Definicija Technical Description

Technical Description has the meaning given to it in Recital (a). "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article 1.2.B.
Technical Description has the meaning given to it in Recital (a). "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article1.2.B. “UNDP” means the United Nations Development Programme, a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, an intergovernmental organization established by its Member States, whose representative office is in the Republic of Serbia.
Technical Description has the meaning given to it in Recital (a). "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article1.2.B. “UNDP” means the United Nations Development Programme, a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, an intergovernmental organization established by its Member States, whose representative office is in the Republic of Serbia. By this Contract the Bank establishes in favour of the Borrower, and the Borrower accepts, a credit in an amount of EUR 22,000,000.00 (twenty-two million euros) for the financing of the Project (the "Credit"). The Bank shall disburse the Credit in up to 10 (ten) Tranches. The amount of each Tranche shall be in a minimum amount of EUR 2,000,000.00 (two million euros) or (if less) the entire undrawn balance of the Credit. The first disbursement shall not exceed EUR 2,200,000.00 (two million two hundred thousand euros), unless a higher amount has already been allocated to eligible schemes pursuant to the Technical Description. Upon request by the Borrower and subject to Article 1.4.A, provided that no event mentioned in Article 1.5 or Article 1.6.B has occurred and is continuing, the Bank shall send to the Borrower within 5 (five) Business Days after the receipt of such request a Disbursement Offer for the disbursement of a Tranche. The latest time for receipt by the Bank of such Xxxxxxxx’x request is 15 (fifteen) Business Days before the Final Availability Date. The Disbursement Offer shall specify: the amount of the Tranche in EUR; the Scheduled Disbursement Date, which shall be a Relevant Business Day, falling at least 10 (ten) days after the date of the Disbursement Offer and on or before the Final Availability Date; the interest rate basis of the Tranche, being: (i) a Fixed Rate Tranche; or (ii) a Floating Rate Tranche, in each case, pursuant to the relevant provisions of Article 3.1; the Payment Dates and the first interest Payment Date for the Tranche; the terms for repayment of principal for the Tranche, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1; the Repayment Dates and the first and the last Repayment Date for the Tranche, or the single Repayment Date; the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if requested by the Borrower, for the Tranche;

Examples of Technical Description in a sentence

  • The Loan may solely be allocated to schemes identified as eligible for financing in the Technical Description.

  • A.1 Technical Description (Article 6.2) Sub-Projects 4-22: Judiciary facilities throughout the country.

  • The Recitals and following Schedules form part of this Contract: Schedule A Technical Description and Reporting Schedule B Definitions of EURIBOR and LIBOR Schedule C Forms for Borrower Schedule D Interest Rate Revision and Conversion IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in 6 (six) originals in the English language and to be initialled on each page of this Contract on their behalf.

  • Project Completion Report, including: A final Technical Description of the Project as completed, explaining the reasons for any significant change compared to the Technical Description in A.1.; The date of completion of each of the main Project’s components, explaining reasons for any possible delay; The final cost of the Project, explaining reasons for any possible cost variations vs.

  • A.1 Technical Description (Article 6.2) The project, which aims to substantially improve the provision of tertiary healthcare services to the vast majority of the population of Serbia, comprises the design, construction, equipping and implementation of new build and major refurbishment of existing buildings at four Clinical Centres located at Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad and Kragujevac in the Republic of Serbia.

  • Project Progress Report A brief update on the Technical Description, explaining the reasons for significant changes vs.

More Definitions of Technical Description

Technical Description has the meaning given to it in Recital (a). "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article 1.2.B. By this Contract the Bank establishes in favour of the Borrower, and the Borrower accepts, a credit in an amount of EUR 550,000,000.00 (five hundred and fifty million euros) for the financing of the Project (the "Credit"). The Bank shall disburse the Credit in up to 25 (twenty-five) Tranches. The amount of each Tranche, shall be in a minimum amount of EUR 3,000,000.00 (three million euros), or (if less) the entire undrawn balance of the Credit. The Bank shall not send the Borrower more than one Disbursement Offer per calendar month. There shall not be more than one disbursement of a Tranche per calendar month under this Finance Contract. Upon request by the Borrower and subject to Article 1.4.A, provided that no event mentioned in Article 1.6.B has occurred and is continuing, the Bank shall send to the Borrower within 5 (five) Business Days after the receipt of such request a Disbursement Offer for the disbursement of a Tranche. The latest time for receipt by the Bank of such Xxxxxxxx’x request is 15 (fifteen) Business Days before the Final Availability Date. The Disbursement Offer shall specify: the amount of the Tranche in EUR; the Scheduled Disbursement Date, which shall be a Relevant Business Day, falling at least 10 (ten) days after the date of the Disbursement Offer and on or before the Final Availability Date; the interest rate basis of the Tranche, being: (i) a Fixed Rate Tranche; or (ii) a Floating Rate Tranche, in each case, pursuant to the relevant provisions of Article 3.1; the Payment Dates and the first interest Payment Date for the Tranche; the terms for repayment of principal for the Tranche, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1; the Repayment Dates and the first and the last Repayment Date for the Tranche; the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if requested by the Borrower, for the Tranche;
Technical Description means the technical description set out in Schedule A of the Project Implementation Agreement. "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article 1.2.B.
Technical Description has the meaning given to it in Recital (a). "Tranche" means each disbursement made or to be made under this Contract. In case no Disbursement Acceptance has been received, Tranche shall mean a Tranche as offered under Article 1.2.B. By this Contract the Bank establishes in favour of the Borrower, and the Borrower accepts, a credit in an amount of EUR 5,000,000.00 (five million euros) for the financing of the Project (the "Credit"). The Bank shall disburse the Credit in up to 5 (five) Tranches. The amount of each Tranche shall be in a minimum amount of EUR 1,000,000.00 (one million euros) or (if less) the entire undrawn balance of the Credit. Upon request by the Borrower and subject to Article 1.4.A, provided that no event mentioned in Article 1.6.B has occurred and is continuing, the Bank shall send to the Borrower within 5 (five) Business Days after the receipt of such request a Disbursement Offer for the disbursement of a Tranche. The latest time for receipt by the Bank of such Xxxxxxxx’x request is 15 (fifteen) Business Days before the Final Availability Date. The Disbursement Offer shall specify: the amount of the Tranche in EUR; the Scheduled Disbursement Date, which shall be a Relevant Business Day, falling at least 10 (ten) days after the date of the Disbursement Offer and on or before the Final Availability Date; the interest rate basis of the Tranche, being: (i) a Fixed Rate Tranche; or (ii) a Floating Rate Tranche, in each case, pursuant to the relevant provisions of Article 3.1; the Payment Dates and the first interest Payment Date for the Tranche; the terms for repayment of principal for the Tranche, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.1; the Repayment Dates and the first and the last Repayment Date for the Tranche; the Interest Revision/Conversion Date, if requested by the Borrower, for the Tranche;

Related to Technical Description

  • лице обухвата физичко лице, компанију и свако друго друштво лица;

  • компанија означава правно лице или било који ентитет који се сматра правним лицем за пореске сврхе;

  • дивиденде у овом члану, означава доходак од акција или других права учешћа у добити која нису потраживања дуга, као и доходак од других права компаније који је порески изједначен са дохотком од акција у законима државе чији је резидент компанија која врши расподелу.

  • држављанин означава: - физичко лице које има држављанство државе уговорнице; - правно лице, партнерство или удружење које такав статус има на основу законодавства важећег у држави уговорници.

  • надлежан орган означава: - у Норвешкој, министра финансија или министровог овлашћеног представника; - у Србији, Министарство финансија или његовог овлашћеног представника;

  • Менично писмо овлашћење којим Изабрани понуђач овлашћује наручиоца да може безусловно, неопозиво, без протеста и трошкова, вансудски наплатити меницу на износ од 10% од вредности уговора (без ПДВ) са роком важења 30 дана дужим од рока важења уговора, с тим да евентуални продужетак рока важења уговора има за последицу и продужење рока важења менице и меничног овлашћења, Фотокопију важећег Картона депонованих потписа овлашћених лица за располагање новчаним средствима Изабраног понуђача код пословне банке, оверену од стране банке на дан издавања менице и меничног овлашћења; фотокопију ОП обрасца; овлашћење којим законски заступник овлашћује лица за потписивање менице и меничног овлашћења за конкретан посао, у случају да меницу и менично овлашћење не потписује законски заступник изабраног понуђача; Доказ о регистрацији менице у Регистру меница Народне банке Србије (фотокопија Захтева за регистрацију менице од стране пословне банке која је извршила регистрацију менице или извод са интернет странице Регистра меница и овлашћења НБС). Меница не може бити регистрована пре датума доношења Одлуке о додели уговора. Меница може бити наплаћена у случају да изабрани понуђач не буде извршавао своје уговорне обавезе у роковима и на начин предвиђен уговором или их буде извршавао делимично и неквалитетно.

  • резидент државе уговорнице за потребе овог уговора, означава лице које, према законима те државе, подлеже опорезивању у тој држави по основу свог пребивалишта, боравишта, седишта управе или другог мерила сличне природе, и укључује ту државу, њену политичку јединицу или јединицу локалне самоуправе. Овај израз не обухвата лице које у тој држави подлеже опорезивању само за доходак из извора у тој држави или само за имовину која се у њој налази.

  • предузеће друге државе уговорнице означавају предузеће којим управља резидент државе уговорнице, односно предузеће којим управља резидент друге државе уговорнице;

  • предузеће државе уговорнице и „предузеће друге државе уговорнице” означавају предузеће којим управља резидент државе уговорнице, односно предузеће којим управља резидент друге државе уговорнице;

  • међународни саобраћај означава саобраћај бродом или ваздухопловом који обавља предузеће државе уговорнице, осим ако се саобраћај обавља бродом или ваздухопловом искључиво између места у другој држави уговорници;