Collection of Personal Information 样本条款

Collection of Personal Information. To enable you to order “TRME Slimming & Shaping Set” and “TRME Snacking Relief Set” and the Company to process your order and/or ship the “TRME Slimming & Shaping Set” and “TRME Snacking Relief Set” to you, the Company will need to collect certain personal information such as name, shipping address, contact details and credit card information. The Company respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. You have the right to access and verify your personal information held by the Company by contacting the call center of your Resident Market. By placing an order of “TRME Slimming & Shaping Set” and “TRME Snacking Relief Set” in this Program , you agree that personal information provided by you may be collected, used and disclosed by the Company to its affiliates, suppliers and other service providers for this Program and for providing you the relevant services of “TRME Slimming & Shaping Set” and “TRME Snacking Relief Set”, including but not limited to providing products, payment process, delivery arrangement, refund, management of your account and records, marketing promotion and research, data analysis and for other purposes set out in the Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Policies and Procedures. If the personal data provided by you has been changed, you will notify the Company immediately. All personal information access or correction requests and enquires regarding the Company’s Privacy Notice can be made via telephone at (000) 00000000. The Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of your request.
Collection of Personal Information. To enable you to order “TRME Preview Set” and the Company to process your order and/or ship the “TRME Preview Set” to you, the Company will need to collect certain personal information such as name, shipping address, contact details and credit card information. The Company respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. You have the right to access and verify your personal information held by the Company by contacting the call center of your Resident Market. By placing an order of “TRME Preview Set” in this Program , you agree that personal information provided by you may be collected, used and disclosed by the Company to its affiliates, suppliers and other service providers for this Program and for providing you the relevant services of “TRME Preview Set”, including but not limited to providing products, payment process, delivery arrangement, refund, management of your account and records, marketing promotion and research, data analysis and for other purposes set out in the Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Policies and Procedures. If the personal data provided by you has been changed, you will notify the Company immediately. All personal information access or correction requests and enquires regarding the Company’s Privacy Notice can be made via telephone at (000) 00000000. The Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of your request.
Collection of Personal Information. To enable you to order “Beauty PUMPS-UP Set” and the Company to process your order and/or ship the “Beauty PUMPS-UP Set” to you, the Company will need to collect certain personal information such as name, shipping address, contact details and credit card information. The Company respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. You have the right to access and verify your personal information held by the Company by contacting the call center of your Resident Market. By placing an order of “Beauty PUMPS-UP Set” in this Program , you agree that personal information provided by you may be collected, used and disclosed by the Company to its affiliates, suppliers and other service providers for this Program and for providing you the relevant services of “Beauty PUMPS-UP Set”, including but not limited to providing products, payment process, delivery arrangement, refund, management of your account and records, marketing promotion and research, data analysis and for other purposes set out in the Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Policies and Procedures. If the personal data provided by you has been changed, you will notify the Company immediately. All personal information access or correction requests and enquires regarding the Company’s Privacy Notice can be made via telephone at (000) 00000000. The Company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of your request.

Related to Collection of Personal Information

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 估值对象 基金所拥有的股票、权证、债券和银行存款本息、应收款项、其它投资等资产及负债。

  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修改或者撤回。

  • 估值错误处理原则 (1)估值错误已发生,但尚未给当事人造成损失时,估值错误责任方应及时协调各方,及时进行更正,因更正估值错误发生的费用由估值错误责任方承担;由于估值错误责任方未及时更正已产生的估值错误,给当事人造成损失的,由估值错误责任方对直接损失承担赔偿责任;若估值错误责任方已经积极协调,并且有协助义务的当事人有足够的时间进行更正而未更正,则其应当承担相应赔偿责任。估值错误责任方应对更正的情况向有关当事人进行确认,确保估值错误已得到更正。

  • 关联交易 是指公司及控股子公司与关联方之间发生的转移资源或义务的事项,包括但不限于:

  • 风险揭示 本理财产品为非保本浮动收益型中低风险产品,理财产品管理人将本着“恪守信用、勤勉尽责”的原则管理和运用理财产品财产,但并不对本产品提供保证本金和收益的承诺,投资者的本金和收益可能会因市场变动而蒙受一定程度的损失,投资者应充分认识投资风险,谨慎投资。

  • 問い合わせ先 新潟市財務部契約課物品契約係 951-8550(郵便番号) 新潟市中央区学校町通1番町602番地1 電 話 025-226-2213(直通) FAX 025-225-3500 電子メール xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx

  • mail 公司簡介 年營業額 員工人數

  • 关于中小微企业投标 中小微企业响应是指在政府采购活动中,供应商提供的货物均由中小微企业制造、工程均由中小微企业承建或者服务均由中小微企业承接,并在响应文件中提供《中小企业声明函》。本条款所称中小微企业,是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,依据国务院批准的中小企业划分标准确定的中型企业、小型企业和微型企业,但与大企业的负责人为同一人,或者与大企业存在直接控股、管理关系的除外。符合中小企业划分标准的个体工商户,在政府采购活动中视同中小企业。 中小企业划分见 《关于印发中小企业划型标准规定的通知》(工信部联企业〔2011〕300号) 。 根据财库〔2014〕68号《财政部 司法部关于政府采购支持监狱企业发展有关问题的通知》,监狱企业视同小微企业。 监狱企业是指由司法部认定的为罪犯、戒毒人员提供生产项目和劳动对象,且全部产权属于司法部监狱管理局、戒毒管理局、直属煤矿管理局,各省、自治区、直辖市监狱管理局、戒毒管理局,各地(设区的市)监狱、强制隔离戒毒所、戒毒康复所,以及新疆生产建设兵团监狱管理局、戒毒管理局的企业。监狱企业投标时,提供由省级以上监狱管理局、戒毒管理局(含新疆生产建设兵团)出具的属于监狱企业的证明文件,不再提供《中小企业声明函》。 根据财库〔2017〕141号《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》,在政府采购活动中,残疾人福利性单位视同小型、微型企业,享受政府采购支持政策的残疾人福利性单位应当同时满足《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》所列条件。残疾人福利性单位属于小型、微型企业的,不重复享受政策。符合条件的残疾人福利性单位在参加政府采购活动时,应当提供《残疾人福利性单位声明函》,并对声明的真实性负 责。

  • 信用记录 供应商未被列入“信用中国”网站(“记录失信被执行人或重大税收违法案件当事人名单”记录名单; 不处于中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.go x.xx)“政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录 中的禁止参加政府采购活动期间。 (以采购代理机构于投标(响应) 截止时间当天在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchi 及中国政府采购网(xxxx:// 查询结果为准, 如相关失信记录已失效, 供应商需提供相关证明资料) 。 7 供应商必须符合法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、 管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本采购项目(或采购包) 投标(响应)。 为本项目提供整体设计、 规范编制或者项目管理、 监理、 检测等服务的供应商, 不得再参与本项目投标(响应)。 投标( 报价) 函相关承诺要求内容。 8