INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. Any and all author’s economic rights to works (in particular presentations, speakers' statements, materials) within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 4 February 1994 (Journal of Laws 2022.0.2509, consolidated text) used or created during the Event, shall belong to the authors of these works. 2. By submitting an abstract, the author grants the Organisers a perpetual, non-exclusive licence to use it, record it, multiplicate it and make it available in such a way that everyone can access it at a time and place of their own choosing, in particular via the Internet. 3. It shall be forbidden for the Participants of the Event to multiplicate the presentations, to market them, to distribute them in any way, to lend them, to display them, to make them available to the public without the consent of the Organisers.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Service must not be used to access, host, share, copy or distribute unlawful material in any way and in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof material that is protected by Copyright, Trademark, Registered Design Rights or any other recognized Intellectual Property Rights without the express permission of the holder of such rights by any means in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof by peer-to-peer file sharing. We, as providers of the Service, do not hold any responsibility in any illegal acts committed by you while connecting to the Service. Any infraction committed against the intellectual property rights mentioned above is solely claimable against the user, not us, or the manager/owner of the premises. You agree to indemnify us absolutely with regard to any liability arising in this respect.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Supplier will be responsible for guaranteeing that the products, including the results of any Nabywcy, nie naruszają żadnych praw własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej osób trzecich. W związku z tym Xxxxxxxx ponosi odpowiedzialność za naruszenie praw własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej wynikających z ich używania. Dostawca przeprowadzi niezbędne weryfikacje w celu udowodnienia, że Produkty nie naruszają praw własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej osób trzecich lub, jeżeli Produkty obejmują prawa własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej osób trzecich, że uzyskano niezbędne licencje do ich użytkowania. Na żądanie Nabywcy Dostawca przedstawi dowody powyższego. W przypadku sporu z osobą trzecią w związku z domniemanym naruszeniem jej praw własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej związanych z Produktem lub usługą, Dostawca poinformuje Nabywcę niezwłocznie po otrzymaniu wiadomości o zaistniałej sytuacji. W przypadku postępowania sądowego z powodu naruszenia praw własności przemysłowej lub intelektualnej osób trzecich związanych z Produktem lub Usługą, Dostawca poniesie koszty obrony Nabywcy, jak również innych zainteresowanych stron, w szczególności klientów Nabywcy ponoszących wydatki i koszty odszkodowania związane z dostawą Produktu lub usługi oraz wypełnianiem wszelkich związanych z tym zobowiązań umownych. Dostawca zwróci również Nabywcy wszelkie wydatki poniesione w wyniku takiego naruszenia. Nabywca zastrzega sobie prawo do przejęcia i podjęcia własnej obrony, w każdym czasie gdy uzna to za stosowne, również na koszt Dostawcy. Powyższe nie będzie miało zastosowania, jeżeli Dostawca dostarczy Produkt zgodnie z rysunkami, modelami lub opisami określonymi przez Nabywcę, pod warunkiem, że Dostawca nie może z wyprzedzeniem wiedzieć, że Produkt narusza prawa własności przemysłowej osób trzecich. Dostawca poinformuje Nabywcę o wszelkich prawach własności przemysłowej przed zawarciem Umowy i związanych z Produktem, niezależnie od tego, czy jest domeną publiczną, czy jest własnością Xxxxxxxx, należy do osoby trzeciej lub czy jest objęty licencją udzieloną przez jego właściciela. Dostawca niniejszym udziela Nabywcy niewyłącznej, nieograniczonej, nieodwołalnej i nieodpłatnej licencji, która może być przekazywana i sublicencjonowana na wszelkie posiadane przez Dostawcę prawa własności services provided to the Purchaser, do not breach any industrial or intellectual property rights of any third parties. Consequently, the Supplier will be liable for a...
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. All copyrights to works (in particular to any presentations or speeches made by the Speakers, as well as materials) within the meaning of the Polish Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Dz. U. from 2016, item. 666, as amended), used or created during the event, belong to the Organiser or persons presenting the works, in particular the Speakers. 2. By sending the Abstract, the author grants the Organiser an indefinite, non-exclusive license to use, record, reproduce, play and make available the Abstract in such a way that everyone can access it from a place and at a time of their choice, in particular through the Internet. 3. It is forbidden to reproduce the presentations, place them on the market, distribute them in any way, as well as to lend for use, display, or make such presentations publicly available in any way.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. In view of the fact that the Europe Insurance Service contains content protected by intellectual property rights, in particular trademarks and other intangible assets subject to copyright protection, the User is obliged to comply with intellectual property laws. 2. The selection and arrangement of the content presented in the Europe Insurance Service constitutes an independent subject of legal copyright protection. page | 4 3. The use and disposal of content protected by intellectual property rights, if not related to the personal use permitted for the User, requires consent each and every time.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. Insofar as the Purchaser provides specifications for deliveries and services, the Purchaser shall ensure that the goods, insofar as the Supplier delivers them in accordance with the Purchaser's specifications, do not infringe third-party rights. 2. In all other respects, the following shall apply: If a third party asserts a justified claim against the Purchaser based on an infringement of third-party intellectual property rights by deliveries made by the Supplier and used by the Purchaser in accordance with the contract, the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser within the warranty period lasting 12 months and starts from the delivery or, if acceptance is required, from the acceptance, as follows: a) The Supplier shall, at its own discretion, obtain a right of use for the respective delivery item or modify or replace it in such a way that no third-party rights are infringed anymore and the delivery item continues to fulfil its contractually agreed functions. However, if this is not possible for the Supplier with reasonable effort, the Purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract or to demand a reduction of the purchase price in accordance with the statutory provisions. b) The Supplier’s obligation to pay compensation for damages shall be subject to the provisions of Article VII. c) The aforementioned obligations of the Supplier shall only apply if and to the extent the Purchaser does not acknowledge a breach to a third party without the prior express consent of the Supplier and the Supplier retains the right to take all defence measures and negotiate a settlement, or in case of a final judgement. 3. Claims of the Purchaser are excluded to the extent he is responsible for the infringement of the third-party intel- lectual property rights. 4. Claims of the Purchaser shall also be excluded if the infringement of the third-party intellectual property rights was caused: a) by an application or use of the respective good not foreseeable for the Supplier or not agreed by the Parties or b) by the Purchaser modifying the delivered good or using it together with products that were not delivered by the Supplier, unless the Supplier has agreed in advance. 5. In case of infringements of the third-party intellectual property rights, the provisions of Article VI Sec. 3 to 6 shall apply accordingly to the Purchaser’s claims pursuant to Sec. 2 a) of this Article VIII. 6. The Purchaser shall inform the Supplier without undue delay in writing (incl. e-mai...
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. Participants guarantee that the Projects they submit are of their authorship or co-authorship (in the case of teamwork) and do not infringe any third party rights.-/- 2. The participant is responsible to the Strategic Partner for any legal defects of the Project, in particular for any possible claims of third parties resulting from the violation of copyright or other rights of third parties, including with regard to the legality of the software and tools used to create the Project. If claims are made against the Strategic Partner on this account, the participant undertakes to settle them in full and to indemnify the Organiser and the Strategic Partner against any obligation to provide benefits.-/- 3. The condition for receiving the prize referred to in § 4 par. 2 and par. 3 of the Rules and Regulations is the conclusion by each of the participants of the team with the Strategic Partner of a license to the Project, under which the participants shall grant the Strategic Partner an unlimited in terms of time and place, in this territory, non-exclusive license to use the Project, together with the right to exercise derivative rights to the Project, in the following fields of exploitation:-/- 1) permanent or temporary reproduction in whole or in part by any means and in any form;-/- 2) digitalisation;-/- 3) entry into computer memory;-/- 4) making available via computer networks, including the Internet, intranet and extranet;-/- 5) incorporation into a multimedia work or collective work;-/- 6) marketing, business or non-business use;-/- 7) renting, lending, making the Project available to third parties free of charge,-/- 8) translating, adapting, changing the layout or any other changes, modifications in the Project, including in particular its source codes (including also to insert fragments of the Partner's own code) and any documentation created as part of the Project implementation, consisting of translation, adaptation, changing the layout, corrections and other any changes and to dispose of and use the resulting studies in all fields of exploitation listed so far;-/- 9) disseminating, including making available and implementing under the terms of these Rules and Regulations, as well as lending or renting the Project or its copies, and making the Project available to the public in such a way that anyone can access it from a place and at a time individually chosen by them; 10) granting sublicenses to state and local government legal persons and state adm...
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. The Agreement does not transfer any rights to works, inventive designs, rationalisation projects, databases, titles or individualising or distinguishing designations. These rights are subject to legal protection on the basis of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, the Act of 30 June 2000 on Industrial Property Law, the Act of 16 April 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition, the Act of 27 July 2001 on the Protection of Databases and other generally applicable laws. 2. It is forbidden to reproduce the Service Provider's Information in whole or in part, in any way, including both on the Internet and on data carriers, as well as to send, publish, distribute, modify, develop, re-use or market it in any way that would go beyond the permitted personal use, including on other websites, on advertising media, through broadcasting in radio or television, through publication or display in the press, on billboards, via any telecommunication techniques and technologies, in particular via the Internet, or on data carriers, as well as to post links to the Service Provider's Information in a manner that could prevent the identification of the source. 3. The Employer / Candidate represents and warrants that the information sent, used or stored by them on the Website is free from legal defects, as well as third party claims. The Employer / Candidate declares that they have all the rights and consents required for sending, using and storing such Information, and that such actions do not violate the rights or rights of third parties and the mandatory provisions of law. The Employer / Candidate authorises the Service Provider to store the Information referred to above free of charge on the Website and to use them free of charge in such a way as is required to ensure the provision of the Services.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. The CONTRACTOR declares and assures that it will acquire all rights and powers to dispose of all works created as part of the performance of this CONTRACT, in accordance with the requirements provided for in Attachment no 1 to the CONTRACT, hereinafter referred to as "Works", at the latest by the day of the hand-over of the documentation prepared as part of the performance of the SUBJECT of the CONTRACT to the ORDERING PARTY. This will include proprietary copyrights and all authorisations to exercise those rights, dependent on the persons that will be engaged in the creation of the individual Works included in the SUBJECT of the CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR further declares and mowa w zdaniu poprzednim nastąpi w zakresie umożliwiającym przeniesienie praw na ZAMAWIAJĄCEGO w zakresie wynikającym z postanowień ust. 2-5. 2. W ramach wynagrodzenia określonego w UMOWIE, WYKONAWCA przenosi na ZAMAWIAJĄCEGO majątkowe prawa autorskie do Utworów. Przeniesienie autorskich praw majątkowych nastąpi z chwilą przekazania Utworów ZAMAWIAJĄCEMU. 3. Przeniesienie majątkowych praw autorskich do Utworów następuje bez ograniczenia co do terytorium, czasu, ilości egzemplarzy, na następujących polach eksploatacji: 1) utrwalanie i zwielokrotnianie utworu dowolną techniką, w tym techniką drukarską, reprograficzną, zapisu magnetycznego oraz techniką cyfrową; 2) wprowadzanie do pamięci komputera; 3) publiczne wystawianie, wyświetlanie i odtwarzanie; 4) użyczanie egzemplarza lub oryginału Utworu; 5) udostępnianie Utworu w taki sposób, aby każdy mógł mieć do niego dostęp w miejscu i czasie przez siebie wybranym (w tym w Internecie); 6) w zakresie obrotu oryginałem albo egzemplarzami, na których Utwór utrwalono - zbycie oryginału utworu i wprowadzenie dzieła do obrotu; 7) dokonywanie przedruków całości albo części Utworu, oraz udostępnienie do przeglądów, wystaw i katalogów; 8) wykorzystywanie Utworów na własny użytek w zakresie niezbędnym wynikającym z celu UMOWY oraz do wykonania jakichkolwiek prac wynikających z eksploatacji, naprawy, modernizacji, przebudowy lub rozbudowy i remontów jakiegokolwiek elementu majątku trwałego ZAMAWIAJĄCEGO lub spółek z jego grupy kapitałowej, w tym udostępnianie Utworu: a) innym wykonawcom jako podstawę lub materiał wyjściowy do wykonania zleconych im prac; assures that on this day, the Works will be free from defects, both legal and physical. The acquisition of the rights referred to in the preceding sentence will take place in order to enable their t...