registrant must ensure that the registered information is not used by other Registrants. If it's found that other Registrants used the Registration Information, EventHub can charge the support company for additional service usage, which the support company must pay.
3) EventHub may refuse registration if the applicant, based on paragraph 1, falls under any of the following reasons:
a) EventHub determines there's a potential violation of these terms.
b) There are falsehoods, errors, or omissions in all or part of the provided Registration Information.
c) EventHub determines the service is being used for the purpose of developing, operating, or conducting other related activities of a service similar or identical to the Service.
d) The person has previously had their service registration revoked.
e) The person is a minor or a person who requires a legal guardian, and has not obtained consent from their legal guardian.
f) EventHub determines that they are an antisocial force (meaning organized crime groups, their members, right-wing groups, other antisocial forces, etc.) or are associated with such forces in some manner.
g) For any other reason, EventHub determines registration is inappropriate.
4) Based on the previous paragraph and EventHub's criteria, the acceptance or refusal of the registration will be determined, and if EventHub approves, it will notify the Registrant. Upon such notification, registration as a customer is complete, and an agreement for using the Service, following these terms (hereafter referred to as the "Agreement"), is established between the customer and EventHub.
5) Customers must notify EventHub of any changes to their Registration Information promptly using the methods defined by EventHub and submit any documents requested by EventHub.
Article 4: Use of the Service
1) The Service is provided to customers to allow Event Participants to network and conduct business discussions, as well as to host and operate events, including online ones.
2) Event Participants can use EventHub once they agree to separate terms set for them by EventHub (https://eventhub.so/terms-of-service/).
3) When providing Event Participants' email addresses or other contact information to EventHub, Customers must obtain prior consent from the Event Participants at their own expense and responsibility. If a dispute arises between Event Participants or any third party regarding the provided information or the use of the Service, the Customer must promptly notify EventHub, handle the claim or dispute at their own expense and responsibility, and compensate EventHub for any damages incurred.
4) The number of Event Participants registered on the EventHub Platform will be considered the total number registered, without subtracting any deletions or non-attendance.
Article 5: Ticket Purchases and Refund Cancellations
1) Customers can apply to create events through EventHub using the methods prescribed by EventHub. EventHub will review the proposed events based on separate criteria.
2) If the event passes the review, the Customer will in accordance with the event's details, be responsible for selling tickets for the event and providing the event to the Event Participants. The ticket sale contract is established between the Customer and the Event Participants, and EventHub is not a party to the ticket sales.
3) If EventHub determines that an event does not meet the separately established criteria, EventHub can refuse the event creation application, delete the event or the webpage related to the event, or take other necessary actions. If an event is deleted, a full refund of the purchase price will be made to the Event Participants who bought tickets, and the Customer will bear any refund fees as defined by EventHub. EventHub bears no responsibility for any damages caused to the customer due to actions taken based on this clause.
4) Customers cannot cancel or terminate the event and ticket sales contract with EventHub and the Event Participants unless there's a separate agreement between the parties.
5) If there are legal or contractual violations or other issues with the event provided to the Event Participants, or if claims arise from Event Participants due to such issues, the Customer must sincerely address the issue with Event Participants at their own expense and responsibility. However, based on EventHub's judgment, EventHub can address claims from Event Participants without prior notice to the customer. In such cases, EventHub can bill the Customer for expenses incurred in addressing these claims, and the Customer agrees in advance to immediately compensate EventHub.
6) If the Customer cancels an event published on the Service before its conclusion, they must go through the cancellation procedures specified by EventHub. If the customer goes through the cancellation procedure for the event, a full refund of the purchase
price will be made to the Event Participants who bought tickets, and the Customer will bear any refund fees as defined by EventHub.
Article 6 Pricing and Payment
1) Customers shall bear the usage fees for using the Service separately defined by EventHub.
2) The usage fee will be billed at the end of the starting month of usage. For usage fees incurred in following months, the invoices will be issued at the end of every month.
3) Customers must pay the usage fee within one month from the invoice issuance date using the method specified by EventHub. (If there is a sales agent, the payment method specified by the sales agent in the purchase application form will be used to pay the sales agent.) Any bank transfer fees or other necessary expenses related to the payment are the responsibility of the Customer.
4) If the Customer delays the payment of the usage fee, the Customer shall pay a late penalty at an annual rate of 14.6% to EventHub.
5) When Event Participants use the Service to purchase tickets from the Customer via credit card payment, EventHub can act on behalf of the Customer to receive the sales proceeds. The Customer agrees in advance to EventHub's agency receipt of the sales proceeds. From the sales proceeds of the tickets received as an agent, EventHub can allocate the usage fees defined in paragraph 1, and the offset amount will be paid to the Customer.
Article 7 Management of User Information
1) Customers shall, at their own responsibility, manage and store their User IDs and passwords related to this Service (hereinafter referred to as "ID"). Customers shall not allow third parties to use, lend, transfer, change names, sell, or buy the IDs. IDs are issued to access the management interface of EventHub. IDs are meant for individual use and should not be used by multiple people.
2) Customers bear the responsibility for any damages caused by insufficient management of IDs, errors in use, or use by third parties. EventHub bears no responsibility whatsoever.
3) If a Customer finds out that their ID has been stolen or used by a third party, they must promptly notify EventHub and follow any instructions provided by EventHub.
Article 8 Prohibitions
Customers shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service:
1) Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or any other rights or interests of EventHub, event participants, other customers, or any third party (including acts that directly or indirectly lead to such infringement).
2) Acts related to criminal activities or acts contrary to public order and morals.
3) Acts that violate laws, regulations, or internal rules of an industry association to which EventHub or the Customer belongs.
4) Acts of tampering with information available for use in the Service.
5) Acts related to the development, operation, or other activities of services identical or similar to the Service, or services deemed as such by EventHub, and acts of using the Service for investigative purposes for such actions.
6) Acts that may hinder the operation of the Service by EventHub.
7) Any other acts deemed inappropriate by EventHub.
Article 9 Termination of Service
1) EventHub may, without prior notice to the Customer, suspend or halt all or part of the Service in any of the following cases. However, if the suspension period is prolonged, EventHub will make every effort to notify in advance or inform the Customer afterwards:
a) When it is necessary to periodically or urgently inspect or maintain the computer systems related to the Service.
b) In the event of an accident causing the computer or communication lines to stop.
c) When the operation of the Service becomes impossible due to force majeure such as fire, power outage, or natural disasters.
d) In any other circumstances where EventHub deems suspension or interruption necessary.
2) EventHub can terminate the provision of the Service for its own convenience. In this case, EventHub will notify the Customer in advance.
3) EventHub assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by the Customer based on measures taken under this article.
Article 10: Associated Infrastructure
1) Preparation and maintenance of computers, software, and other devices, communication lines, and other communication environments necessary to receive the service shall be carried out at the Customer's expense and responsibility.
2) Customers shall take security measures at their own expense and responsibility, such as prevention of computer virus infection, unauthorized access, and information leakage, according to their service usage environment.
Article 11: Rights
1) Ownership and intellectual property rights relating to the EventHub Website, Service, and EventHub belong entirely to EventHub or those who have granted a license to EventHub. The use license based on registration in the Agreement does not imply the transfer or usage license of intellectual property rights related to EventHub's Website, Service, or EventHub, unless explicitly stated in the Agreement. Customers shall not engage in any acts that could potentially infringe the intellectual property rights of EventHub or its licensors (including but not limited to reverse assembling, decompiling, and reverse engineering).
2) EventHub can utilize any and all information acquired through the use of EventHub by Event Participants and the use of the Service by Customers, including chat content, chat frequency, chat history, profile viewing, favorite history, and other information (hereinafter referred to as "Acquired Information"), in ways that align with EventHub's Privacy Policy (https://eventhub.so/privacy/). Customers can always view basic access information from the management screen. In addition to such usage, EventHub can digitize all the information acquired through the use of EventHub or this service, including the Acquired Information, for statistical analysis, service improvement, and advertising purposes, and share them with customers. EventHub can use the digitized information in a manner that doesn't identify specific individuals at its discretion and share it with third parties deemed necessary for its objectives.
3) Even if EventHub has stored the Acquired Information for a certain period of time for operational purposes, it is not obligated to retain such information.
Article 12: Termination
1) EventHub may, without prior notice or demand, temporarily suspend the use of the Service for a particular Customer or terminate the Agreement in the following cases:
a) If there's a delay in payment of the usage fee specified in Article 6, or if any other provisions of the Agreement are violated.
b) If false information is found in the registration details.
c) If the Service is used or attempted to be used in a manner or with an intent that may cause harm to EventHub, Event Participants, other customers, or any third party.
d) If any action, regardless of the method, interferes with the operation of the Service.
e) In the event of payment suspension, insolvency, or the initiation of bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate rehabilitation, special liquidation, or similar proceedings.
f) If a bill or check issued or accepted by EventHub or its affiliates is dishonored or if one is subjected to a suspension of transactions by a clearinghouse or similar measures.
g) If there is a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, or auction.
h) If subjected to tax delinquency measures.
i) In case of death or the initiation of guardianship, curatorship, or assistance.
j) If the Service hasn't been used for over six months, and there's no response to communications from EventHub.
k) In cases corresponding to each item in Article 3, Paragraph 3.
l) In any other circumstances where EventHub deems it inappropriate to continue the Customer's registration.
2) If any of the reasons in the previous paragraph apply, the Customer automatically loses the benefit of the term for all liabilities owed to EventHub and must pay all such liabilities to EventHub immediately.
3) EventHub can terminate the Agreement by notifying the party 30 days in advance using a method specified by EventHub.
4) EventHub bears no responsibility for any damages incurred by the Customer due to actions taken based on this article.
5) If the Agreement is terminated under this article, the Customer must, following EventHub's instructions, return, dispose of, or take other actions regarding software, manuals, and other materials related to the Service provided by EventHub.
Article 13: Disclaimer
1) EventHub provides no warranties, either express or implied, regarding Service and EventHub. The Service and EventHub are offered "as is", and EventHub does not guarantee, including but not limited to, their suitability for a particular purpose, commercial value, completeness, continuity, etc.
2) Even if the customer obtains any information directly or indirectly from EventHub regarding the Service, EventHub, the EventHub Website, other customers of the Service, or any other matter, EventHub provides no warranties beyond what is stipulated in these terms.
3) Customers must, at their own expense and responsibility, verify whether using the Service violates any applicable laws, internal rules of industry associations, etc.
EventHub provides no guarantee that the Customer's use of the Service conforms to any laws, internal rules of industry associations, or other regulations that apply to the Customer.
4) Any transactions, communications, disputes, etc., arising between the Customer and Event Participants, other Customers, or third parties in relation to the Service or the EventHub Website are the responsibility of the Customer. EventHub bears no responsibility for such matters.
5) EventHub shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer due to interruptions, suspensions, terminations, unavailability, or changes in the Service, deletion or loss of Customer messages or information, cancellation of Customer registrations, data loss or equipment failures or damages related to the use of the Service, or any other related damages.
6) Even if there are links to other websites from the EventHub Website or links from other websites to the EventHub Website, EventHub bears no responsibility for any information obtained from any websites other than its own.
7) EventHub shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer in connection with the Service. Even if, due to the application of the Consumer Contract Law or for any other reason, EventHub is liable to the Customer for damages, EventHub's liability is limited to the total amount of service usage fees actually received from the Customer during the six months preceding the cause of the damage.
Article 14: Financial obligations
1) If the Customer breaches these terms or causes damage to EventHub in connection with the use of the Service, the Customer shall compensate EventHub for such damage.
2) If the Customer receives a claim from Event Participants, other customers, or third parties related to the Service or EventHub, or if a dispute arises between them, the Customer must immediately notify EventHub of the situation and handle or resolve the claim or dispute at their own expense and responsibility, reporting the progress and outcomes to EventHub.
3) If EventHub receives any claim from Cvent Participants, other customers, or third parties related to the infringement of rights or other reasons in connection with the use of the Service by the Customer, the Customer shall compensate EventHub for the amount that EventHub was obliged to pay to the third party based on the claim. However, this does not apply if there are reasons attributable to EventHub regarding the claim.
4) If the Customer is an agent, they shall declare and guarantee that the actual user of the service (hereinafter referred to as the "End User") agrees to these terms. The
Customer shall bear the responsibility and compensation for breaches of these terms by the End User.
Article 15: Conffidentiality
1) "Confidential Information" in these Terms refers to any information regarding EventHub's technology, business, operations, finance, organization, and other matters, provided or disclosed to the Customer by EventHub in writing, orally, or any other recording medium related to the service agreement or the Service. However, information that:
a) was already publicly known or already known to the Customer at the time of disclosure,
b) became public knowledge through no fault of the Customer after being disclosed,
c) was legally obtained from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality,
d) was independently developed without the use of Confidential Information, or
e) was confirmed in writing by EventHub as not needing to be kept confidential, shall be excluded from Confidential Information.
2) The customer shall use Confidential Information solely for the purpose of using the service and shall not provide, disclose, or leak EventHub's Confidential Information to third parties without EventHub's prior written consent.
3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Customer may disclose Confidential Information if required by law, court order, or request from a government agency. However, in such cases, the Customer shall promptly notify EventHub.
4) When copying documents or magnetic recording media containing Confidential Information, the Customer must obtain prior written consent from EventHub and manage the copied items strictly in accordance with the second paragraph.
5) At the request of EventHub, the Customer shall immediately return or dispose of all documents and other recording media containing or including Confidential Information, as well as all copies thereof, in accordance with EventHub's instructions.
Article 16: Information Disclosure
EventHub can publicly announce on the EventHub Website, social networking services, broadcasts, publications, and other media, the usage records of the service or EventHub, company names of customers, use cases, and other usage statuses of customers or event participants, for the purposes of publicizing, advertising, and promoting its Service. Customer agrees in advance to such disclosure.
Article 17 Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces
Both EventHub and the Customer ensure that they, their officers, and those effectively involved in management do not currently, and will not in the future, belong to, or have any relationship with, organized crime groups, members of such groups, related companies, racketeers, or others of similar nature (collectively referred to as "anti-social forces"). They also pledge not to engage in, either directly or through the use of third parties, violent demands, unjust demands beyond legal responsibility, threatening behavior, obstruction of business, or any other equivalent acts.
Article 18: Effective period
The Service Agreement becomes effective upon the completion of the registration for the Customer as per Article 3 and remains in effect between EventHub and the Customer until the day the Customer's registration is canceled or the day the service ends, whichever comes first.
Article 19: Changes to the contract
1) EventHub has the right to freely modify the content of the Service or EventHub.
2) EventHub can change these Terms (including the rules related to the Service posted on the EventHub Website, various regulations, etc.). If EventHub decides to modify the Terms, it will announce the contents of the changes and the date they will become effective on the EventHub Website (https://eventhub.so/terms-of-service-customer/) before the said effective date. If a Customer uses the Service after the announced effective date or does not go through the cancellation process within a period set by EventHub, they are deemed to have agreed to the changes in the Terms.
Article 20: Notiffications
Inquiries about the Service and other communications or notifications from Customers to EventHub, as well as notifications about changes to the Terms and other communications or notifications from EventHub to Customers, shall be conducted in the manner specified by EventHub.
General notifications regarding the Service, between our registered users and us (e.g., regarding changes to the Terms) will all be done via communication means that EventHub defines.
Article 21: Transfer of contract
1) Customers cannot, without prior written consent from EventHub, transfer, move, secure, or dispose of their status in the service contract or rights or obligations based on this Agreement to a third party.
2) In the event that EventHub transfers its business related to the service to a third party (regardless of the means, including business transfers, company splits, etc.), it can transfer its status in the usage contract, rights and obligations based on this Agreement, as well as customer registration data and other customer information to the transferee. The Customer agrees in advance to such transfer.
Article 22: Complete agreement
This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between EventHub and the Customer and it takes precedence over any previous agreements, representations, and understandings, whether oral or written, between EventHub and the Customer related to the matters included in the Agreement.
Article 23: Severability
Even if any provision or part of the Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable due to the Consumer Contract Law or other laws, the remaining provisions of the Agreement and the remaining part of the provision deemed partially invalid or unenforceable will remain fully effective. Both EventHub and the Customer will work to modify the invalid or unenforceable provision or part to the extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable, ensuring effects equivalent to the original intention of that provision or part.
Article 24: Remaining rights and terms
Sections Article 4, paragraph 3, Article 5, paragraphs 3, 5, and 6, Article 6 (limited to cases
with outstanding payments), Article 7, paragraph 2, Articles 9 to 17, and Articles 21 to 26 will
remain effective even after the end of the Usage Contract. However, Article 14 will remain effective for 5 years after the end of the Usage Contract.
Article 25: Jurisdiction
The governing law for this Agreement is Japanese law. All disputes arising from or related to this Agreement will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
Article 26: Resolving conflicts
In the event that there are matters not stipulated in this Agreement or if there is ambiguity in the interpretation of this Agreement, both EventHub and the Customer shall promptly seek a resolution through discussions in good faith.
EventHub Co., Ltd.