Absence or Change of Principal Investigator. If a named Principal Investigator or Project Director plans to or becomes aware that he or she will: (1) devote substantially less effort to the work than anticipated in the approved proposal (defined as a reduction of 25% or more in time); (2) sever his or her connection with the awardee organization; or (3) be absent for a continuous period of three months or more, or otherwise relinquish active direction of the project, he or she shall advise both the NSF Program Officer and awardee's Authorized Organizational Representative via use of the NSF FastLane Notification and Request module. Action appropriate to the situation will be initiated in accordance with the guidelines described in AAG Chapter II.B.2.
Absence or Change of Principal Investigator. If a named Principal Investigator or Project Director plans to or becomes aware that he or she will: (1) devote substantially less effort to the work than anticipated in the approved proposal (defined as a reduction of 25% or more in time);