Approved Plan The Subrecipient agrees that it shall be committed to carry out pursuant to the Grantee’s specifications an Affirmative Action Program in keeping with the principles as provided in President’s Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1966. The Grantee shall provide Affirmative Action guidelines to the Subrecipient to assist in the formulation of such program. The Subrecipient shall submit a plan for an Affirmative Action Program for approval prior to the award of funds.
Improvement Plan A written plan developed by the evaluator, utilized when a teacher received a Rating of Ineffective on his/her Evaluation or on any individual deficiency in the evaluation system.
Unbundled Sub-Loop Distribution Voice Grade (USLD-VG) is a copper sub- loop facility from the cross-box in the field up to and including the point of demarcation at the End User’s premises and may have load coils.
What if I Make a Contribution for Which I Am Ineligible or Change My Mind About the Type of IRA to Which I Wish to Contribute?
Proposed Corrective Action Plan Simultaneously with the submission of the Audit, the District will submit to OCR for its review and approval a proposed Corrective Action Plan to address all inaccessible content and functionality identified during the District’s Audit. The proposed Corrective Action Plan will set out a detailed schedule for: (1) addressing problems, taking into account identified priorities, with all corrective actions to be completed within 18 months of the date OCR approved the Corrective Action Plan; (2) setting up systems of accountability and verifying claims of accessibility by vendors or open sources; and setting up a system of testing and accountability to maintain the accessibility of all online content and functionality on an ongoing basis. In its Corrective Action Plan, the District will acknowledge that if all inaccessible content and functionality identified during the Audit is not removed or made accessible on a timely basis, the District will be in violation of this Agreement, Section 504, and Title II and OCR may initiate administrative enforcement or judicial proceedings to enforce the specific terms and obligations of the Agreement.
Desirable Selection Criteria Post registration qualification in the area of specialty or evidence of significant progression towards one.
Notification of Compromise or Potential Compromise The compromise or potential compromise of Confidential Information must be reported to the DSHS Contact designated on the contract within one (1) business day of discovery. Contractor must also take actions to mitigate the risk of loss and comply with any notification or other requirements imposed by law or DSHS.
Corrective Action Plan Within fifteen (15) Business Days following the establishment of the Joint Remediation Committee, the Purchasers, in consultation with the Sellers, shall prepare and submit to the Joint Remediation Committee an initial draft of the Corrective Action Plan. The parties shall work in good faith through the Joint Remediation Committee to finalize the Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days of the Purchasers’ submission of the initial draft of the Correct Action Plan. At the end of such period, if the Sellers reasonably determine that the Corrective Action Plan proposed by the Purchasers (as may be modified over the course of such period) would not reasonably be expected to satisfactorily address the Major Default, then the Sellers may escalate the issue to the Head of Commercial Capital (or equivalent leader of any successor business unit) of the Seller Group and the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank Assets Purchaser (the “Senior Executives”) and the Senior Executives shall work collaboratively (including with the Joint Remediation Committee) to develop a mutually agreeable Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days.
Performance Improvement Plan timely and accurate completion of key actions due within the reporting period 100 percent The Supplier will design and develop an improvement plan and agree milestones and deliverables with the Authority 3.2 The Authority may from time to time make changes to the KPIs measured as set out in paragraph 3.1 above and shall issue a replacement version to the Supplier. The Authority shall give notice In Writing of any such change to the KPIs measured and shall specify the date from which the replacement KPIs must be used for future reports. Such date shall be at least thirty (30) calendar days following the date of the notice to the Supplier.
Improvement Plans A professional improvement plan is a clearly articulated assistance program for a teacher whose student growth measure dimension of the evaluation is below the expected level of student growth. For the purposes of this agreement, improvement plans shall be based on the individual student growth measure level, and not for overall subjects or classes taught.