Improvement Plan Sample Clauses
Improvement Plan. A written plan developed by the evaluator, utilized when a teacher received a Rating of Ineffective on his/her Evaluation or on any individual deficiency in the evaluation system.
Improvement Plan. If the Faculty Evaluation Committee reaches a consensus of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” or if the first-level manager or designee indicates a “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory,” then the evaluators shall develop a written improvement plan and recommend a reevaluation by both the Faculty Evaluation Committee (as augmented under Section and the first-level manager or designee. The evaluatee shall have the discretion to select an additional faculty member to participate in the development of the plan.
Improvement Plan. If any areas of the Adjunct’s performance needs improvement, the Xxxx may work with the Adjunct to create an improvement plan to address these areas. See “Recommendation” on Form D-2 and D-3-A.
Improvement Plan. A bargaining unit member may be placed on an Improvement Plan if the bargaining unit member makes below expected academic growth with his/her students and/or receives an overall Ineffective rating or an Ineffective rating on at least 3 of 10 components as defined on the Teacher Evaluation Rubric.
Improvement Plan. A written plan which shall be collaboratively put into place with the teacher and the assigned credentialed evaluator, in order to directly address any performance deficiencies cited in the evidence that is gathered during walkthroughs and formal observations.
Improvement Plan. 24.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies arising under this DPS Agreement, including under Clause 25.1 (Termination on Material Default), if the Provider commits a material Default of this DPS Agreement (such that the Administering Authority has the right to issue a Termination Notice pursuant to Clause 25 (Administering Authority’s Termination Rights) in respect of such Default) the Provider acknowledges and agrees that the Administering Authority shall have the right to exercise (in its absolute and sole discretion) all or any of the following remedial actions:
24.1.1 the Administering Authority shall be entitled to require the Provider to prepare and provide to the Administering Authority a draft Improvement Plan within ten (10) Working Days;
24.1.2 the Administering Authority shall be entitled to require the Provider to attend, within a reasonable time, one or more meeting(s) in order to resolve the issues raised by the Administering Authority in its notice to the Provider requesting such meetings;
24.1.3 the Administering Authority shall be entitled to serve an Improvement Notice on the Provider and the Provider shall implement such requirements for improvement as set out in the Improvement Notice.
24.2 Where the Administering Authority has instructed the Provider to prepare and provide a draft Improvement Plan pursuant to Clause 24.1.1 (Improvement Plan) the Provider shall ensure that the draft Improvement Plan sets out (as a minimum):
24.2.1 full details of the relevant Default(s) including a root cause analysis;
24.2.2 the actual or anticipated effect of the Default(s); and
24.2.3 the steps which the Provider proposes to take to rectify the Default(s) and (where applicable) to prevent such Default(s) from recurring, including timescales. and the Provider shall promptly provide to the Administering Authority any further documentation that the Administering Authority requires to assess the Provider’s draft Improvement Plan.
24.3 The Administering Authority shall consider the draft Improvement Plan and may reject the draft Improvement Plan by notice to the Provider if, acting reasonably, it considers that the draft Improvement Plan is:
24.3.1 insufficiently detailed to be capable of proper evaluation;
24.3.2 will take too long to complete;
24.3.3 will not prevent reoccurrence of the Default(s); or
24.3.4 will rectify the Default but in a manner which is unacceptable to the Administering Authority, such notice giving reasons for the rejec...
Improvement Plan. An Improvement Plan is necessary when the evaluator marks Needs Improvement on any element on the evaluation form. The Improvement Plan will describe how the bargaining unit member needs to improve. When an Improvement Plan is needed, the principal/designated administrator will write the Improvement Plan. At the bargaining unit member’s request, the VUEA President, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, the bargaining unit member and the immediate supervisor will meet within ten working days to review the Improvement Plan.
Improvement Plan. FULL-TIME FACULTY A regular or grant status full-time faculty member receiving a “Need for Improvement” rating on an evaluation shall be placed on an Improvement Plan. If the College determines it to be the best course of action, a faculty member may also be placed on an improvement plan by the College as the result of the complaint process covered in Article 29.G. The Association will be sent a copy of any Improvement Plan to help assist the faculty member. Further, the faculty member shall have the right to representation, upon request, at any and all meetings called by the College concerning an Improvement Plan. The faculty member shall arrange for representation so that meetings regarding the plan shall not be unreasonably delayed.
1. The faculty member’s immediate supervisor shall hold a conference at which time the faculty member will be given a written improvement plan and will be allowed an opportunity to review the plan with the supervisor. The following applies to the improvement plan:
a. Each area in which a “Need for Improvement” is identified on the performance rating will be considered in developing the Improvement Plan. A timeline will also be included.
b. The following are some methods which may be utilized in implementing the Improvement Plan. This list is not intended to be exclusive.
i. Consultation with colleagues for purposes of assistance in problem areas.
ii. Reassignment of duties to facilitate improvement.
iii. Additional training or course work.
iv. Personal counseling.
v. Support and direction by immediate supervisors.
vi. Consultation with the Opportunity Center.
c. The faculty member’s right to confidentiality shall be maintained.
d. Improvement plans shall include at least the five sections below with each section containing clearly stated item(s).
i. Standard(s) and/or deficiency(ies).
ii. Expectation(s) for each standard.
iii. How satisfactory achievement of each standard will be determined.
iv. Suggestion(s) for achieving each standard.
v. Monitoring, assistance, and feedback to be provided by the supervisor.
2. The faculty member will be given sixty (60) calendar days to meet the expected level of performance. This period may be extended by mutual consent in thirty (30) day increments to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days extension, for a total maximum of one hundred eighty (180) calendar days. The Improvement Plan timeline will be put on hold during non-duty terms that are not part of the faculty member’s...
Improvement Plan. If the College determines to do so, a faculty member may be placed on an Improvement Plan (Article 10.D) as a result of the complaint process.
Improvement Plan. A non-punitive, mutually agreed upon plan between a bargaining unit member and their administrator for the purpose of improving practice.