Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. 4734 sayılı kamu ihale kanunu, FIDIC Sözleşmeleri, Analiz.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Metin italik yazılmalıdır, alfabetik sıralama gözetilmelidir
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Milletlerarası Mal Satım Sözleşmeleri Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, kabul, genel işlem şartları, çatışma durumu, sözleşmenin kurulması United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is a convention that contains the material laws to be implemented in the sales contracts that have international elements. The second part of this convention deals with principles on drawing up the contract. Acceptance of a second declaration that is needed in order to draw up the contract is regulated in Article 18 and thereafter. The convention states in Article 18/I that any declaration or other action that expresses the consent of the acceptor is deemed as acceptance, and makes the definition of the statement of acceptance. The declaration of the will of acceptance is not bound under any condition. Article 19, which is seen as the most important regulation regarding acceptance in the convention, which draws serious attention within the doctrine and which is widely discussed in courts; regulates the legal outcomes for the additions, limitations and amendments to the proposition. The state of conflict (battle of the forms) which arises from each party demanding to implement their own general transaction conditions in the contract is also discussed on the basis of this article, and solutions are tried to be proposed accordingly. In the convention, Article 20 deals with the duration, Article 21 deals with the late acceptance and legal outcomes, Article 22 deals with revoking the declaration of acceptance and Article 23 deals with the time of drawing up of the contract.
Examples of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx in a sentence
Bası, İstanbul, Beta , 2012, s.121, Xxxxxxx/ Xxxxxxxxx, a.g.e., s.418; Tekinay/ Akman/ Xxxxxxxxx, Altop, Borçlar Hukuku, s.492).
More Definitions of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Miras Hukuku, Miras Sözleşmesi
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Psikolojik Sözleşme, Örgütsel Bağlılık. Abstract: We can describe pyschological contract as “It is a unique individual mental expectation pile which is forming about contracting sides (worker himself/herself and organization) obligations with perceiving and interpreting written, spoken, behavioral and attitudal messages in worklife relationships. We can describe organizational commitment as “It is the three expectation sum of organization needing from worker: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. In this dissertation, we study on relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment. Questionary of the study put into practice on 339 test subject on medical worker people in Erzurum city of Turkey. As findings from the datums are proved that there is a pozitif strong relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment. Key Words: Psychological Contract, Organizational Commitment.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Sigorta Sözleşmesi, Beyan Yükümlülüğü, Beyan Yükümlülüğünün İhlali, Cayma, Nedensellik Bağı CAUSAL CONNECTION BY THE BREACH OF THE DUTY OF DİSCLOSURE BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE INSURANCE CONTRACT ABSTRACT
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx mevsimlik iş, yıllık izin, İş Kanunu. The Labour Act Law No. 4857 has annual paid leave arrangements about seasonal work. Under the title of “paid annual leave and leave terms” article 53/3, Act states that general jurisdiction of annual paid leave, cannot be applied to those who work for less than a year by the nature of the job seasonal or campaign workers. In our study Supreme Court decisions on the subject were examined. In our study here, problems of seasonal work relations and solution proposals have been featured. Keywords: seasonal work, annual leave, The Labour Act. Bu çalışma Xxxxxx Xxxxx'in "Türk İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Mevsimlik İş" başlıklı yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir. Hakem denetiminden geçmiştir.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Borca Batıklık, Anonim Şirket, İflas, Sıradan Çe- kilme, Sıradan Çekilme Sözleşmeleri, Yönetim Kurulu. OVER-INDEBTEDNESS AND LETTER OF SUBORDINATIONS IN JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. -Limited ġirket,
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. 696 sayılı KHK, Alt işveren, 6772 Sayılı Kanun , Muvazaa, Xxxxx xxxxxx Kamuda personel çalıştırılmasına dayalı hizmet alım sözleşmelerinden kaynaklanan taşeron işçiliği sona erdiren 696 Sayılı Olağanüstü Hal Kapsamında Bazı Düzenlemeler Yapılması Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ile taşeronlarda çalışan işçiler Kamuya geçirilmiştir. 696 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede taşerondan kadroya geçirilecek işçilerde 657 Sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanunu hükümleri aranmıştır. 696 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameden önce muvazaalı olarak taşeronda çalıştırılan şirket işçileri muvazaalı çalıştıklarının tespiti sonucu başlangıçtan itibaren Kamu Kurumu işçisi sayılmakta ve ilave tediye ücreti gibi bir kısım hakları alabilmekteydi. Makalemizde 696 sayılı KHK sonrası alt işveren işçilerinin Hukuki Durumları değerlendirilmiştir.