Purchaser Responsibilities 관련 조항 예시

Purchaser Responsibilities a. Proper Use: The performance of Covered Hardware when operated in corrosive environments, or in conditions, or in a manner, outside of the Specifications including Seller’s site requirements found in the Documentation or not in accordance with its Documentation may have their performance adversely affected, and are therefore not guaranteed hereunder. The Purchaser agrees to use the Covered Hardware in a safe and reasonable manner pursuant to the Documentation and the Original Terms. b. Access: The Purchaser will provide Seller with access to the Covered Hardware along with adequate working space and facilities within a reasonable distance of the Covered Hardware. Access will also be provided to all information and facilities that are reasonably necessary for Seller to service the Covered Hardware. c. Data Back-up and Security: The Purchaser is responsible for maintaining a procedure to reconstruct any lost or altered files, data, or programs, as well as for the security of all confidential, proprietary, and classified information. d. Networking: The Purchaser is responsible for maintaining all computer networking as it relates to the integration of any components of the Covered Hardware outside of such system and within the Purchaser’s network.

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