Evidence Agreement Örnek Maddeleri

Evidence Agreement. In all the disputes that may arise between the parties regarding transactions related to this contract, the accounting books, records and documents of the Parties, computer records and facsimile records will be admissible as evidence in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100, and The User agrees that they will not object to the maintenance of these records.
Evidence Agreement. Accounting books, records, microfilms, microfiches, audio records, video records, computer records, etc. kept by the Bank will be considered valid, binding and final evidence in the sense defined in Section 193 of the Civil Procedures Law for all kinds of disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement.
Evidence Agreement. In all sorts of disputes that would occur between the Customer and Sureties and the Bank under this Agreement, copies received from books and records, microfilms and microfiches belonging to the Parties, electronic or documents containing information retrieved from magnetic media and CD Roms, camera recordings, telephone voice recordings, computer records and the like shall be valid, binding, and conclusive evidence pursuant to the article 193 of the Civil Procedure Law. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 38 of the Law on Private International Law and Procedure Law regarding the enforcement of the ruling of foreign courts, the verdict to be reached as a result of a case to be heard in a foreign court shall constitute conclusive evidence with respect to the existence and amount of the claim in the case brought before a Turkish Court pursuant to the Article 193 of the Civil Procedure Law and the Article 42 of the Law on Private International Law and Procedure Law.
Evidence Agreement. The Customer, Guarantor and other signatories have accepted in advance and irrevocably that the books of the Bank, accounting records, computer, microfilm, microfilm, audio, video and other records and documents of the Bank shall be taken as basis in cases of any disputes arising out of this Agreement and transactions under this Agreement, that these records and documents (whether confirmed or not) constitute definite evidence in accordance with Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure; in addition, that they waive their right to submit any evidence and substitution in advance of this evidence agreement.
Evidence Agreement. Within the scope of Article 193 of Code of Civil Procedure, in disputes arising related to this Agreement, s/he accepts that the Bank’s books and microfilms, microfiches, voice recordings, tapes, IT and computer etc. logs shall be considered as valid evidence within Article 199 of the mentioned code.
Evidence Agreement a. For evidencing any issue related with the General Terms and Conditions of Sales, documents sent via email and fax and documents in electronic format may be used as proof in addition to the legal documents provided that such should be drawn up by the authorized representatives of the parties hereto in conformity with the General Terms and Conditions of Sales. b. The Customer hereby acknowledges that the fax number or email address used for sending agreed and confirmed orders belong to the Customer and confirms the validity of such documents and copies of correspondences between the Customer and CELLMARK. c. In case of any dispute, the books, documents and records of CELLMARK shall be applicable and valid.

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