Personal Injury Voorbeeldclausules

Personal Injury. The vehicle has third party personal injury insurance cover. It is likely that any other vehicle involved in an accident also has third party personal injury insurance cover. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, the renter may be entitled to claim for their personal injury against the third party insurance of the party responsible for the accident. Spaceships strongly recommend that all passengers take out their own Personal Injury Travel Insurance. It is not the responsibility of Spaceships New Zealand to seek any recovery from a 3rd party related to personal injury. If the renter is responsible for the accident the vehicle’s third party insurance should cover the renter for the liability except where the renter has committed a breach of the Vehicle’s third party Insurance, e.g. drink driving.
Personal Injury. The RV has Third Party insurance cover and it is likely that any other vehicle involved in an accident also has Third Party insurance. Depending on the circumstances of an accident, the guest may be entitled to claim for their personal injury against the Third Party insurance of the party responsible for the accident. The extent of such Third Party insurance varies in different States and Territories and Xxxxxx strongly recommends that all passengers take out their own Personal Injury Travel Insurance. Property Damage The RV is insured for damage to it and damage to the property of a third party. The guest is responsible up to the amount of the applicable Liability and it applies for damage to third party property, or to the RV. The guest is also responsible for the cost of the daily rate for the period the RV is being repaired. There is no refund for unused portion of the rental period. The Liability applies to each claim, not RV. The Liability is applicable regardless of who is at fault and must be paid at the time the accident is reported to Apollo by telephone on a credit card, not on return of the RV. Xxxxxx reserves the right to charge the guest for any RV damage including Third Party property damage not reported but identified on return of the RV.
Personal Injury. The RV has Third Party insurance cover, and it is likely that any other vehicle involved in an accident also has Third Party insurance. Depending on the circumstances of an accident, the guest may be entitled to claim for their personal injury against the Third-Party insurance of the party responsible for the accident. thl strongly recommends that all passengers take out their own Personal Injury travel insurance. thl does not accept any liability for personal injuries sustained during the rental. Except where such loss or damage is caused by thl’s (or that of its employees) own negligence or breach of the Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions. thl does not accept liability for any loss or damage to any personal belongings or property of the Customer (or any person or entity related to the customer). Property Damage The RV is insured for damage to it and damage to the property of a third party. However, the guest is responsible up to the amount of the applicable Liability for damage to third party property, or to the RV. The guest is also responsible for the cost of the daily rate for the period the vehicle is being repaired. There is no refund for any unused portion of the rental period. The Liability applies to each claim, not RV.

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