Accumulation 1. Originating goods or materials from the territory of a Party, incorporated into a good in the territory of the other Party, shall be considered to be originating in the territory of the other Party. 2. Production carried out by a producer in the territory of a Party may be accumulated with the production of one or more producers in the territory of that Party or the other Party, in such way that the production of the materials incorporated into the good shall be considered as carried out by that producer, provided that the good satisfies the requirements established in Article 3.1 and all other applicable requirements in this Chapter.
ACCUMULATION UNITS The interest of this contract in the Separate Account, prior to the date on which amounts become payable under a payment plan, is represented by Accumulation Units. The dollar value of Accumulation Units for each Division will increase or decrease to reflect the investment experience of the Division. The value of an Accumulation Unit on any Valuation Date is determined by multiplying: - the value on the immediately preceding Valuation Date; by - the Net Investment Factor for the period from the immediately preceding Valuation Date up to and including the current Valuation Date (the current period).
Accumulation of Seniority The seniority of an employee shall continue to accrue during an absence due to: (a) accident or illness; (b) maternity or parental leave; (c) any unpaid leave of absence of up to twelve (12) months; (d) any paid leave of absence provided for under this Agreement.
Targeted Deposits to the Accumulation Reserve Account The deposit targeted to be made to the Accumulation Reserve Subaccount for the Class A( - ) Notes for any Due Period during the Accumulation Reserve Funding Period will be an amount equal to the Targeted Accumulation Reserve Subaccount Deposit minus any amount on deposit in the Accumulation Reserve Subaccount for the Class A( - ) Notes.]
Accumulation of Sick Leave The unused portion of an Employee's sick leave shall accrue for her future benefit, up to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days.
Elimination of Series or Classes At any time that there are no Shares outstanding of any particular Series or Class previously established, the Trustees may abolish that Series or Class and rescind the establishment thereof.
Maximum Accumulation An employee may accumulate earned leave, excluding the separate vacation balance, if any, to a maximum of twice their annual time management accumulation. As of the end of the pay period in which March 31 falls in each year, any employee credited with accrued leave greater than twice their annual leave accumulation shall forfeit that amount above their maximum accumulation. An employee who has acquired the maximum allowable accumulation of earned leave may continue to accumulate earned leave for the balance of the year in which the maximum accrual was reached, provided, however, that the employee must reduce the accumulation to the maximum allowable prior to the following March 31 or forfeit the excess.
Elimination of Series At any time that there are no Shares outstanding of a Series (or class), the Trustees may abolish such Series (or class).
Combination of Series or Classes (i) The Board of Trustees shall have the authority, without the approval, vote or consent of the Shareholders of any Series, unless otherwise required by applicable law, to combine the assets and liabilities held with respect to any two or more Series into assets and liabilities held with respect to a single Series; provided that upon completion of such combination of Series, the interest of each Shareholder, in the combined assets and liabilities held with respect to the combined Series shall equal the interest of each such Shareholder in the aggregate of the assets and liabilities held with respect to the Series that were combined. (ii) The Board of Trustees shall have the authority, without the approval, vote or consent of the Shareholders of any Series or Class, unless otherwise required by applicable law, to combine, merge or otherwise consolidate the Shares of two or more Classes of Shares of a Series with and/or into a single Class of Shares of such Series, with such designation, preference, conversion or other rights, voting powers, restrictions, limitations as to dividends, qualifications, terms and conditions of redemption and other characteristics as the Trustees may determine; provided, however, that the Trustees shall provide written notice to the affected Shareholders of any such transaction. (iii) The transactions in (i) and (ii) above may be effected through share-for-share exchanges, transfers or sales of assets, Shareholder in-kind redemptions and purchases, exchange offers, or any other method approved by the Trustees.
Vacation Accumulation (a) Vacations are not cumulative from year to year. (b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may grant a special request from an employee to carryover a maximum of five (5) vacation days into the next year. The employee shall specify in her request to the Employer the purpose for which she is seeking the carryover. (c) During the first year of employment, a full time employee with at least six