CONFIDENTIALITY. The Supplier, including its subcontractors, employees or related third parties, are responsible to keep the strict confidentiality of any information transferred by the Purchaser or other Purchaser’s group companies, and to treat such information as a commercial and industrial secret, guaranteeing that no third party is able to access the same. The foregoing will not apply to any information which the Supplier can prove:
CONFIDENTIALITY. The Merchant accepts and undertakes that it has to retain any information that it will acquire directly or indirectly about Card Holders during the implementation of the Agreement and not to disclose them to 3rd parties other than the authorities authorized by law and that otherwise it will be liable to compensate the losses of the Bank. In case the Merchant employs employees, it accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that it will be jointly and severally responsible for the consequences/losses that will result from the employees not exercising due care in this regard.
CONFIDENTIALITY. Article 9- (1) The parties shall inform the other party before notifing or disclosing to a third party any information, report or document which will be acquired during the performance of the projects without a written authorisation from the other party, except the information that is known to the public by legal means. Solution in case of conflict Article 10 - (1) All problems and disputes that may arise during the implementation of the Protocol shall be settled in Istanbul Courts and in accordance with Turkish Law. Contacts
CONFIDENTIALITY. Member agrees and represents to keep confidential all information it would directly or indirectly receive about Card Holders in performing this Agreement, and not to disclose the same to third parties except for legally authorized authorities, that otherwise it will be liable to indemnify the losses which might be suffered by the Bank due to such violation. Member agrees and represents that if it employs personnel, it will be jointly and consecutively liable for outcomes / losses which might arise from its personnel’s failure to keep such information confidential.
CONFIDENTIALITY. All kinds of commercial operations and transactions made between the Bank, Seller/Provider and Customers under this Agreement will be kept confidential by the parties.
CONFIDENTIALITY. 9.1. Where a party (Receiving Party) or its Representatives obtains or receives Confidential Information of the other party (Disclosing Party) or its Representatives in connection with the Agreement it shall, subject to clauses 9.2 through 9.4:
CONFIDENTIALITY. All members of the Board of Directors, the General Manager and managers and other employees are obliged to keep the Company's secrets and not to disclose them unless authorized to do so by the Board of Directors. Turkish Commercial Code, Insurance Law and related legislation shall apply to the matters not included in these Articles of Association.
CONFIDENTIALITY. 5.1. Source texts, files, lists of terms, electronically stored translations, check lists, evaluation measurements and methods, related software and files, reference files; and all other written or electronically filed documents and dictionaries; software, hardware and/or other equipment; and all other materials handed over to the SS by Mirora or directly by Xxxxxx’x customers for work purposes shall be the property of Mirora, or shall be under the control and responsibility of Mirora as per agreements between Mirora and third parties; and shall not be copied, reproduced, and shared by third parties without the written approval of Mirora; or shall not be used for any purpose other than the purposes stated in the Mirora Work Assignment Form which is an integral part of this Contract. If the SS is a corporate entity, it can share this information and documents with 3rd parties with whom it has similar confidentiality agreements. However, Mirora always holds the SS responsible for the compensation of any losses and damages in case of any such use with malicious intent.
CONFIDENTIALITY. 12.1 The Supplier is obliged to treat the contractual relationship and its completion, as well as any information received by the Supplier in the course of the contract as confidential (“Confidential Information”), unless the Supplier can prove to SCHOTT that it was already aware of this information or that it was made available to him later without a confidentiality obligation by a third party authorized to do so, or that they were or later became generally accessible to the public without the Supplier being at fault for this or that the disclosure of such information was ordered by a court or public authority of competent jurisdiction.
CONFIDENTIALITY. The USER/MEMBER shall not utilize any of the AA's Confidential information other than in connection vvith the USER/MEMBER’'s business discussions with the AA.