Right of Withdrawal exempelklausuler

Right of Withdrawal. You have the right to withdraw from this Schedule B within fourteen (14) days as of the conclusion of the Agreement or from the day when You receive the contractual terms and conditions and information mandatorily required in terms of laws and regulations on consumer financial contracts, if that day is later. You are not obliged to indicate any reason for withdrawal. If You do not exercise the right of withdrawal, You shall be bound by this Schedule B along with Schedule A. The right of withdrawal from this Schedule A must be exercised with a notice to be sent by email to xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx . The notice must include at least: (a) your name and surname; (b) your identification code; (c) a statement showing an explicit intent to withdraw from the Agreement or from the relevant Schedule from the affected Service; (d) the undertaking to repay any due amounts (where applicable) as well as any other outstanding fees, charges and/or interests due until the closure owed to the Bank without undue delay and no later than thirty (30) running days after giving notification. Schedule C – Conditions for Transfer of Funds The following conditions apply for the execution of transfer orders from the Multitude Savings Account or the Multitude Term Deposit Account held by the customer with the Bank. The execution of your credit transfer orders (as part of managing the accounts) shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
Right of Withdrawal. 4.1. You have the right to withdraw from the Credit Agreement within 14 days from the conclusion of the Credit Agreement or from the day you receive the information mandatorily required in a durable medium in accordance with articles 21 to 25 of the Consumer Credit Act if this occurs later (Sw. Konsumentkreditlagen)). You are not obliged to indicate a reason for withdrawal. 1.1. The mandatory information under the above sections refers to: 1. what kind of credit it is 2. name, organization number and address of the creditor and credit intermediary; 3. the term of the credit agreement; 4. the amount of credit and the terms of use of the credit; 5. the credit interest rate, the terms of the credit interest rate, indicating the reference index or reference interest rates, and the dates, procedures and other conditions for changing the credit interest rate; 6. the effective interest rate with the assumptions underlying the calculation of the interest rate and the total amount to be paid by the consumer; 7. the size, number and due dates of the installments and the order in which the payments are to be distributed on credits with different credit interest rates; if a payment is not settled but is saved or invested on behalf of the consumer, it shall be stated, 8. fees due to the credit agreement and the conditions for changing the fees; 9. the default interest rate and the conditions for changing it, as well as fees to be paid when contractual obligations are not fulfilled; 10. penalties for late payment, 11. collateral requested; 12. the consumer's right to early payment and the creditor's right to interest rate differential compensation and how this compensation is to be calculated; 13. the consumer's right to receive a payment plan; 14. the existence or absence of the right of withdrawal, the length of the withdrawal period and other conditions for the exercise of the right of withdrawal, including the obligation to pay capital and interest, and the amount of interest per day; 15. the procedure for terminating the credit agreement; 16. what possibilities there are for having a dispute with the trader tried out of court and how the consumer should proceed in that case and 17. the supervisory authority with an address. 4.2. In case you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal you must notify Ferratum by email, post or phone call using the details provided above. The notice must include at least: (a) your name; (b) your identification code, (c) a statement show...
Right of Withdrawal. You have the right to withdraw from this Schedule A within fourteen (14) days as of the conclusion of the Agreement or from the day when You receive the contractual terms and conditions and information mandatorily required in terms of laws and regulations on consumer financial contracts, if that day is later. You are not obliged to indicate any reason for withdrawal. The exercise by You of the right of withdrawal from this Schedule A implies your intention to withdraw also from Schedule B. Therefore, upon the exercise by You of the right of withdrawal, this Schedule A along with Schedule B would be considered not to have been concluded. If You do not exercise the right of withdrawal, You shall be bound by this Schedule A along with Schedule B. The right of withdrawal from this Schedule A must be exercised with a notice to be sent via email to xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx . The notice must include at least: (a) your name and surname; (b) your identification code; (c) a statement showing an explicit intent to withdraw from the Agreement or from the relevant Schedule from the affected Service; (d) the undertaking to repay any due amounts (where applicable) as well as any other outstanding fees, charges and/or interests due until the closure owed to the Bank without undue delay and no later than thirty (30) running days after giving notification. Schedule B – Conditions for Multitude Term Deposit Account
Right of Withdrawal. If a member has entered the membership agreement at a distance, e.g. via the F24S website, the member is entitled to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days by notifying F24S, in accordance with the distance contract law. To use the right of withdrawal, a member can use the Consumer Agency’s (Konsumentverkets) standard form, which can be found on the Consumer Agency’s website. F24S provides a confirmation that the notice has been received and will refund the amount paid without undue delay. By entering this agreement, the member consents to the fact that the service can be delivered during the withdrawal period and that the right of withdrawal does not apply if the membership card has been activated and the service has been provided. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the date on which the purchase was made.
Right of Withdrawal. As a consumer you have in accordance with the rules described in the attachment below a right of withdrawal. A consumer means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his trade, business or profession.
Right of Withdrawal. You have the right to withdraw from this Schedule A within fourteen (14) days as of the conclusion of the Agreement or from the day when You receive the contractual terms and conditions and information mandatorily required in terms of laws and regulations on consumer financial contracts, if that day is later. You are not obliged to indicate any reason for withdrawal. The exercise by You of the right of withdrawal from this Schedule A implies your intention to withdraw also from Schedule B. Therefore, upon the exercise by You of the right of withdrawal, this Schedule A along with Schedule B would be considered not to have been concluded. If You do not exercise the right of withdrawal, You shall be bound by this Schedule A along with Schedule B. The right of withdrawal from this Schedule A must be exercised with a notice to be sent via email to xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Right of Withdrawal. According to the Distance Contracts Act, you as a customer have a 14-day right of withdrawal when buying on the internet. The right of withdrawal begins to apply from the day you receive the item. If you as a customer want to use the right of withdrawal, the product must be unused, left in full packaging, in new condition, with all labels and seals left on the product. The right of withdrawal does not apply to goods with a broken seal. You must return the item within 30 days from the date you informed us of your wish to cancel your order. All our shipments contain an address label that you can use when sending the goods back. You as a customer are responsible for the shipping cost. Upon return, a refund will be made as soon as the return is received and checked. The refund will be made to the same account from which you made your payment. If you have an unpaid invoice from Klarna, it is important that you go in and extend the invoice's payment time in order for the return to be registered.

Related to Right of Withdrawal

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  • Överskjutande timmar vid deltid (mertid) Mom. 4:1 Om en deltidsanställd tjänsteman har utfört arbete utöver den för hans del- tidsanställning gällande ordinarie dagliga arbetstidens längd (mertid), utges ersättning per överskjutande timme med Beträffande semesterlön, se § 4 mom. 4:1, anmärkning 3. Med månadslönen avses här tjänstemannens aktuella fasta kontanta månadslön. Med veckoarbetstid avses här den deltidsanställdes arbetstid per helgfri vecka, räknat i genomsnitt per månad. Vid beräkning av längden av överskjutande arbetstid medräknas endast fulla halvtimmar. Om mertidsarbetet har utförts såväl före som efter den för deltidsanställ- ningen gällande ordinarie arbetstiden viss dag skall de båda tidsperioderna sammanräknas. Mom. 4:2 Om mertidsarbete pågår före eller efter de klockslag som gäller beträffande den ordinarie dagliga arbetstidens förläggning för heltidsanställning i mot- svarande befattning vid företaget, utges övertidskompensation enligt mom. 1-3. Vid tillämpningen av divisorerna i mom. 3 skall tjänstemannens lön uppräk- nas till lön motsvarande full ordinarie arbetstid.

  • Semester för intermittent deltidsarbetande Om tjänsteman är deltidsanställd och det för honom gällande arbetstids- schemat innebär att han inte arbetar varje dag varje vecka (intermittent del- tidsarbetande) gäller följande: Antalet bruttosemesterdagar enligt mom. 3 vilka skall utläggas under semesteråret skall proportioneras i förhållande till tjänstemannens andel av den ordinarie arbetstid som gäller för heltidsanställda tjänstemän i motsva- rande befattning. Det antal semesterdagar som då erhålles (nettosemesterda- gar) skall förläggas på de dagar som annars skulle ha utgjort arbetsdagar för tjänstemannen. Om både betalda semesterdagar (ordinarie semester och sparad semester) och obetalda semesterdagar skall utläggas under semesteråret proportioneras de var för sig enligt följande = antal semesterdagar som skall förläggas till dagar som annars skulle ha ut- gjort arbetsdagar (nettosemesterdagar). Om det vid beräkningen uppstår brutet tal sker avrundning uppåt till närmast heltal. Med "antalet arbetsdagar per vecka" avses det antal dagar som, enligt för tjänstemannen gällande arbetstidsschema, är arbetsdagar per helgfri vecka i genomsnitt per 4 veckor (eller annan period som omfattar hel förläggnings- cykel). Om tjänstemannen enligt arbetstidsschemat skall arbeta såväl hel dag som del av dag samma vecka skall den delvis arbetade dagen i detta sammanhang räknas som hel dag. När semester utläggs för sådan tjänsteman konsumeras en hel semesterdag även för den dag tjänstemannen endast skulle ha arbetat del av dagen. Tjänstemannens deltid är förlagd Antal nettosemesterdagar till i genomsnitt följande xxxxx (vid 25 dagar bruttosemester) arbetsdagar per vecka 4 20 3,5 18 3 15 2,5 13 2 10 Om tjänstemannens arbetstidsschema ändras så att "antalet arbetsdagar per vecka" förändras, skall antalet outtagna nettosemesterdagar omräknas att svara mot den nya arbetstiden. Beräkning av semestertillägg, semesterersättning respektive löneavdrag (vid obetald semester) skall ske med utgångspunkt från antalet bruttosemester- dagar.

  • Vad som är försäkrat Försäkringen ersätter ombuds- och rättegångskostnader i tvistemål och skattemål och som har direkt samband med den försäkrade verksamheten. I tvistemål eller skattemål som gäller försäkringstagaren i dennes egenskap av ägare eller nyttjare av fastighet, gäller försäkringen endast om den försäkrade verksamheten huvudsakligen bedrivs eller har bedrivits i sådan fastighet.

  • Permission, kort ledighet med lön Permission beviljas i regel endast för del av arbetsdag. I särskilda fall kan dock permission beviljas även för en eller flera dagar till exempel vid hastigt påkommande sjukdomsfall inom tjänstemannens familj eller nära anhörigs dödsfall. För påsk-, midsommar- och julafton som inte är sedvanliga fridagar bör permission beviljas om det kan ske utan olägenhet för verksamheten vid företaget. År då Nationaldagen infaller på en lördag eller söndag erhåller tjänste- mannen i stället annan ledig dag utan löneavdrag. Ledigheten proportioneras för deltidsanställda. Ledighet som ej uttagits under året förfaller.‌

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