Standard Contracts

Sample Contracts by Contract Type

Trade Agreement27Free Trade Agreement25Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement24Loan Agreement17General Terms and Conditions13Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (Cptpp)10Patent Cooperation Treaty9Công Ước Về Hợp Đồng Mua Bán Quốc Tế8Hiệp Định Về Tránh Đánh Thuế Hai Lần8Terms and Conditions8Điều Khoản Điều Kiện Giao Dịch Chung8Economic Cooperation Agreement7Hiệp Định Tương Trợ Tư Pháp7Hiệp Định Tương Trợ Tư Pháp Về Hình Sự7Mortgage7Conservation Program Contract5Dispute Resolution Agreement5Hợp Đồng Kinh Doanh5Purchase Agreement5Thẻ Ghi Nợ5Thẻ Tín Dụng5Customer Agreement4Hợp Đồng4Internship Agreement4Investment Agreement4Merger Agreement4Participation Agreement4Thẻ Tín Dụng Doanh Nghiệp4Amendment Form for Services of Internet Banking, Fax Banking, and Automated Message Notification3Arbitration Rules3Enrollment Agreement3General Purchase Terms and Conditions3General Terms and Conditions of Purchase3Hiệp Định Tránh Đánh Thuế Hai Lần3Hợp Đồng Mua Bán Hàng Hóa3Hợp Đồng Mua Bán Hàng Hóa Quốc Tế3Rider3Technology Contracts3Transportation Agreement3Affiliate & Referral Agreements2Biên Bản Bàn Giao Mặt Bằng2Bảo Hiểm Sức Khỏe2Confidentiality Agreement2Contract2Cooperation Agreement2CPTPP Dispute Resolution Mechanism2Distributor Agreement2Donation Agreement2Economic and Trade Cooperation Agreement2Employment Agreement2