Withdrawal from the Agreement Przykładowe klauzule

Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. Due to the conclusion of a distance Agreement with the Operator, the User may withdraw from the Agreement without stating the reasons by submitting a proper declaration in writing (correspondence address: Calypso Fitness S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, xx. Xxxxxxxx 000, 00-000 Xxxxxxxx) within 14 (fourteen) days of concluding the Agreement. For the time limit requirement to be fulfilled, the declaration must be sent by registered mail prior to the expiry thereof. The template of the declaration on withdrawal from the Agreement has been published on the Website by the Operator.
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. Unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement, if the Contractor does not perform the Agreement or performs the Agreement improperly, the Ordering Party may withdraw from the Agreement within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of becoming aware of the above circumstances.
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. The Ordering Party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement:
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. The Parties agree that in the event that the Contractor delays the commencement or performance of works to such an extent that it is unlikely that the Contractor shall be able to complete them by the agreed deadline, and in the event that the works are carried out in a manner that is defective or non-compliant with the Agreement and after the ineffective expiry of the deadline set by the Employer for changing the manner of performance of such works, the Employer shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement in whole or in part.
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. Due to the conclusion of a distance Agreement with the Operator, the User may withdraw from the Agreement without stating the reasons by submitting a proper declaration in writing (correspondence address: Dział Obsługi Klienta Calypso Fitness, xx. Xxxxxxxx 000, 00-000 Xxxxxxxx), by sending a scan of the relevant written statement by e-mail (on dok@calyp- xx.xxx.xx) or by submitting a declaration in writing at the Operator’s oflce (Dział Obsługi Klienta Calypso Fitness, xx. Xxxxxxxx 000, 00-000 Xxxxxxxx) within 14 (fourteen) days of concluding the Agreement. For the time limit requirement to be fulfilled, the declaration must be sent by registered mail or by scan prior to the expiry thereof. The template of the declaration on withdrawal from the Agreement has been published on the Website by the Operator.
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. The Ordering Party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement: a) in the event of a significant change in circumstances causing the performance of the Agreement is not in the interest of the Ordering Party, which could not have been foreseen at the time of conclusion of the Agreement - withdrawal from the Agreement in this case may take place within 14 days of becoming aware of the above circumstances. b) in the event of premises for the declaration of bankruptcy of the Contractor or when the dissolution of the Contractor's enterprise is announced within the period described in point 2. c) when the Contractor did not proceed with the documentation without justified reasons within 14 days of signing the Agreement or for 14 days does not continue work despite the request of the Ordering Party submitted in writing, within the period described in point 2. 2. Subject to the provisions of point 1 letter a), withdrawal from the Agreement should be made in writing within 30 days of determining the grounds for withdrawal, otherwise such declaration shall be null and void. 3. The Contractor has the right to withdraw from this Agreement if the Ordering Party is in delay of payment of the remuneration due to the Contractor on the basis of a correctly issued invoice
Withdrawal from the Agreement. 1. The Ordering Party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement: a) in the event of a significant change in circumstances causing the performance of the Agreement is not in the interest of the Ordering Party, which could not have been foreseen at the time of conclusion of the Agreement - withdrawal from the Agreement in this case may take place within 14 days of becoming aware of the above circumstances. b) in the event of premises for the declaration of bankruptcy of the Contractor or when the dissolution of the Contractor's enterprise is

Related to Withdrawal from the Agreement

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  • Miejsce oraz termin składania ofert 1. Oferty muszą być złożone w siedzibie Zamawiającego w Warszawie, przy ul. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16, w Kancelarii, w pokoju nr 335, w terminie do dnia 28.04.2015 r. do godz. 10.00. Godziny pracy Kancelarii: od poniedziałku do piątku od 8.00 do 16.00.

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