General Примерни клаузи

General. (1) Each party is responsible for complying with any obligations applying to it under applicable Canadian data privacy laws and regulations (“Laws”).
General. 1.1. This document governs the general terms and conditions under which Sectron Ltd., UIC 831144177, with headquarters in Sofia city and management address Xx: 00 X-x X. X. Dimitrov Blvd., Building SECTRON/SOT, VAT Registration Number: BG831144177, shall provide services and products to traders, other legal entities, including non-profit legal entities, natural persons and their associations, hereinafter referred to for brevity ‘Customers’.
General. 12.1 Уведомления Всички уведомления, които се изискват или е позволено да се отправят съгласно настоящия договор, могат да се връчват на ръка (включително посредством куриер) или по електронна поща, на адресите посочени по-долу или на друг адрес, съобщен предварително от получателя на подателя в съответствие с настоящия член. За ………………: Лице за контакт: ……………………………….. Емейл: …………………………….. За Купувача: Лице за контакт: Адрес: Емейл: 12.1 Notices Any notice required or authorized to be given hereunder may be served by hand (including by courier) or by email at the addresses indicated below or such other address as the recipient has previously notified to the sender in accordance with this Section.. For ……………………..: Contact person: ……………………………….. Email: ………………………………………… For the Purchaser: Contact person: Address: Email:
General. 1. Insurance corporation “Asset Insurance” Inc., hereinafter referred to INSURER as IN- SURER, in accordance with these General Insurance terms and conditions, contracts Bulgarian and foreign individuals and entities, hereinafter referred to as INSURED.
General. Services provided by Honeywell will be rendered in a workmanlike manner, in accordance with generally accepted, standard industry practice. Any services performed that do not conform to these terms and conditions will, upon written notice from Buyer, be corrected by Honeywell, provided such notice is received by Honeywell within 90 days of the date the service was performed. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by Honeywell, Honeywell shall not be responsible for the application and functional adequacy of the Equipment and Software provided hereunder. 3.4. Exclusions. These warranties shall not apply if a failure or nonconformance is due in whole or in part to: (i) improper use, application, maintenance, operation or installation of the Equipment or Software, or exposure of the Equipment or Software to operating environments outside Honeywell’s specifications; (ii) any modification of the Equipment or Software in a manner inconsistent with the applicable user