Vacation Accumulation. (a) Vacations are not cumulative from year to year.
(b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may grant a special request from an employee to carryover a maximum of five (5) vacation days into the next year. The employee shall specify in her request to the Employer the purpose for which she is seeking the carryover.
(c) During the first year of employment, a full time employee with at least six
Vacation Accumulation. (25 working days).
Vacation Accumulation. Vacation may be accumulated to a maximum of fifty (50) days for carryover to an ensuing year. Under extraordinary circumstances the supervisor may authorize carryover of vacation in excess of fifty (50) days to an ensuing year.
Vacation Accumulation. Vacations shall not be cumulative from year to year provided that vacation entitlement may be carried over to a subsequent year on the request of the employee but at the sole discretion of the Employer. An employee who wishes to carry his vacation entitlement forward shall request the Employer's permission to do so, in writing, not later than November 15th, of the year in which the employee ordinarily would take the vacation sought to be carried forward. Carry over entitlement shall not be greater than one (1) year accumulation.
Vacation Accumulation. Employees may accumulate no more than the amount of vacation the employee is entitled to accrue in one (1) year plus ten (10) days at any one time. In the event this maximum accumulation level is reached, the employee will temporarily stop accruing vacation until he/she uses vacation time and their accumulation level is again below the maximum level. An employee may submit in writing a request to accumulate vacation in excess of the maximum set forth above. Such excess accumulation may be approved, at the sole discretion of the City Manager, on a case by case basis. Except as so limited, earned vacation not used may be accrued and carried over from year to year without limitation.
Vacation Accumulation. After having served in the county service for six (6) consecutive full calendar months, full-time employees shall be credited with six (6) months’ worth of vacation leave accrued and thereafter, vacation leave shall be credited as follows: Days Per Year Hours Per Pay Period Work Hours Per Week 37.5 40 37.5 40 After six months of continuous service through 3rd year 13 13 3.750 4.000 After 3rd year of continuous service through 5th year 14 14 4.039 4.308 After 5th year of continuous service through 10th year 16 16 4.616 4.924 After 10th year of continuous service through 15th year 18 18 5.193 5.539 After 15th year of continuous service through 20th year 21 21 6.058 6.462 After 20th year 24 24 6.924 7.385
Vacation Accumulation. Employees with more than one (1) year of service and less than five (5) years of service may make application to the Board to have vacation time accumulated for one (1) week. With five (5) years of service or more, employees may bank two (2) weeks. All such applications must be made by May 1st of the current year.
Vacation Accumulation. An employee shall not accumulate vacation at any one time in excess of two hundred eighty (280) hours.
Vacation Accumulation. (a) Vacations are not cumulative from year to year.
(b) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may grant a special request from an employee to carryover a maximum of five (5) vacation days into the next year. The employee shall specify in their request to the Employer the purpose for which they are seeking the carryover.
(c) During the first year of employment, a full-time employee with at least six (6) months of service may be granted up to five (5) days’ vacation in advance of their entitlement date if requested and at the Employer’s discretion. Requests for carryover must be submitted prior to April 30th of the current vacation year.
Vacation Accumulation. All unit employees shall accumulate and use vacation time earned as follows:
1. A unit employee shall be entitled to accrue a maximum total of three (3) years of vacation time. Vacation leave earned in excess of the three (3) years of accumulated vacation leave must be used monthly as accrued.
2. Once three (3) years of accumulated vacation leave is accrued, the unit employee stops accruing additional vacation time until the leave is utilized and the accumulated time is reduced to below the maximum accrual limits. This accrual stops when the unit employee reaches maximum accrual limits of either 240 hours (1 to 4 years of full time service), 360 hours (5 to 14 years of full time service), or 480 hours (15 or more years of full time service).
3. A unit employee who is unable to return to work due to a serious and prolonged illness or injury which prevents such person from taking earned vacation time during the calendar year and the limits set forth in this Section D 1 and 2 above, may, with the approval of the City Manager, carry over such vacation time to the next succeeding calendar year.
4. Accumulation and use of vacation leave beyond any succeeding calendar year and the limits set forth in this Section D 1 and 2 above, may be granted at the discretion of the City Manager in special or unusual circumstances.
5. A unit employee who has been on military leave of absence for a least thirty