SETTLEMENT. 12.1 Client accepts that every Transaction effected for the Account contemplates actual performance in accordance with its terms, including delivery and receipt of any Commodities and payment for them. Notwithstanding this and subject to paragraph 12.4 below, in respect of each open position in relation to the Account which remains subsisting on the maturity date for its settlement, neither SYS nor Client shall have any obligation to make or take delivery (as the case may be) of the Commodity the subject matter of the transaction on the maturity date, if, according to the rules or usual practice of the relevant exchange, the outstanding obligations of the buyer and seller of such open position shall be satisfied solely by cash settlement based on a difference in price or value, in which case SYS or Client (as the case may be) shall settle or close the open position by paying the relevant difference to the other on the maturity date thereof. Client shall take all necessary actions to enable SYS to effect due settlement of each transaction effected for the Account in accordance with the rules, regulations and requirements of the relevant exchange and/ or clearing house. 12.2 Subject to the terms of this Agreement and to the rules, regulations and requirements of the relevant exchange and/or clearing house adopted from time to time, Client may, at any time before the last trading day of a contract or transaction in relation to the Account, request SYS to close out or in the case of an Option Contract, exercise (providing exercise is then possible) the matching Option Contract. Any amount (including, without limitation, any amount payable by SYS to the relevant exchange and/or clearing house and/or SYS's brokers or agents) payable by Client arising out of the closing out of any contract or transaction or the exercise of any Option Contract shall become immediately due and payable to SYS upon the closing out or exercise. 12.3 To exercise an option pursuant to an Option Contract effected for the Account, Client shall (subject to the rules and regulations of the relevant exchange on which the Option Contract is traded or entered into) deliver to SYS a notice of exercise no later than such time limit as may be specified by SYS from time to time before the cut-off date for the tender of exercise Instruction prescribed by the writer of the option or the relevant exchange or clearing house (whichever prescribes the earliest cut-off date). Such notice shall only be co...
SETTLEMENT. 11.1. The Client agrees to pay the premium in cash for long call/put Options payable in respect of an Options Contract in cash in such amount and within such time period as notified by GTJAS. If no time period is specified by GTJAS, then the Client is required to comply with such demand before expiry of two (2) hours from the time of making the demand (or more quickly if GTJAS requires the Client to do so). GTJAS may require the Client to make arrangements for payment of premium in cash in advance of accepting long call/put Instructions from the Client or may impose other requirements from time to time for the payment of premium as GTJAS in its absolute discretion thinks fit. 11.2. The Client acknowledges that on and only on the expiry day, the SEOCH Options System will automatically generate exercise instructions in respect of all open long positions which are in-the-money by or above the percentage prescribed by SEOCH from time to time. The Client may instruct GTJAS to override these automatically generated exercise instructions before System Closure on the expiry day in accordance with the Operational Clearing Procedures of SEOCH as amended from time to time. 11.3. In respect of the Client's short positions, in cases where the Options Contract is validly exercised (including cases pursuant to Clause 11.4), the Client shall fulfill his obligations under the relevant Options Contract by the relevant cut off time as stipulated by GTJAS for the relevant market from time to time (being 3:15 p.m. on the Business Day following the day of exercise in respect of Options Contracts listed in Hong Kong, as amended and notified by GTJAS from time to time). In default thereof, without prejudice to other rights or remedies that GTJAS may have against the Client, GTJAS may without demand or notice cover any liability of the Client under any short positions or deal with the same in the manner deemed most appropriate by GTJAS. The Client agrees that the Client will be responsible for all the expenses of GTJAS in connection with the above and that GTJAS will not be liable for any loss that may thereby be incurred. 11.4. The Client understands and agrees that in accordance with the relevant Rules, the relevant exchange or clearing house may randomly select any options trading exchange participant to perform the delivery obligation under an Options Contract in a short open position. If GTJAS is selected, GTJAS will randomly select an Options Contract from among all Options ...


  • 招标公告 4.2.2 提交投标文件地点 见

  • 协议对公司的影响 1、 本项目有利于公司扩大生物质产业规模,促进公司更好更快发展。 2、 公司的主要业务不会因履行本协议而对协议当事人形成依赖。 3、 若本项目顺利实施,将对公司未来经营业绩产生积极影响,但对公司 2016年经营业绩不产生重大影响。

  • 操作风险 产品运作过程中,因内部控制存在缺陷或者人为因素造成操作失误或违反操作规程等引致的风险,例如,越权违规交易、交易错误、IT系统故障等风险。

  • 违约与处罚 甲方应按照合同规定的时间办理财政支付手续,每拖延 1 天乙方可向甲方加收合同总价 ‟的违约金。但由于财政资金拨款不到位而导致甲方逾期付款的,甲方不承担违约责任,并且此情况不能成为乙方延误工期的理由。

  • 框架协议签订的基本情况 2018年1月10日,公司与广东省河源市人民政府签署了《战略合作框架协议》(以下合称“本协议”或“本合作协议”)。 本协议为合作框架性协议,暂无需提交公司董事会或股东大会审 议。公司将在具体投资合作事宜明确后,按照《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》、《公司章程》等法律、法规、规范性文件及公司制度的规定和要求,履行相应的决策和审批程序。

  • 契 約 金 額 うち取引に係る消費税及び地方消費税の額

  • 保險費之交付 要保人應於本保險契約訂立時,向本公司所在地或指定地點交付保險費。要保人於交付保險費時,本公司應給與收據或繳款證明或委由代收機構出具其它相關之繳款證明為憑。除經本公司同意延緩交付外,對於保險費交付前所發生之損失,本公司不負賠償責任。

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血浆) 阴性/阳性(滴度) --

  • 包销风险 主承销商在集中簿记建档发行过程中,未能全额募集债券公告发行量,按照相关协议要求,主承销商对余券履行余额包销义务,存在包销风险。

  • 对公司的影响 上述交易是基于生产经营的需要,不会损害公司和非关联股东的利益,不会对公司未来财务状况、经营成果产生不利影响,对公司的独立性没有构成影响。