Indemnification exempelklausuler

Indemnification. 10.1. Visma shall defend Customer against any claim or litigation where a third party claims that the Customer’s use of the Services under the TOS is in conflict or infringement with the third party’s patent, copyright or other intellectual property rights. Customer shall immediately notify Visma of any such claim. Visma shall, to the extent that it is liable, indemnify the Customer for any cost, charge, damages, expense or loss imposed upon Customer under a court- approved settlement or court ruling, as well as lawyer fees, provided that Customer cooperates with Visma at Visma’s expense and gives Visma full control of the legal process and settlement, and that the settlement releases Customer from all liability. Visma may at its discretion (i) modify the Services so they no longer are in conflict, (ii) replace the Services with functionally equivalent Services, (iii) obtain a license for the Customer’s continued use of the Service or
Indemnification. Qlik shall defend, indemnify and hold Customer and its directors, officers, employees, agents, and permitted successors and assigns harmless from any damages and costs awarded against Customer and its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns as a result of an IP Claim. Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold Qlik and its directors, managers, officers, employees, agents, resellers, licensors, affiliates, successors and assigns harmless from any damages and costs awarded against Qlik as a result of a third-party claim alleging: (i) Customer’s External Use of the Qlik Products or use of Content with Qlik Products infringes upon any third party rights, including any copyright, trademark or patent, or (ii) Customer’s failure to comply with any Export Control Laws.
Indemnification. Qlik shall defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from any damages and costs awarded against Customer as a result of a third party claim that the Software, as delivered by Qlik, infringes upon any third party copyright, trademark or a patent (“IP Claim”). Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold Qlik harmless against any third party claim, demand, suit or proceeding made or brought against Qlik alleging that Customer’s external use of the Qlik Products pursuant to Section 1.2 infringes upon any third party copyright, trademark or patent to the extent any such infringement arose from the Customer’s combination of the Qlik Products with any data, services or software not provided by Qlik (“Customer Claim”). Each party’s indemnification obligation is subject to: (i) prompt notification of a claim in writing to the indemnifying party;
Indemnification. To the extent permitted by applicable law, You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and upon Apple’s request, defend, Apple, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, independent contractors and authorized representatives (each an “Apple Indemnified Party”) from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs, including without limitation attorneys’ fees and court costs, (collectively, “Losses”) incurred by an Apple Indemnified Party and arising from or related to any of the following: (a) Your breach of any certification, covenant, obligation, representation or warranty made in this Agreement; (b) Your use (including Your Service Provider’s, Administrator’s, Authorized User’s, and/or Permitted Entity’s use) of the Service; (c) any claims, including but not limited to any end user claims, about Your use, deployment or management of Authorized Xxxxxxx, Device Enrollment Settings, and/or MDM Servers; (d) any claims, including but not limited to any end user claims, about the provision, management, and/or use of Authorized Devices, Administrator accounts, Managed Apple IDs, or Content licensed or purchased through the Service, and/or any other use of the Service; and/or (e) any claims regarding Your use or management of Personal Data (including use by Your Permitted Entity or Authorized Users). In no event may You enter into any settlement or like agreement with a third- party that affects Apple’s rights or binds Apple or any Apple Indemnified Party in any way, without the prior written consent of Apple.
Indemnification. Dell shall defend and indemnify you against any third-party claim or action that Products, Software, or Services (excluding Third-Party Products and open source software) prepared or produced by Dell and delivered pursuant to this Agreement infringe or misappropriate that third party's patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights enforceable in the country in which such Software or Services are sold to you by Dell ("Indemnified Claims "). In addition, if Dell receives prompt notice of a claim that, in Dell's reasonable opinion, is likely to result in an adverse ruling, then Dell shall at its option, (1) obtain a right for you to continue using such Products or Software or allow Dell to continue performing the Services; (2) modify such Software or Services to make them non-infringing; (3) replace such Software or Services with a non-infringing equivalent; or (4) refund any pre-paid fees for the allegedly infringing Services that have not been performed or provide a reasonable depreciated or pro rata refund for the allegedly infringing Software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Dell shall have no obligation under this Section for any claim resulting or arising from (1) modifications of the Software or Services that were not performed by or on behalf of Dell; (2) the combination, operation, or use of the Software or Services in connection with a third-party product, software, or service (the combination of which causes the claimed infringement); or (3) Dell's compliance with your written specifications or directions, including the incorporation of any software or other materials or processes provided by or requested by you. This Section states Customer's exclusive remedies for any third-party intellectual property claim or action, and nothing in this Agreement or elsewhere will obligate Dell to provide any greater indemnity to Customer. You shall defend and indemnify Dell against any third-party claim or action arising out of (1) your failure to obtain any appropriate license, intellectual property rights, or other permissions, regulatory certifications, or approvals associated with technology provided by you, or associated with software or other components directed or requested by you to be installed or integrated as part of the Services; (2) your breach of Dell's proprietary rights as stated in this Agreement; or (3) any inaccurate representation regarding the existence of an export license or any allegation made against Dell due to ...
Indemnification. Qlik shall defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from any damages and costs awarded against Customer as a result of a third party claim that the Qlik Products, as delivered by Qlik and used as authorized under this Agreement, infringes upon any third party copyright, trademark or a patent (“IP Claim”). Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold Qlik harmless from any damages and costs awarded against Qlik as a result of a third party claim alleging Customer’s External Use of the Qlik Products or use of Customer Data with Qlik Products, infringes upon any third party copyright, trademark or patent to the extent any such infringement arose from Customer’s use or combination of the Qlik Products with any data, content, services or software or other materials not provided by Qlik. Each party’s indemnification obligation is subject to: (i) prompt notification of a claim in writing to the indemnifying party; (ii) consent to allow the indemnifying party to have sole control of the defense and any related settlement negotiations; and (iii) provision of information, authority and assistance as necessary for the defense and settlement of an indemnified claim. The indemnifying Party shall not consent to entry into judgment or enter into any settlement that admits liability of the indemnified Party, provides for injunctive or other non-monetary relief affecting the indemnified Party, without the prior consent of the indemnified Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from your use of our services or your breach of these terms and conditions.

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  • Försäkringen ersätter ombudsarvode för skälig tidsåtgång och högst enligt den timkostnadsnorm som regeringen fastställer vid ersättning till rättshjälpsbiträde enligt Rättshjälpslagen.Tvist eller mål som handläggs utanför Norden ersätts med nödvändiga och skäliga kostnader. Ersättningen betalas till ombudet. • kostnader för utredning som anskaffats före rättegång och efter det att tvist uppstått, förutsatt att utredningen beställts av ombudet • kostnader för bevisning i rättegång och i skiljeförfarande • expeditionskostnader i domstol • rättegångskostnader somden försäkradeålagts att betala till motpart eller staten efter domstolsprövning eller skiljeförfarande • rättegångskostnader somden försäkradevid förlikning eller återkallelse av talan åtagit sig att betala till motpart under förutsättning att den försäkradegör det uppenbart att domstolen skulle ha ålagtden försäkrade att betala rättegångskostnader med högre belopp om tvisten hdae prövats.

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