Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx tanımı

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Psikolojik Sözleşme, Örgütsel Bağlılık. Abstract: We can describe pyschological contract as “It is a unique individual mental expectation pile which is forming about contracting sides (worker himself/herself and organization) obligations with perceiving and interpreting written, spoken, behavioral and attitudal messages in worklife relationships. We can describe organizational commitment as “It is the three expectation sum of organization needing from worker: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. In this dissertation, we study on relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment. Questionary of the study put into practice on 339 test subject on medical worker people in Erzurum city of Turkey. As findings from the datums are proved that there is a pozitif strong relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment. Key Words: Psychological Contract, Organizational Commitment.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Sigorta Sözleşmesi, Beyan Yükümlülüğü, Beyan Yükümlülüğünün İhlali, Cayma, Nedensellik Bağı CAUSAL CONNECTION BY THE BREACH OF THE DUTY OF DİSCLOSURE BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE INSURANCE CONTRACT ABSTRACT
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. 4734 sayılı kamu ihale kanunu, FIDIC Sözleşmeleri, Analiz.

Examples of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx in a sentence

  • Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx X.X. Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx mahkemeleri Brezilya Signify Iluminação Brasil Ltda Brezilya kanunları São Xxxxx, Brezilya mahkemeleri Kanada Signify Canada Ltd.

More Definitions of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Metin italik yazılmalıdır, alfabetik sıralama gözetilmelidir
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx mevsimlik iş, yıllık izin, İş Kanunu. The Labour Act Law No. 4857 has annual paid leave arrangements about seasonal work. Under the title of “paid annual leave and leave terms” article 53/3, Act states that general jurisdiction of annual paid leave, cannot be applied to those who work for less than a year by the nature of the job seasonal or campaign workers. In our study Supreme Court decisions on the subject were examined. In our study here, problems of seasonal work relations and solution proposals have been featured. Keywords: seasonal work, annual leave, The Labour Act. Bu çalışma Xxxxxx Xxxxx'in "Türk İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Mevsimlik İş" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir. Hakem denetiminden geçmiştir.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Teşmil, Toplu İş Sözleşmesinin Teşmili The Extension of Collective Bargaining Agreement in Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements Law No. 6356
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Toplu İş Sözleşmesi, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, İşletme, İşyerinin Unsurları. * DOI: 1033432/ybuhukuk.1108233 -Geliş Tarihi:24.04.2022- Kabul Tarihi: 28.07.2022. ** Yargıtay 9. Hukuk Dairesi Başkanı,, ORCID: 0000-0002-5103- 9947. *** Yargıtay 9. Hukuk Dairesi Tetkik Xxxxxx,, ORCID: 0000-0001-8027- 8819. Xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXX & Xxxxxx XXXXXX YBHD 2022/2 Collective labor agreement is the most important instrument to protect and improve the rights and interests of the members of the trade union. In this sense, the first aim of the trade union which commences organization in workplace or enterprise, is to sign in the shortest time a collective agreement. Having considered that objection to determination of competence for the collective labor agreement ceases the competence process, it is important to determine competence in the most appropriate way. In Turkish law, there is no competence condition for the employer to be able to conclude a collective labor agreement. In terms of the employee side, there are two thresholds that can be expressed as the branch of activity threshold and the workplace and enterprise threshold. With the Trade Unions and Collective Labor Agreement Law No 6356, the provision requires more than half of the workers employed in the workplace still remain for the collective labor agreement, the majority that must be ensured in terms of enterprise collective labor agreement is regulated as forty percentage. Accordingly, it has gained great importance to determine whether more than one unit in the same branch of activity belonging to the employer is in the nature of a single workplace or enterprise. It should be pointed that, particularly, to determine whether a unit is a connected to workplace or is an independent workplace, it is important to explain detailed the concept of workplace, in terms of “connected place” the meaning and content of the elements of legal dependence, unity in management and objective should be presented. In our study, this situation, which constitutes an important problem in practice, has been discussed and the current case law of Court of Cassation has been evaluated.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Ek kart, ek kart hamili, müteselsil sorumlu- luk, kredi kartı.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Kefalet, Garanti, Xxxx Xxxx, Kişisel Temi- nat Sözleşmeleri
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu, Mücbir Sebep, Süre Uzatımı Abstract: In contracts law force majeure includes external, un- foreseeable and unavoidable events that prevent the performance of an obligation according to the contract. In Article 10 of the Pub- lic Procurement Contracts Law numbered 4735, certain events are stated as force majeure and it was also provided that others may also be considered as such by the Public Procurement Authority. In this regard in the determination of an event as force majeure, ele- ments of force majeure as accepted in Turkish law and comparative law must be considered. Once an event is determined as force ma- jeure its consequences on public procurement contract should be assessed taking into consideration whether it makes performance impossible or delays the performance or prevents the performance in conformity with contract.