ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Order contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto, and acceptance is limited to the terms hereof. Golden Monkey objects to the inclusion of any different or additional terms in Seller's acceptance of this Order. Even if such different or additional terms are included in Seller's acceptance, whether in an acknowledgment, order confirmation, acceptance form, invoice or otherwise, and whether such documents or copies thereof are countersigned by Golden Monkey, those terms shall not apply and a contract shall result only upon Golden Monkey's terms as stated in this Order. The absence of any objection by Golden Monkey to any such terms after receiving them, whether in respect of this Order or in respect of any other past or future Order or transaction, shall not constitute consent or agreement to any such terms on the part of Golden Monkey. 3.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The following sentence is added at the beginning of this Section 20:
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 28.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all agreements, arrangements, promises, undertakings, proposals, warranties, representations and understandings between them at any time before their respective signature ("Pre-Contractual Statements"), whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and undertakings between the parties and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Order contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto, and acceptance is limited to the terms hereof. Hershey objects to the inclusion of any different or additional terms in Seller's acceptance of this Order. Even if such different or additional terms are included in Seller's acceptance, whether in an acknowledgment, order confirmation, acceptance form, invoice or otherwise, and whether such documents or copies thereof are countersigned by Hershey, those terms shall not apply and a contract shall result only upon Hershey's terms as stated in this Order. The absence of any objection by Hershey to any such terms after receiving them, whether in respect of this Order or in respect of any other past or future Order or transaction, shall not constitute consent or agreement to any such terms on the part of Hershey. 3.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Order contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto, and acceptance is limited to the terms hereof. Lotte objects to the inclusion of any different or additional terms in Seller's acceptance of this Order. Even if such different or additional terms are included in Seller's acceptance, whether in an acknowledgment, order confirmation, acceptance form, invoice or otherwise, and whether such documents or copies thereof are countersigned by Lotte, those terms shall not apply and a contract shall result only upon Xxxxx'x terms as stated in this Order. The absence of any objection by Lotte to any such terms after receiving them, whether in respect of this Order or in respect of any other past or future Order or transaction, shall not constitute consent or agreement to any such terms on the part of Lotte. 3.


  • 問い合わせ先 新潟市財務部契約課物品契約係 951-8550(郵便番号) 新潟市中央区学校町通1番町602番地1 電 話 025-226-2213(直通) FAX 025-225-3500 電子メール xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx

  • 资产配置策略 本基金通过对宏观经济环境、政策形势、证券市场走势的综合分析,主动判断市场时机,进行积极的资产配置,合理确定基金在股票、债券等各类资产类别上的投资比例,并随着各类资产风险收益特征的相对变化,适时进行动态调整。

  • 契約条項を示す場所 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通1-1 横浜税関総務部会計課用度係

  • 申购份额的计算及余额的处理方式 本基金申购份额的计算详见《招募说明书》。本基金的申购费率由基金管理人决定,并在招募说明书中列示。申购的有效份额为净申购金额除以当日的基金份额净值,有效份额单位为份,上述计算结果均按四舍五入方法,保留到小数点后 2 位,由此产生的收益或损失由基金财产承担。

  • 分项报价表 注:投标供应商应在投标客户端【报价部分】进行填写,投标客户端软件将自动根据供应商填写信息在线生成分项报价 表,若在投标文件中出现非系统生成的分项报价表,且与投标客户端生成的分项报价表信息内容不一致,以投标客户端在线填写报价并生成的内容为准。(下列表样仅供参考) 采购项目编号:项目名称: 投标人名称: 采购包: