SUBROGATION. In the event that IPA makes any payments in connection with the provision of assistance to an Insured Person, IPA shall be subrogated to the rights of such Insured Person to obtain payments from any third party found legally responsible for the assistance, up to the amount of such payment made by IPA and any other insurance or assistance plan which provides compensation to the Assistance Events.
SUBROGATION. In the event that any payment is made under this Policy in respect of any claim, the Company shall be subrogated to all the Insured’s rights of recovery against any person or organization and the Proposer / Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The Proposer / Insured shall agree not to prejudice such rights.
SUBROGATION. In the event of payment for loss under this Policy to or on behalf of The Insured, INSURERS shall be subrogated to all The Insured's rights of recovery against all persons and organisations. INSURERS agree to waive all rights of subrogation under this Policy against any Insured named or described in the Schedule. INSURERS further agree to waive all rights of subrogation against any other party as required under contract or otherwise agreed to by THSRC. In the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of The Insured or any of the parties or entities comprising The Insured, INSURERS shall not be relieved of the payment of any claim hereunder because of such bankruptcy or insolvency.
SUBROGATION. In the event that IPA makes any payments in connection with the provision of assistance to an Insured, IPA shall be subrogated to the rights of such Insured to obtain payments from any third party found legally responsible for the assistance, up to the amount of such payment made by IPA and any other insurance or assistance plan which provides compensation to the Assistance Events. Provided that IPA has first sought an agreement with the Insured and his Close Relative if the Insured and/or his Close Relative shall themselves be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred for such assistance, IPA will not be required to provide assistance to the following:-
SUBROGATION. After the Company has paid a benefit under this Policy, the Company shall have the right to proceed at its own expense in the name of the Policy Holder and/or the Insured Person against any third party who may be responsible for events giving rise to such benefit claim under this Policy. Any amount recovered from any such third party shall belong to the Company to the extent of the amount of benefits which has been paid by the Company in respect of the relevant benefit claim under this Policy. The Policy Holder and/or the Insured Person must provide full details in his possession or within his knowledge on the fault of the third party and fully cooperate with the Company in the recovery action. For the avoidance of doubt, the above subrogation right shall only apply if the third party is not the Policy Holder or the Insured Person.
SUBROGATION. In the event that I.P.A. makes any payments in connection with the provision of assistance to an Insured, I.P.A. shall be subrogated to the rights of such Insured to obtain payments from any third party found legally responsible for the assistance, up to the amount of such payment made by I.P.A. and any other insurance or assistance plan which provides compensation to the Assistance Events.


  • 联合体投标 6.1 本项目是否接受联合体形式参与详见投标人须知前附表。

  • 订立托管协议的目的 订立本协议的目的是明确基金管理人与基金托管人之间在基金财产的保管、投资运作、净值计算、收益分配、信息披露及相互监督等相关事宜中的权利义务及职责,确保基金财产的安全,保护基金份额持有人的合法权益。

  • 管理风险 由于本理财产品管理人受技能和管理水平等因素的限制,可能会影响本理财产品的本金和投资收益,导致本金遭受损失和理财收益处于较低水平甚至为零的风险。

  • 汇率风险 本产品以人民币为计价单位,但可能投资于非计价货币报价的资产,如果资产报价货币兑产品计价货币汇率下降,则以产品计价货币计价的上述资产的价值将会下降,本产品管理人将使用衍生工具管理上述汇率波动的风险,但由于技术上的原因,外汇敞口无法事先准确预测。

  • 偿付风险 虽然发行人目前经营和财务状况极好,但本期债券的存续期较长,如果在本期债券存续期间内,发行人所处的宏观环境、经济政策和行业状况等客观环境出现不可预见或不能控制的不利变化,以及发行人本身的生产经营存在一定的不确定性,可能使发行人不能从预期的还款来源中获得足够资金,从而影响本期债券本息的按期兑付。 尽管在本期债券发行时,发行人已根据现实情况安排了偿债保障措施来控制和降低本期债券的还本付息风险,但是在本期债券存续期内,可能由于不可控的因素(如政策、法律法规的变化等)导致已拟定的偿债保障措施不能完全履行,进而影响本期债券持有人的利益。

  • 再投资风险 再投资风险反映了利率下降对固定收益证券利息收入再投资收益的影响,这与利率上升所带来的价格风险(即前面所提到的利率风险)互为消长。具体为当利率下降时,基金从投资的固定收益证券所得的利息收入进行再投资时,将获得较少的收益率。

  • 延期风险 理财产品到期或您决定赎回本产品时,若出现所投资产无法顺利变现、市场发生重大变动或其他宁银理财认为需要延期支付的情形时,本产品将面临无法按时支付相关款项的风险。

  • 費用の負担) 第 14 条 保証委託者は、この証書の作成、担保権の設定又は移転等の登記、代位弁済の付記登記、公正証書の作成その他この約定に関するいっさいの費用を負担します。

  • 其他风险 包括但不限于自然灾害、金融市场危机、战争等不可抗力因素造成的相关投资风险。理财产品管理人在代理本理财产品买卖投资标的物时,交易对手可能为理财产品管理人。理财产品管理人将秉承公允市价交易的原则进行交易,并且保留交易记录以备相关部门查询。 理财产品管理人将本着“恪守信用、勤勉尽责”的原则管理和运用理财产品财产,但并不对本理财产品提供保证本金和收益的承诺。

  • 税务风险 本产品投资各国或地区市场时,因各国或地区税务法律法规的不同,可能会就股息、利息、资本利得等收益向该国或该地区税务机构缴纳税金,包括预扣税,该行为可能会使得资产回报受到一定影响;该国或该地区的税收法律法规的规定可能变化,或者加以具有追溯力的修订,所以可能须向该国或该地区缴纳本产品销售、估值或者出售投资当日并未预计的额外税项。