Specific Conditions - Intercultural-Exclusive SUSEP Process 15414.900570/2014-11Specific Conditions • August 3rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2020A STARR INTERNATIONAL BRASIL SEGURADORA S/A, comsede na Av. Paulista, 854, 10° andar, Bela Vista, CEP 01310-100, Cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº 17.341.270/0001-69, denominada Seguradora, e ICARE TRAVEL VIAGENS e TURISMO LTDA, com sede na Rua Durval Melquíades de Souza, 756/17, Florianópolis, CEP 88015-070 - Estado de Santa Catarina, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o nº 12.397.952/0001-70, denominada ESTIPULANTE. STARR INTERNATIONAL BRASIL SEGURADORA S/A,with its principal place of business at Av. Paulista, 854, 10th. floor, Bela Vista, Postal Code 01310-100, in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, enrolled with the National Corporate Taxpayers Register of the Ministry of Finance (CNPJ/MF) under No. 17.341.270/0001-69, referred to as Insurer, and ICARE TRAVEL VIAGENS E TURISMO LTDA, with its principal place of business at Rua Durval Melquíades de Souza, 756/17, Florianópolis, Postal Code 88015-070 – State of Santa Catarina, enrolled with the Nat