OTHER CONDITIONS зразки пунктів

OTHER CONDITIONS. 6.1. The Executor does not assume any expenses associated with the insurance of the Student's life and property.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 10.1. Всі зміни і доповнення до цього Договору є правомочними, якщо їх підписано Сторонами як додатки до цього Договору. Після підписання додатку попередні письмові та усні угоди, переговори і листування втрачають силу, якщо на них нема посилань у додатку або власне в Договорі. Додатки вважаються невід’ємною частиною Договору. 10.1. All changes and additions to the present Contract are valid if signed by the Parties in the Annex to the present Contract. After the signing of application prior written and oral agreements, negotiations and correspondence lose their force, if they have no links in the application or in the Contract itself. Annexes are an integral part of the Contract.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 7.1 The «University» controls the timely registration of the documents of the foreign students concerning their right of staying, moving on the territory of Ukraine and leaving Ukraine after the graduation or termination of educational process under the condition that the «Student» files the documents in the terms established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 4.1. This Contract is drawn up in two copies in Ukrainian and in English, one for each Party. Both copies have the same legal force. [Додати для договорів, що укладаються за допомогою Інтернет-сервісу «winbank»] The agreement was concluded in electronic form using winbank.This copy of the Contract is an additional confirmation of the conclusion of the Contract through the Internet service "winbank" in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the Rules according to which the Depositor has placed a Deposit to the Bank under the terms set forth in this Contract through the Internet service "winbank". At the request of the Depositor to confirm the conclusion of the Contract, the Bank issues to the Depositor a document printed by software. [Після того як буде налаштоване ПО – можливість відправлення договору на ел. пошту або ін. спосіб, додати для договорів, що укладаються за допомогою Інтернет-сервісу «winbank»] направляється Вкладнику на його Електронну адресу та/або Фінансовий номер/Моб. телефон, зазначені у цьому Договорі та/або через “winbank”, і вважається відправленим/здійсненими та отриманим Вкладником в дату відправлення Банком. The agreement was concluded in electronic form using winbank.The Parties have agreed that a copy of the Depositor's Contract is sent to the Depositor to his E-mail address and / or Financial number / Mob. telephone number specified in this Contract and / or through “winbank” and it is considered sent / made and received by the Depositor on the date of sending by the Bank.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 8.1. Під час надання Послуг, Виконавець керується інформацією отриманою від Клієнта, яка приймається до уваги як беззаперечна, правдива та достовірна, в тому числі щодо того, що Xxxxxx не має протипоказань для занять фізичною культурою, спортом та фітнесом.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 11.1. Amendments and additions to this Contract may be done only by mutual agreement of the Parties, and such amendments shall be formalized by concluding an Additional agreement to this Contract. 11.2. This Contract may be terminated only by agreement of the Parties, except as established by this Contract. 11.3. The Buyer has the right to cancel the Contract unilaterally in the following cases: -failure to provide to the Supplier the documents as regards the Goods appurtenant and subject to transfer together with the Goods; -if the Supplier delivered the Goods that does not match the range; -if the Supplier delivered the poor quality Goods. 11.4. In case the Buyer makes decision to refuse the Contract on the grounds specified in section 11.3. of this Contract, the Buyer has the right to: -notify the Supplier about repudiation of the Contract unilaterally indicating the reason of such decision. In this case, the Contract is terminated from the date of sending the notification about repudiation of the Contract. -set the term in which the Supplier is obliged to rectify the deffects that led to the repudiation of the Contract unilaterally. In this case, the Buyer sends the written notice to the Supplier indicating the defects and the term for elimination of such deficiencies. If the deficiencies are not eliminated within the established deadline, the Contract is terminated upon the expiration of the period specified by the Buyer for elimination of defects. Under such conditions, the Supplier is obliged to reimburse the Buyer for the advance payment, which was paid by the latter, within 5 calendar days from the moment of termination of the Agreement. 11.5. All amendments, specifications and annexes to the Contract is its essential parts, if they are presented in writing, signed by the representatives authorized by the Parties and seal. 11.6. The supplier is not entitled to transfer their rights and obligations under the Contract to third parties without the written consent of the Buyer. 11.7. In interpreting terms of delivery under this Contract the International rules for the interpretation of the commercial terms Incoterms (Edition 2010) is applied taking into account the special conditions of delivery specified by the Parties in this Contract. 11.8. The contract, its content is not subject for disclosure or use by the Parties without the consent of the other Party, except for cases stipulated by current legislation of Ukraine.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 5.1. This Contract shall enter into force upon signing it by the Parties and performing by the Depositor terms of i.1.1. of this Contract and shall be valid till the full performance by Parties of all their obligations. 5.2. Any alterations and amendment to this Contract shall be executed by the Parties in a way of conclusion of amending agreements to this Contract. 5.3. If necessary, the Bank shall withhold taxes and fees from proceeds received by the Depositor under the deposit at the Depositor’s cost, in the order and amounts provided by the legislation of Ukraine. 5.4. The Depositor confirms that he studied the content of this Contract carefully, understood all conditions of this Contract and fully agrees with them; there are no objections, comments and questions; Depositor covenants to follow and fulfill them. 5.5. All matters that are not arranged by this Contract shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. 5.6. This Contract is concluded in two copies, one for each Party. At that both copies have legal force. 5.7. The Depositor grants the Bank the right to disclose information about itself to the US Internal Revenue Service within the framework of FATCA. 5.8. The Depositor confers a power on a Bank to: - process personal data obtained in connection with concluding and executing of this Contract; - use it on the following purposes: providing the realization of administrative and legal (including relations in the field of state management), tax relations and relations in accounting; providing the realization in the field of economic, financial services and insurance; providing the realization of relationships with shareholders of the Bank and the persons hereto related; - deliver personal data to third persons pursuant to mentioned purposes. Simultaneously with the signing of this Contract personal data shall be entered to the personal data base; in such case the Depositor shall be informed about its rights set out in an article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On the protection of personal data”, the purposes of the use of personal data mentioned above. 5.9. Guarantees of the Individual Deposits Assurance Fund are not covered by this Deposit as of the date of the Contract concluding.
OTHER CONDITIONS. 10.1. Даний Договір складено у 2-х екземплярах на українській і англійській мовах, при цьому обидва тексти та обидва екземпляри мають однакову юридичну силу. В разі різниці текстів перевагу має український текст. 10.2. Усі зміни і доповнення для даного Договору є невід’ємною його частиною і вважаються дійсними, якщо вони зроблені в письмовій формі, підписані уповноваженими представниками обох сторін і завірені печатками сторін. Будь-які зміни позицій Специфікацій у Договорі повинні бути завчасно погоджені сторонами й оформлені у вигляді доповнення до Договору і підписані 10.1. The Contract is made up in Ukrainian and English in two copies. Both texts and copies have equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy of the texts the Ukrainian text shall prevail. 10.2. All changes and annexes to the Contract shall be an integral part of it and shall be considered as valid if they are in written form, signed by the authorized representatives of both Parties and certified by the official representatives of the Parties and certified by the seals of the Parties. Any changes in the items of Specifications in the Contract shall be agreed in advance by the Parties and
OTHER CONDITIONS. This Contract may be modified or terminated only by agreement of the Parties, except as established by this Contract and the legislation of Ukraine. If during the period of validity the Contract is not executed or executed not in full by the Supplier and the Buyer find out the Goods with price lower than the price specified in the Contract, the Buyer sends a letter to the Supplier proposing amendments to the Contract to reduce the price of the unsupplied goods to the price finded out by the Buyer, and draft of amendment to the Contract about making such changes to the Contract signed by the Buyer. The Supplier within three business days from the date of receipt of the letter from the Buyer and the draft of amendment to the Contract concerning the reduction of the price of the Goods, is required to sign and return to the Buyer the amendment to the Contract. If the Supplier has not returned to the Buyer the signed amendment to the Contract within the time specified in this paragraph, the Buyer has the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally without compensation for any damages to the Supplier. In case if unilaterraly termination of this Contract is made on the basis of the terms menshioned in this clause, the Contract should be terminated from the date of transmition of notice of termination by the Buyer, this date is a date stated in the postmark of mail company. The Buyer has the right to cancel the Contract unilaterally in the following cases: -failure to provide to the Supplier the documents as regards the Goods appurtenant and subject to transfer together with the Goods; -if the Supplier delivered fewer Goods than established by this Contract, (including the Buyer has the right to refuse already delivered Goods); -if the Supplier delivered the Goods that does not match the set/completeness; -If the Supplier delivered the poor quality Goods; -in other cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine. In case the Buyer makes decision to refuse the Contract on the grounds specified in section 11.3. of this Contract, the Buyer has the right to: -notify the Supplier about repudiation of the Contract unilaterally indicating the reason of such decision. In this case, the Contract is terminated from the date of sending the notification about repudiation of the Contract. -set the term in which the Supplier is obliged to rectify the deffects that led to the repudiation of the Contract unilaterally. In this case, the Buyer sends the written notice to th...
OTHER CONDITIONS. 7.1. Other terms of the Treaty in voluntary insurance for medical expenses and voluntary accident Insurance during foreign travel meet Chapter 1 of this part of the contract.