Radiopharmaceuticals 样本条款

Radiopharmaceuticals. Radiopharmaceuticals prescribed by basically Act on Ensuring Quality, Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices,etc. (Act No. 145 of August 10, 1960) Their radionuclides were prescribed by the Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No.186 of December 19, 1955) and they were also approved under Act on Ensuring Quality, Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices,etc. Radiopharmaceuticals are used mainly for injections, namely “in vivo use”. The assay kits containing radiolabeled compounds are also described as radiopharmaceuticals, namely “in vitro use” as long as they are used for clinical examinations. Radiopharmaceuticals are, here, described as “in vivo” for clinical diagnosis and therapy , and “in vitro” for diagnostic assays. Ⅲ Symbols The following symbols are used in the tables. ‐ :Nil ・ :Class or item not applicable 0 :Figure less than 0.5 Ⅳ Districts and Prefectures The following serial number is given to each prefecture. 01 Hokkaido 24 Mie Prefecture 02 Aomori Prefecture 25 Shiga Prefecture 04 Miyagi Prefecture 27 Osaka Prefecture 06 Yamagata Prefecture 29 Nara Prefecture 07 Fukushima Prefecture 30 Wakayama Prefecture 09 Tochigi Prefecture 32 Shimane Prefecture 10 Gunma Prefecture 33 Okayama Prefecture 11 Saitama Prefecture 34 Hiroshima Prefecture 12 Chiba Prefecture 35 Yamaguchi Prefecture 13 Tokyo 36 Tokushima Prefecture 16 Toyama Prefecture 39 Kochi Prefecture
Radiopharmaceuticals. Radiopharmaceuticals prescribed by basically Act on Ensuring Quality, Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices,etc. (Act No. 145 of August 10, 1960) Their radionuclides were prescribed by the Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No.186 of December 19, 1955) and they were also approved under Act on Ensuring Quality, Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices,etc. Radiopharmaceuticals are used mainly for injections, namely “in vivo use”. The assay kits containing Ⅳ radiolabeled compounds are also described as radiopharmaceuticals, namely “in vitro use” as long as they are used for clinical examinations. Radiopharmaceuticals are, here, described as “in vivo” for clinical diagnosis Ⅳ and therapy , and “in vitro” for diagnostic assays.

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  • JICA はい、そうです。

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • IPA担当者使用欄 提出書類 部数 有無 No. 提出書類 部数 有無

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 公募書類の作成

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