DECLARATION. The service is provided by IPA which is an independent contractor and is not an agent of the Company. The Company shall make no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the availability of IPA’s services and shall not be liable to the Insured or any other person in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or legal proceeding suffered or incurred by any of them, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with the services provided or advice given by IPA or its agents, or the availability of such services. 1. This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. 2. The written application, which the Proposer / Insured as made and declared being the basis of issuing this policy, must be true and correct. If any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support thereof, then this Policy shall be void. 3. The Insured undertakes to reimburse the Company for any expenses paid by the Company on the Insured’s behalf that are not properly recoverable under the Policy. 4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction 5. Authorization 6. Reasonable Precautions 7. Arbitration 8. Time Limitation
DECLARATION. The service is provided by IPA which is an independent contractor and is not an agent of the Company. The Company shall make no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the availability of IPA’s services and shall not be liable to the Insured or any other person in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or legal proceeding suffered or incurred by any of them, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with the services provided or advice given by IPA or its agents, or the availability of such services. 1. The due observance and fulfillment of the Terms, Conditions, Exclusions and Endorsements of this insurance by the Policyholder and Insured Person and claimants in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with them, and the truth of the statements and details in every proposal form and declaration shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Company to make any payment under this insurance. 2. The insurance coverage for all sections except “Cancellation of Journey” commences on the departure of the Insured Person from his residence or office in Hong Kong SAR directly to the international departure point and ceases on the Insured Person’s return directly to his residence or office; provided that the insurance shall in any event be deemed to have not commenced more than 6 hours prior to the departure time or ceased more than 6 hours after the return to Hong Kong SAR. As for coverage under the “Cancellation of Journey” section the insurance commences on the date of applying this insurance or arranging the journey and ceases on the departure date on the itinerary as stipulated before commencement of travel. 3. Trip Duration 3.1 The maximum period of Insurance for single trip plan shall be 182 consecutive calendar days. 3.2 The maximum period of Insurance for multiple trips plan shall be 3 months or one year. However, the Insurance covers for each trip shall not exceed 90 consecutive days. 4. This Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong SAR. 5. All differences arising out of this insurance shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties in difference or if they cannot agree upon a single Arbitrator to the decision of two Arbitrators one to be appointed in writing by each of the parties within one calendar month after having been required in writing so to do by either of the parities or in case the Arbitrators do n...
DECLARATION. The service is provided by IPA which is an independent contractor and is not an agent of the Company. The Company shall make no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the availability of IPA’s services and shall not be liable to the Insured Person or any other person in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or legal proceeding suffered or incurred by any of them, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with the services provided or advice given by IPA or its agents, or the availability of such services. 1. The due observance and fulfillment of the terms, conditions, exclusions and endorsements of this insurance by the Policyholder, Insured and claimants in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with them, and truth of the statements and details submitted during the confirmation of this insurance on the website of the Company shall be the conditions precedent to any liability of the Company to make any payment under the insurance. 2. This insurance is only valid for a trip originating from Hong Kong SAR and when the Policyholder and/or the Insured confirm the insurance in the Website of the Company prior to such trip specified in the Website. 3. The Card is fully transferable in that the Company will issue the Policy in accordance with the information submitted by the Policyholder and/or Insured on the Website of the Company. The Insured nominated on the Website need not be the person who purchased the Card. 4. The Insured can specify the effective date of the insurance. However, the effective date of the insurance cannot be later than 14 days after the confirmation of insurance. The Card can only be confirmed once. Once it is confirmed, the information cannot be changed. 5. The Insured can only confirm with one Card during the same Period of Insurance. 6. An Insured Person shall not be covered under more than on comprehensive travel insurance policies underwritten by the Company for the same Insured Journey. In the event that an Insured Person is covered by more than one policies issued by the Company, benefit will be paid by the policy which provides the greatest amount of benefit. Where the benefit under each such policy is identical, the Company will only entertain the claim that Insured Person to be covered under the Policy first issued. The Company will refund any duplicated insurance premium that may have been made by the Insured Person and cover of the duplicated insurance shall be void...


  • 目的及目标 长者地区中心的最终目标是使长者能继续在社区过着健康、受尊重及有尊严的生活,强化他们积极及有所贡献的角色,并凝聚公众力量,共同建立一个关怀长者的社区。

  • 基金募集金额不少于 2 亿元人民币且基金认购人数不少于 200 人的条件下,基金募集期届满或基金管理人依据法律法规及招募说明书可以决定停止基金发售,并在 10 日内聘请法定验资机构验资,自收到验资报告之日起 10 日内,向中国证监会办理基金备案手续 基金募集达到基金备案条件的,自基金管理人办理完毕基金备案手续并取得中国证监会书面确认之日起,《基金合同》生效;否则《基金合同》不生效。基金管理人在收到中国证监会确认文件的次日对《基金合同》生效事宜予以公告。基金管理人应将基金募集期间募集的资金存入专门账户,在基金募集行为结束 前,任何人不得动用。

  • 墜機、沉船、交通中斷或道路、港口冰封 罷工、勞資糾紛或民眾非理性之聚眾抗爭。

  • 2 0/x 0 Ⅱ期 1~2 1 0

  • はじめに 本書は、独立行政法人科学技術振興機構(以下、「JST」という。)が実施する地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力事業を、貴機関(以下、「研究機関」という。)とJSTが締結する「委託研究契約書」に基づいて研究機関にて推進するにあたり、必要な事務処理等について補足的に説明するものです。 研究機関におかれましては、委託研究契約書及び本説明書に基づいて、効果的で効率的な研究推進のための、柔軟かつ適正な研究費の執行をお願いします。

  • 前目訂有損害賠償金額上限者,於法令另有規定(例如民法第 227 條 第 2 項之加害給付損害賠償),或一方故意隱瞞工作之瑕疵、故意或重大過失行為,或對第三人發生侵權行為,對他方所造成之損害賠償,不受賠償金額上限之限制。

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • 契約所定技術規格違反採購法第 26 條規定 屬前段第 3 目情形,而有增加經費之必要,其經機關綜合評估其總體效益更有利於機關者,得不受前段序文但書限制。

  • 基金费用的种类中第 4-10 项费用 根据有关法规及相应协议规定,按费用实际支出金额列入当期费用,由基金托管人从基金财产中支付。

  • 前 文 松山市(以下「甲」という。)は、民間の技術的能力等を最大限に活用するPFI手法を活用し、市立小中学校の教育環境向上の一環として、普通教室、使用頻度の高い特別教室(以下、総称して「普通教室等」という。)に新規設備を設置することにより、児童及び生徒並びに教職員に望ましい学習環境及び就労環境の提供を実現すること、また、整備期間や財政負担等の縮減、効率化を図ることを目的として、松山市立小中学校空調設備整備PFI事業(以下「本事業」という。) を実施することとした。 甲は、松山市内の小中学校 78 校の普通教室等への新規設備の設計、施工、維持管理等の業務の実施に当たり、民間企業の設計能力、施工能力、維持管理能力等を最大限に利用し、また、設計、施工、維持管理等を一括して業務を委託又は請け負わせることにより、民間企業の創意工夫を求め、コストの適切な管理を目指すため、民間資金等の活用による公共施設等の整備等の促進に関する法律(平成 11 年法律第 117 号)に 基づき、本事業についての入札説明書等(第 1 条第 11 号に定義されたとおり)に従って審査を行い、最も優れた提案を行った【 】株式会社(以下「●●●」という。)、株式会社【 】(以下「●●●」という。)で構成されるグループを落札者として選定し、同グループは、入札説明書等に従い、本事業を実施するため、平成【 】年【 】月【 】日に甲と基本協定書を締結し、これに基づき同グループを構成する企業は、特別目的会社たる【 】株式会社(以下「乙」という。)を設立した。甲と乙は、本事業の実施に関して以下の各条項記載のとおり合意した。