Acceptance of Landlord Work Sample Clauses

Acceptance of Landlord Work. Section 11 of the Agreement is hereby amended to add the following new Seller representation and warranty:
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Acceptance of Landlord Work. All of the Landlord Work (including punchlist) has been completed in accordance with all laws and the requirements of the Cargill Lease and has been fully paid for. The tenant under the Cargill Lease has walked the Premises and inspected and accepted the Landlord Work (including punchlist) in accordance with Section 2.2 of the Cargill Lease. At such time as Seller delivers to Purchaser an Acceptance Agreement from the tenant under the Cargill Lease confirming Seller’s representation and warranty set forth herein, this representation and warranty in this Section 11.2.1 shall be of no further force and effect.” First Amendment to Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions 13034 Excelsior
Acceptance of Landlord Work. Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing within thirty (30) days after the Commencement Date of any defects claimed by Tenant in the Landlord Work. Except for defects stated in such thirty (30) day notice and Latent Defects (defined below) (collectively, "Defects") of which Tenant gives Landlord notice ten (10) months after Substantial Completion of the Landlord Work, Tenant shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the Landlord Work "AS IS" in the condition existing on the date Tenant first takes possession, and to have waived all claims relating to its condition. Landlord shall proceed diligently to correct the Defects stated in the applicable notice unless Landlord disputes the existence of any such Defects. For purposes of this Lease, "Latent Defects" shall mean defects in Landlord Work which were not readily apparent when the thirty (30) day notice was due.

Related to Acceptance of Landlord Work

  • Completion of Landlord’s Work Landlord shall substantially complete or cause to be substantially completed Landlord’s Work in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the TI Permit subject, in each case, to Minor Variations and normal “punch list” items of a non-material nature that do not interfere with the use of the Premises and shall obtain a certificate or temporary certificate of occupancy (or an equivalent approval) for the Premises permitting lawful occupancy of the Premises during the Term (but specifically excluding any permits, licenses or other governmental approvals required to be obtained in connection with Tenant’s operations in the Premises not relating to Landlord’s Work)(“Substantial Completion” or “Substantially Complete”). Upon Substantial Completion of Landlord’s Work, Landlord shall require the TI Architect and the general contractor to execute and deliver, for the benefit of Tenant and Landlord, a Certificate of Substantial Completion in the form of the American Institute of Architects (“AIA”) document G704. For purposes of this Work Letter, “Minor Variations” shall mean any modifications reasonably required: (i) to comply with all applicable Legal Requirements and/or to obtain or to comply with any required permit (including the TI Permit); (ii) to comply with any request by Tenant for modifications to Landlord’s Work; (iii) to comport with good design, engineering, and construction practices that are not material; or (iv) to make reasonable adjustments in accordance with good design, engineering, and construction practices for field deviations or conditions encountered during the construction of Landlord’s Work.

  • Performance of Landlords Work (a) Definition of Landlord’s Work. As used herein, “

  • Acceptance of Leased Premises Tenant acknowledges that: (a) it has been advised by Landlord, Landlord’s Broker and Tenant’s Broker, if any, to satisfy itself with respect to the condition of the Leased Premises (including, without limitation, the HVAC, electrical, plumbing and other mechanical installations, fire sprinkler systems, security, environmental aspects, and compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) and the present and future suitability of the Leased Premises for Tenant’s intended use; (b) Tenant has made such inspection and investigation as it deems necessary with reference to such matters and assumes all responsibility therefor as the same relate to Xxxxxx’s occupancy of the Leased Premises and the Term of this Lease; and (c) neither Landlord nor Landlord’s Broker nor any of Landlord’s agents has made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to the condition, suitability or fitness of the Leased Premises other than as may be specifically set forth in this Lease. Tenant accepts the Leased Premises in its AS IS condition existing on the date Tenant executes this Lease, subject to all matters of record and applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor Landlord’s Broker nor any of Landlord’s agents has agreed to undertake any alterations or additions or to perform any maintenance or repair of the Leased Premises except for the routine maintenance and janitorial work specified herein and except as may be expressly set forth in Exhibit B. If Landlord, for any reason whatsoever, cannot deliver possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant on the estimated commencement date in the condition specified in this Section 2.2, Landlord shall neither be subject to any liability nor shall the validity of this Lease be affected; provided, the Term and the obligation to pay Gross Rent shall commence on the date possession is actually tendered to Tenant (which date shall become the Term Commencement Date) and the Term Expiration Date shall be extended commensurately. If the Term Commencement Date and/or the Term Expiration Date is other than the Term Commencement Date and Term Expiration Date specified in the Basic Lease Information or is not set forth in the Basic Lease Information, the parties shall execute that certain Confirmation of Term of Lease, substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto specifying the actual Term Commencement Date, Term Expiration Date and the date on which Tenant is to commence paying Rent. Tenant shall execute and return such Confirmation of Term of Lease to Landlord within fifteen (15) days after Xxxxxx’s receipt thereof. If Xxxxxx fails to execute and return (or reasonably object in writing to) the Confirmation of Term of Lease within fifteen (15) days after receiving it, Tenant shall be deemed to have executed and returned it without exception.

  • Acceptance of Premises Lessee hereby acknowledges: (a) that it has been advised by the Broker(s) to satisfy itself with respect to the condition of the Premises (including but not limited to the electrical and fire sprinkler systems, security, environmental aspects, seismic and earthquake requirements, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable zoning, municipal, county, state and federal laws, ordinances and regulations and any covenants or restrictions of record (collectively, "Applicable Laws") and the present and future suitability of the Premises for Lessee's intended use; (b) that Lessee has made such investigation as it deems necessary with reference to such matters, is satisfied with reference thereto, and assumes all responsibility therefore as the same relate to Lessee's occupancy of the Premises and/or the terms of this Lease; and (c) that neither Lessor, nor any of Lessor's agents, has made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to said matters other than as set forth in this Lease.

  • Acceptance of the Premises By entry and taking possession of the -------------------------- Premises pursuant to this Lease, Tenant accepts the Premises as being in good and sanitary order, condition and repair and accepts the Premises in their condition existing as of the date of such entry, and Tenant further accepts the tenant improvements to be constructed by Landlord, if any, as being completed in accordance with the plans and specifications for such improvements, except for punch list items. Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor Landlord's agents has made any representation or warranty as to the suitability of the Premises to the conduct of Tenant's business. Any agreements, warranties or representations not expressly contained herein shall in no way bind either Landlord or Tenant, and Landlord and Tenant expressly waive all claims for damages by reason of any statement, representation, warranty, promise or agreement, if any, not contained in this Lease. This Lease constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto and no addition to, or modification of, any term or provision of this Lease shall be effective until set forth in a writing signed by both Landlord and Tenant.

  • Construction of Tenant Improvements Promptly following approval of the Final TI Working Drawings, Landlord shall apply for and use reasonable efforts to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to allow construction of Landlord’s TI Work. Upon receipt of such permits and approvals, Landlord shall, at Tenant’s expense (subject to the application of the Tenant Improvement Allowance provided in this Workletter, and subject to any other applicable provisions of the Lease or of this Workletter expressly making any specific item of expense or cost the responsibility of Landlord), diligently construct and complete Landlord’s TI Work substantially in accordance with the Approved TI Plans, subject to Unavoidable Delays and Tenant Delays (if any). Such construction shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and shall conform to all applicable governmental codes, laws and regulations in force at the time such work is completed. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall be responsible for compliance of Landlord’s TI Work with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and all similar or related requirements pertaining to access by persons with disabilities, but nothing in this sentence shall be construed to make Landlord responsible for bearing the cost of any such compliance, to the extent the compliance work is reasonably attributable to or related to the particular nature or design of the Tenant Improvements or is for any other reason expressly made Tenant’s cost or responsibility under any applicable provision of the Lease or of this Workletter. Landlord shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to decide whether and to what extent to use union labor on or in connection with Landlord’s Work, and shall use the TI General Contractor to construct all of Landlord’s TI Work. Landlord and Tenant shall each have a right to approve all subcontractors engaged in connection with the construction of the Tenant Improvements and to review and approve all competitive bids for any elements of the Tenant Improvements, such approval in each instance not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by either party.

  • Delivery; Acceptance of Premises; Commencement Date Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the Premises to Tenant on or before the Target Commencement Date, with Landlord’s Work Substantially Completed (“Delivery” or “Deliver”). If Landlord fails to timely Deliver the Premises, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage resulting therefrom, and this Lease shall not be void or voidable except as provided herein. If Landlord does not Deliver the Premises within 90 days of the Target Commencement Date for any reason other than Force Majeure delays and Tenant Delays, this Lease may be terminated by Landlord or Tenant by written notice to the other, and if so terminated by either: (a) the Security Deposit, or any balance thereof (i.e., after deducting therefrom all amounts to which Landlord is entitled under the provisions of this Lease), shall be returned to Tenant, and (b) neither Landlord nor Tenant shall have any further rights, duties or obligations under this Lease, except with respect to provisions which expressly survive termination of this Lease. As used herein, the terms “Landlord’s Work,” “Tenants’ Work,” and “Force Majeure Delays” shall have the meanings set forth for such terms in the Work Letter. If neither Landlord nor Tenant elects to void this Lease within 10 business days of the lapse of such 90 day period, such right to void this Lease shall be waived and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect; provided, however, that if Landlord does not Deliver the Premises within 150 days of the Target Commencement Date for any reason other than Force Majeure delays and Tenant Delays, this Lease may be terminated by Tenant by written notice to Landlord, in which case subsections (a) and (b) of this paragraph shall apply. If Tenant does not elected to void this Lease within 10 business days of the lapse of such 150 day period, such right to void this Lease shall be waived and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect.

  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements Landlord shall construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with this exhibit and the construction contract to be executed by Landlord and its contractor(s). The construction contract for constructing the Tenant Improvements and the contractor(s) to perform the work shall be approved and/or selected, as the case may be, by Landlord at its sole and absolute discretion without the consent of Tenant.

  • Landlord Work In accordance with the mutually acceptable space plan dated January 4, 2012 prepared by Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Architects (the “Approved Plan”) attached hereto, Landlord shall perform the following work (collectively, the “Landlord Work”): · Build out 4 offices · Install a door to connect Suites 205 and 230 · Provide appropriate surfaces and air handling · Investigate the addition of an 8’ hood in lab Landlord shall cause the Landlord Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Landlord Work to be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner, substantially in accordance with the Approved Plan and in compliance with applicable laws and covenants, conditions and restrictions in effect as of the date of such completion, and in good condition and working order. The Landlord Work shall be performed by Landlord, at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Tenant shall have the right, on not less than two (2) business days’ advance written notice to Landlord, and, if specified by Landlord at Landlord’s option, accompanied by a representative of Landlord, to inspect the construction of the Landlord Work; provided that no such inspections shall interfere with or otherwise delay Landlord’s completion of the Landlord Work. Tenant shall have the right to submit to Landlord a list of incomplete or defective items within sixty (60) days after Substantial Completion, and Landlord shall diligently repair or replace such items at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause its construction contract for the Landlord Work to contain a minimum one (1) year warranty period. EXHIBIT C ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERM COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERM EXPIRATION DATE THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERM COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERM EXPIRATION DATE is entered into as of [ ], 2012, with reference to that certain Lease dated as of August 24, 2007, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated as of March 30, 2008, that certain Second Amendment to Lease (“Second Amendment”) dated as of May 11, 2009, which Second Amendment was amended and restated pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Second Amendment to Lease dated as of September 15, 2009, and that certain Third Amendment to Lease dated as of December [ ], 2011 (“Third Amendment”) (collectively, and as the same may have been further amended, amended and restated, supplemented or modified from time to time, the “Lease”), by RECEPTOS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”), in favor of BMR-10835 ROAD TO THE CURE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”). All capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease. Tenant hereby confirms the following:

  • CONSTRUCTION OF PREMISES Landlord will diligently perform “Landlord’s Work” and Tenant will diligently perform “Tenant’s Work” (if any) as described in the Workletter attached as Exhibit “F” in accordance with the Workletter and the rest of this Lease. Landlord’s Work will be deemed substantially completed even if Landlord has not completed “punch list” or other minor items, as long as (i) Landlord agrees to use reasonable efforts to complete these items within thirty (30) days of signing the punch-list, excluding any items which require special materials or equipment that are unavailable; and (ii) the punch-list items can be completed after Tenant’s occupancy without causing substantial interference with Tenant’s use of the Premises. Tenant’s final punch list will be submitted to Landlord with in fifteen (15) days after Landlord notifies Tenant that Landlord’s Work is substantially completed. Substantial completion of Landlord’s Work will be deemed to have occurred on the earlier of: the date as of which Landlord’s architect certifies in good faith that Landlord’s Work has been substantially completed in substantial conformance with the plans and specifications therefore (or the date as of which such substantial completion would have occurred but for any delays or Tenant’s Work for which Tenant is responsible); or the date that the applicable governmental authorities issue a temporary or final certificate of occupancy for the Premises (or the date as of which such a certificate of occupancy reasonable could have been issued but for any delays or Tenant’s Work for which Tenant is responsible). If and as long as Tenant does not interfere in any way with the construction process (by causing disharmony, scheduling or coordinating difficulties, etc.) Tenant, may, at Tenant’s sole risk and expense, enter the Premises 30 days prior to the substantial completion of Landlord’s Work (“Early Access Period”) for the purposes of installing Tenant’s decorations, movable furniture and business fixtures. The determination of such interference by Landlord shall be conclusive. The Early Access Period shall commence upon Tenant’s receipt of Landlord’s notice of same. For the time period commencing on the date that Landlord’s Work is substantially complete and ending on the date that is ten days after such substantial completion (the “Fixture Period”), Tenant shall have the right to access the Premises for the purposes of installing its furniture, fixtures, audio/visual, security, and other equipment Any access by Tenant prior to the Lease Commencement Date shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of this Lease, except that Tenant shall not be obligated to pay rent during the Fixture Period.

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