通 用 条 款 样本条款

通 用 条 款. 全文详见住房城乡建设部、国家工商行政管理总局联合制定的建设工程施工合同 (示范文本)(GF—2017—0201)
通 用 条 款. 甲、乙双方指定的基本注册信息和账户信息如下:
通 用 条 款. 客户同意 IBM 可在宣传或市场营销中将客户公开为云服务的订户。 客户不得单独使用云服务或与其他服务或产品相结合使用,以支持下列任何高风险活动:设计、构造、控制或维护核设施、公共交通系统、航空交通管制系统、汽车控制系统、武器系统或飞机导航或通信或云服务故障可能会导致严重的人身伤害或死亡重大威胁的任何其他活动。
通 用 条 款. 下列说明适合所有的保险责任及保险计划: 一、 被保险人必须如实告知所有可能影响保险单承保发生的事实,否则我们将拒绝理赔。如果被保险人不能确定某项事实是否与本保险单承保有关,也需履行告知义务。同时我们有权就投保人、被保险人的有关情况提出书面询问,被保险人必须如实在投保险单上填写投保前的既往症(详见释义)情况,这些将影响投保和续保时保险凭证或保险单批注确定的特殊条款、投保条件、除外责任和特别限制等。 Section 8. Elective Medical Transfer (Operative under Premier and Elite) If we agree that it is necessary for the insured person to undergo a scheduled major intervention, we will arrange and pay for the insured person's transfer, by regular scheduled or charter airline (and with medical escort if necessary), to the insured person's elected country as specified in the Certificate, as soon as the insured person's medical condition permits, and on condition that: 1. There is a suitable hospital available in the elected country, which accepts the insured person for admission. 2. Our physicians are of the opinion that the transfer is not likely to induce any additional risk or deterioration in the insured person's medical condition. 3. Our physicians agree that such transfer can safely be made by regular scheduled or charter airline. 4. The airline company accepts the insured person as a passenger. 5. A suitable flight is available within a satisfactory time period, bearing in mind the insured person's medical condition. In an emergency situation, we will only agree to the insured person's transfer to the elected country if such election does not significantly delay the emergency medical transfer or evacuation. On completion of the insured person's treatment and within three days of our physicians pronouncing the insured person fit to travel, we will arrange and pay for the insured person's return to home in the country of residence, by first class rail travel or economy / tourist class air travel. We will arrange and pay for a medical escort to accompany the insured person, if deemed medically necessary by our physicians. What is not covered: a) The insured person's election of transfer to a country which would significantly delay the insured person's emergency transfer or evacuation. b) Transfer to any elected country which is not approved by our physicians for any reason. c) Any payment in respect of care of an unaccompanied child under Section 2 in the event of a scheduled major intervention which does not involve the insured person's emergency medical transfer or evacuation. Provision 5 General conditions General conditions applying to all sections and programs. 1. The insured person must declare to us all facts which are likely to affect this insurance. Fail...
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  • 廠商依本契約提供機關服務時,如使用開源軟體,應依該開源軟體之授權範圍,授權機關利用,並以執行檔及原始碼共同提供之方式交付予機關使用,廠商並應交付開源軟體清單(包括但不限於 開源專案名稱、出處資訊、原始著作權利聲明、免責聲明、開源授權條款標示與全文)。

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  • 汇总、排序 采购包1: 评标结果按评审后总得分由高到低顺序排列。总得分相同的按投标报价由低到高顺序排列。得分且投标报价相同的,由评委会采取随机抽取的方式确定。排名第一的投标供应商为第一中标候选人,排名第二的投标供应商为第二中标候选人(提供相同品牌产品(非单一产品采购,以核心产品为准。多个核心产品的,有一种产品品牌相同,即视为提供相同品牌产品),评审后得分最高的同品牌投标人获得中标人推荐资格;评审得分相同的,由采购人或者采购人委托评标委员会采取随机抽取方式确定,其他同品牌投标人不作为中标候选人)。

  • 基金费用的种类 中第 3-9 项费用,根据有关法规及相应协议规定,按费用实际支出金额列入当期费用,由基金托管人从基金财产中支付。

  • 参与资格和竞争性磋商文件获取方式、时间及地点 1.磋商文件获取方式:采购文件公告期为5个工作日,供应商须在公告期内凭用户名和密码,登录黑龙江省政府采购网,选择“交易执行 → 应标 → 项目投标”,在“未参与项目”列表中选择需要参与的项目,确认参与后即可获取磋商文件。获取磋商文件的供应商,方具有投标和质疑资格。逾期报名,不再受理。

  • 基金管理人和基金托管人应保证文本的内容与所公告的内容完全一致 6、对于因不可抗力等原因导致基金信息的暂停或延迟披露的(如暂停披露基金资产净值和基金份额净值),基金管理人应及时向中国证监会报告,并与基金托管人协商采取补救措施。不可抗力等情形消失后,基金管理人和基金托管人应及时恢复办理信息披露。

  • 意外伤害 指以外来的、突发的、非本意的和非疾病的客观事件为直接且单独的原因致使身体受到的伤害。