Wi-Fi Project Reference 样本条款

Wi-Fi Project Reference. 11.1. The Contractor shall list out 10 reference cases with compliment letters. 11.2. The compliment letters shall be provided during the tender submission 11.3. To prove that the Contractor has the capability on Wi-Fi system design and maintenance, The Contractor shall list out 20 reference cases in non-subscription model which uses the same wireless solution vendor as the proposed brand in last 3 years while the cases in a single year shall not be less than 5. 11.4. The project references shall be provided during tender submission.

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  • 保险期间 除另有约定外,保险期间为一年,以保险单载明的起讫时间为准。

  • 附件 10 残疾人福利性单位声明函格式

  • 服务项目、价格 金额单位:元 序号 采购计划文号 商品名称 品牌 型号 配置要求 采购数量 单位 成交单价 小计 1 [2023]9620号 车辆定点维修 - - 品牌: 1 件 1985. 00 1985.00 合同总价(元) 1985.00 合同总价(大写) 壹仟玖佰捌拾伍元整

  • V2 V = V1 × ――― V :月次繰越ガス量 V1:過不足ガス量 V2:過不足ガス量が月別受入ガス量の5パーセントを超える託送供給依頼者の月次繰越ガス量の合計