Storage & Removal of Waste Materials 样本条款

Storage & Removal of Waste Materials. All exhibitors’ materials and properties kept within the venue shall be at Exhibitor’s risk. All exhibitors are required to store materials in an orderly manner to avoid obstruction. At the end of each day, Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring the contractors/staff/agents remove all unwanted materials from the exhibition halls. Each assigned booth contractor is expected to clean the booths and remove all debris. The organizer shall invoice exhibitors for removal of waster such as packing materials, crates and cartons and etc., left by the exhibitors or their contractors. Exhibitors are only allowed to move-in exhibit/stock one hour before the exhibition opens. Movement of exhibit/stock in the hall during exhibition’s opening hours is strictly prohibited.

Related to Storage & Removal of Waste Materials

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 基金资产净值计算和会计核算 18 九、 基金收益分配 23

  • 磋商内容 包号 货物、服务和工程名称 数量 采购需求 预算金额(元)

  • 无有效行驶证 指下列任何情形:(1)未取得行驶证;(2)机动车被依法注销登记的;(3)未依法按时进行或通过机动车安 全技术检验。

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 改善目標の設定

  • および ②のほか、告知事項の内容に変更を生じさせる事実(注)が発生したこと。

  • 〇八条 董事会行使下列职权:

  • 保险期间 第十条 除另有约定外,保险期间为一年,以保险单载明的起讫时间为准。

  • 完整协议 乙方在正保会计网校网站上公布的招生方案及网站的注册服务条款是本协议的补充,惟该等招生方案及网站注册服务条款与本协议有不同之处的,则以本协议的约定为准。

  • 转出总金额(C=A B) 1,200.00 转出基金赎回费率(D) 0.5% 转出基金费用(E=C*D) 6.00 转换金额(F=C-E) 1,194.00