РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. Claims can be made by the BUYER for the Goods quantity if it does not conform to the quantity mentioned in present Contract.
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. 6.1. Рекламации могут быть заявлены по качеству поставленной продукции в случае несоответствия её требованиям нормативных документов стандартизации (ГОСТ, O’zDSt, Ts и т.п.), техническим требованиям «Заказчика» и эталону-образцу, утвержденному сторонами, а также техническим характеристикам (указан в подразделе 1.3), а также, описанным в технической документации производителя.
6.2. В одностороннем порядке представитель «Заказчика» имеет право произвести проверку и составить акт рекламации также в следующих случаях: при неявке представителя «Исполнителя» в назначенный срок; при оставлении извещения без ответа; при отсутствии независимой организации, а также при отказе выделить представителей или неявке представителей вышеуказанных организаций. В таком случае акт рекламации считается принятым к исполнению.
7.3. В случае обнаружения при приемке «Заказчиком» несоответствия количества или качества поставляемой продукции, «Исполнитель» обязан за свой счет поставить недостающую продукцию или заменить продукцию ненадлежащего качества в течение 30 (тридцати) банковских дней.
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. 1. В случай на некачествено изпълнение от страна на Изпълнителя, Възложителят предоставя на Изпълнителя възможност за допълнително изпълнение, най-малко два пъти, в рамките на съответните гратисни периоди, освен ако това не е неразумно във всеки отделен случай или освен ако circumstances justify the Principal's immediate withdrawal in consideration of mutual interests. The Contractor may rectify the defect at its own choice or provide the service once more without defect. If supplementary performance is unsuccessful, the Principal is authorized to reduce remuneration or to withdraw from the Agreement; claims for compensation for damage exist only pursuant to Sec. X. No claims for compensation for damage and withdrawal exist if the deviation from the contractual condition is insignificant.
2. The Principal shall inform the Contractor immediately - no later than two weeks after acceptance - in text form of any obvious defects. The Principal shall inform the Contractor of any hidden defects in writing no later than within two weeks after discovery of such. Otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is excluded. This does not apply if the Principal is a Consumer.
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. 10.1. Claims can be made by the BUYER for the Goods quantity if it does not conform to the quantity mentioned in present Contract and in shipping documentation.
10.2. Claims can be made by the BUYER for the Goods quality if it does not conform to the quality mentioned in present Contract.
10.3. The BUYER has the right to claim on the SELLER in respect of the quality within Goods warranty storage period.
10.4. The BUYER has the right to claim on the SELLER in respect of the quantity within 1 (one) month from the date of delivery of the Goods to the destination point. On expiration of the above-mentioned period no claims in respect of the quantity will be accepted.
10.5. The Claims should contain the name of the claimed Goods, its quantity and the nature of the Claims.
10.6. The Claims should be forwarded by fax or registered mail with all necessary documents confirming the Claims.
10.7. Documents accompanying the Claims on the quality must be confirmed with an expertise act of the independent competent organization.
10.8. The SELLER has right to inspect the correctness of Claims at the place of delivery by his representatives during 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of Claims receiving.
10.9. The SELLER should accept or reject it with reasonable explanation the Claims within twenty (20) calendar days from the Claims receiving.
10.10. In case of shortage of the Goods delivered under the present Contract the SELLER shall deliver at address of the BUYER the undelivered Goods within 60 (sixty) days from the date of acceptance of the Claim. Delivery of undelivered Goods will be at the expense of the SELLER on the terms and basis of the price stipulated in the Chapter 2 of the present contract. The SELLER only pays the penalty by mutual agreement of the parties on the any shortage of goods in quantities not possible delivery of the goods in connection with the train/container norm, in accordance with Chapter 11 of present contract.
10.11. In case, if Goods doesn’t conform in quality, the SELLER has to change Goods within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date recognition of the Claim or will compensate the BUYER in the form of a discount for the quantity, which is out of specifications. Delivery of new Goods to replace the defective product will be at the expense of the SELLER on the terms and price basis as specified in the Chapter 2 of the present contract. The SELLER only pays the penalty by mutual agreement of the parties on the any shortage of goods in...
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. 11.1 Ние се стремим да Ви предоставяме най-добро обслужване по всяко време. В случай че Вие не сте доволни от нашето обслужване, което е малко вероятно, Ви молим да се свържете с нас възможно най-скоро.
11.2 За да получите пълна информация за нашата процедура за рекламации или за консултация във връзка със защита на потребителите, или за да направите рекламация, можете:
a) да ни се обадите на нашия безплатен телефонен номер 080015445 (or +00000000000) (за обаждания на този номер от мобилен телефон може да Ви бъде удържана такса);
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. The claims may be made by the BUYER for the quality and/or quantity/ supply in full sets of the GOODS if they do not confirm to the quality and/or quantity/ supply in full sets stipulated in the present CONTRACT.
РЕКЛАМАЦИИ. Ако не е уговорено друго приемането и предаването на Стоката се извършва от определените от Страните лица в рамките на Работния ден на уговореното място за доставка.