Section 15.1 Sample Clauses
Section 15.1. 26 The District shall have the right to discipline or discharge an employee for justifiable cause. The issue of 27 justifiable cause shall be resolved in accordance with the grievance procedure hereinafter provided. If the 28 District has reason to reprimand an employee, it shall be done in a manner which will not embarrass the 29 employee before other employees or the public and in accordance with Section 4.2.
Section 15.1. 11 Grievances or complaints arising between the District and its employees within the bargaining unit 12 defined in Article I herein, with respect to matters dealing with the interpretation or application of the 13 Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, shall be resolved in strict compliance with this Article.
Section 15.1. Effective for the life of this Agreement, bargaining unit members shall contribute 13% of the total cost of the monthly premium. The following plan details will be guaranteed for 2018 only:
Section 15.1. Effective September 1, 2011, the District will no longer utilize non-continuing positions except 3 in the following conditions:
Section 15.1. 47 Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all hours
Section 15.1. 13 The term of this Agreement shall be September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2020.
Section 15.1. 14 The term of this Agreement shall be September 1, 2018 through August 3 1, 2021, with a wage 15 reopener during the summer of 2019 and the summer of 2020.
Section 15.1. 46 When any employee leaves a school district within the State and commences employment with this 47 District, the employee shall retain the same leave benefits and other benefits that the employee had in 1 the previous position. Seniority rights are not transferable in any manner. Longevity shall be fully 2 transferable and is considered an "other benefit".
Section 15.1. 23 In the event an employee believes that the responsibility level of a his/her position's duties 24 and/or level of required skill and ability have been changed significantly so as to make 25 inappropriate the current salary placement, the employee will notify the President of the 26 Association:
28 1) the significant changes that require re-bargaining;
29 2) the additional skills required to perform the significant changes; and
30 3) the proposed modified salary placement. 32 Employees who believe their position has been substantially modified, so as to qualify under 33 this section, must have written documentation outlining the significant changes and 34 corresponding skill level(s) needed to initiate a review of the position by the Reclassification 37 Employees must submit the documents to the President of the Association or Designee no later 38 than April 1. The President of the Association or Designee will notify the District within five 39 (5) business days from April 1. The District will communicate back to the requesting employee 40 the status of his/her request by June 30. Employees will be available to meet with the 41 reclassification committee to present their information and answer questions. 42 43 The reclassification committee consists of the Chief Human Resource Officer or Designee, two 44 (2) delegates, President of the Association or Designee and two (2) delegates. 45 46 The District will make recommendations to the Superintendent or Designee. Upon approval of 47 the Superintendent or Designee and Association, the changes will be implemented on 48 September 1. 1 3 4 5 Section 2.1.
Section 15.1. 13 A short-term substitute employee is defined as an individual who fills in for regular employees in 14 regular positions, but does not have a regular position themselves. Short-term substitutes are paid on 15 a timesheet at the sub rate of pay on Schedule A. 17 District retirees with at least five (5) years’ experience in a regular position in the District who left 18 the District in good standing and begin subbing within one year of their retirement, will be paid at 19 Step 2 on Schedule A.