Governor or Equivalent Controls Whenever the Small Generating Facility is operated in parallel with the New York State Transmission System, Interconnection Customer shall operate the Small Generating Facility with its governor or equivalent controls in service and responsive to frequency. Interconnection Customer shall: (1) in coordination with NYISO, set the deadband parameter to: (1) a maximum of ±0.036 Hz and set the droop parameter to a maximum of 5 percent; or (2) implement the relevant droop and deadband settings from an approved Applicable Reliability Standard that provides for equivalent or more stringent parameters. Interconnection Customer shall be required to provide the status and settings of the governor and equivalent controls to NYISO and/or the Connecting Transmission Owner upon request. If Interconnection Customer needs to operate the Small Generating Facility with its governor or equivalent controls not in service, Interconnection Customer shall immediately notify NYISO and the Connecting Transmission Owner, and provide both with the following information: (1) the operating status of the governor or equivalent controls (i.e., whether it is currently out of service or when it will be taken out of service);