Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.
Resource Adequacy (a) During the Delivery Term, Seller grants, pledges, assigns and otherwise commits to Buyer all of the Project’s Contract Capacity, including Capacity Attributes from the Project, to enable Buyer to meet its Resource Adequacy or successor program requirements, as the CPUC, CAISO and/or other regional entity may prescribe, including submission of a Supply Plan or Resource Adequacy Plan (“Resource Adequacy Requirements”). From the Execution Date, and for the duration of the Delivery Term, Seller shall take all commercially reasonable actions, including complying with all applicable registration and reporting requirements, and execute any and all documents or instruments necessary to enable Buyer to use all of the capacity of the Project, including Capacity Attributes, to be committed by Seller to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement to meet Buyer’s Resource Adequacy Requirements during the Delivery Term.