Credit Card tanımı

Credit Card. Refers to a standard plastic card or a card number, with no physical existence, or a special chip and antenna, equipped by credit card functions, contained in mobile phone / SIM card, memory card, apparatus or sheath, provided or delivered by the Bank to the Credit Card Holder in order to enable the latter to use the same for purchase of goods and services from the Merchants and/or for withdrawal and use of cash advances from the authorized cash payment units or from ATMs.
Credit Card. The Customer and/or the Supplementary Card Holder will be liable to abide by this limitation. The Bank may refuse to renew an expired card in reliance upon the documents in attachment to application or upon information to be collected by the Bank itself. At the time of renewal, the Bank reserves its right to request that a minimum amount of deposits to be determined by the Bank itself according to the then-current conditions be kept in the Customer’s account. A new card may be issued and granted only if and when the card is renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. For such purposes as providing new features to a Credit Card granted to the Customer, or modifying or renewing the existing features thereof, the Bank may allocate and directly send to the Customer’s address a new Credit Card for replacement of the existing card. During the process of renewal of the Credit Card, the automatic payment instructions already identified on the expired Credit Card are transferred to the renewed card. Even if the renewed card is not received / activated by the Customer and/ or the Additional Card Holder, as long as the credit card is not cancelled / the underlying agreement is not terminated by the Customer or the Bank, the automatic payment collections will continue through the renewed card.

Examples of Credit Card in a sentence

  • In addition, the Bank may allocate a new Credit Card to replace the Credit Card given to the Credit Card Holder for the purpose of providing new features, changing or renewing the existing features and may directly send it to address of the Credit Card Holder.

  • Card Holder has the right to renounce from the Credit Card Agreement without stating any reason and paying penalty within 14 (fourteen) days from the date when the Agreement was established.

  • Type of the credit facility covered by this Agreement is Credit Card.

  • Additional information/document may be requested from you to be able to finalize the evaluation related to the Credit Card.

  • In case your request for Credit Card is found eligible as a result of the evaluation to be made by our Bank, the related card can be given as per the provisions of the Individual Banking Services Agreement related to Credit Cards.

  • It is calculated based on each amount of money withdrawn in cash by a Credit Card designated by the Bank from all eligible transaction points authorized by the Bank for cash withdrawals.

  • One copy of this Form is delivered to you in order that you can obtain information before the agreement related to the Credit Card is realized.

  • Presenting the Information Form for Credit Card Before the Agreement does not necessarily mean a commitment that the credit card will be given by our Bank, it only aims to inform our Customers about the Credit Card product.

  • Our Bank can open Bank account and/or Credit Card account for you within the Bank while giving Credit Card/Additional Credit Card.

  • Credit Card is a means of payment, in the form of a printed card or a card number, with no physical existence, which enables the Customer to purchase goods and services without using cash funds and to withdraw a credit facility in cash, under the credit facilities made by the Bank available to the Customer subject to certain credit limits.

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