Common use of Across the Board Pay Adjustments Clause in Contracts

Across the Board Pay Adjustments. The State shall increase each employee’s base salary by $ .50 per hour effective the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2020 and $ .50 per hour the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2021. SCHEDULE A - 2020 Job Code Working Title Band Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 17.652481 18.227794 18.987234 19.746674 20.506114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.063178 19.898562 20.733947 21.569332 22.404716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 20.985373 21.569332 22.480661 23.391989 24.303318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 22.571794 23.513049 24.576716 25.579178 26.581639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 151914 Cartographer 4 17.570805 18.383700 19.196596 20.009491 20.822387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 20.767362 21.683900 22.600435 23.516971 24.433507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 22.692089 23.700279 24.708469 25.716659 26.724848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) – CSRM 4 19.140241 20.003583 20.866925 21.730267 22.593610 434514 Customer Service Representative – CSRM 4 16.991533 17.728267 18.465001 19.201736 19.938563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.499911 19.332762 20.165612 20.998463 21.831313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.050334 22.221088 22.910356 23.840368 24.770379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Information Capture Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 23.719855 24.776986 25.961382 26.891248 27.948379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.227113 21.400344 22.040787 22.976761 23.825196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.003636 25.350422 26.144925 27.215571 28.286214 436154 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Technician - ABCD 4 19.452813 20.355327 21.257841 22.160357 23.062872 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.225287 21.140298 22.055310 22.970321 23.885332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.498381 21.402110 22.305836 23.209564 24.113292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.445866 25.841316 26.629273 27.720976 28.812680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.498614 27.736644 28.974673 30.212702 31.450732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 22.961663 24.006977 25.052292 26.097607 27.142922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.292697 15.711539 16.166777 16.803589 17.440401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.333901 17.974362 18.355090 19.087046 19.819001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 17.659731 18.793097 19.196839 19.965393 20.733947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.453957 22.180891 22.846789 23.774036 24.701284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.066427 26.156349 26.588307 27.678228 28.768151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 28.986135 31.122363 31.601948 32.909855 34.217761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 25.548857 26.666887 27.226171 28.343825 29.461480 uSign Enve Job Code lope ID: D89554B7-4B37-4E68-AD14-8B3B654 Working Title 00487 Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 18.152481 18.727794 19.487234 20.246674 21.006114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.563178 20.398562 21.233947 22.069332 22.904716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 21.485373 22.069332 22.980661 23.891989 24.803318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 23.071794 24.013049 25.076716 26.079178 27.081639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 151914 Cartographer 4 18.070805 18.883700 19.696596 20.509491 21.322387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 21.267362 22.183900 23.100435 24.016971 24.933507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 23.192089 24.200279 25.208469 26.216659 27.224848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 19.640241 20.503583 21.366925 22.230267 23.093610 434514 Customer Service Representative - CSRM 4 17.491533 18.228267 18.965001 19.701736 20.438563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.999911 19.832762 20.665612 21.498463 22.331313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.550334 22.721088 23.410356 24.340368 25.270379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Information Capture Technician 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 Band (Senior Lead) - CSRM 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 24.219855 25.276986 26.461382 27.391248 28.448379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.727113 21.900344 22.540787 23.476761 24.325196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.503636 25.850422 26.644925 27.715571 28.786214 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.725287 21.640298 22.555310 23.470321 24.385332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.998381 21.902110 22.805836 23.709564 24.613292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.945866 26.341316 27.129273 28.220976 29.312680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.998614 28.236644 29.474673 30.712702 31.950732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 23.461663 24.506977 25.552292 26.597607 27.642922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.792697 16.211539 16.666777 17.303589 17.940401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.833901 18.474362 18.855090 19.587046 20.319001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 18.159731 19.293097 19.696839 20.465393 21.233947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.953957 22.680891 23.346789 24.274036 25.201284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.566427 26.656349 27.088307 28.178228 29.268151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 29.486135 31.622363 32.101948 33.409855 34.717761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 26.048857 27.166887 27.726171 28.843825 29.961480 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (DLI) and MONTANA FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (MFPE) This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the Montana Department of Revenue, Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), and the Montana Federation of Public Employees (Union).

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Across the Board Pay Adjustments. The State shall increase each employee’s base salary by $ .50 per hour effective Effective on the first full day of the first complete pay period that includes January July 1, 2020 and $ .50 per 2023, the base salary of each employee must be increased $1.50 an hour or by 4%, whichever is greater. Effective on the first full day of the first complete pay period that includes January July 1, 20212024, the base salary of each employee must be increased by $1.50 an hour or by 4%, whichever is greater. SCHEDULE A - 2020 2024-2025 Job Code Cod Working Title Band Hourly Base Rates Annual Salary Rates 2024 Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD 2024 Standard Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic 2025 Training Assignment 2025 Standard Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic 2024 Training Assignment 2024 Standard Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 2025Training Assignment 2025 Standard Pay Q92011 Account Maintenance Technician I - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 IMCD 17.249391 17.861866 18.749391 19.361866 $ 35,879 $ 37,153 $ 38,999 $ 40,273 Q92012 Account Maintenance Technician II -IMCD 19.659819 20.372729 21.159819 21.872729 $ 40,892 $ 42,375 $ 44,012 $ 45,495 Q92012 Account Maintenance Technician III (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 436114 IMCD 20.066219 20.796062 21.566219 22.296062 $ 41,738 $ 43,256 $ 44,858 $ 46,376 Q16023 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) 19.848572 20.569346 21.348572 22.069346 $ 41,285 $ 42,784 $ 44,405 $ 45,904 B1JO52 Administrative Specialist - PAD 4 17.652481 18.227794 18.987234 19.746674 20.506114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.063178 19.898562 20.733947 21.569332 22.404716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 20.985373 21.569332 22.480661 23.391989 24.303318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 22.571794 23.513049 24.576716 25.579178 26.581639 436114 24.307368 25.213925 25.807368 26.713925 $ 50,559 $ 52,445 $ 53,679 $ 55,565 Q61023 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 19.848572 20.569346 21.348572 22.069346 $ 41,285 $ 42,784 $ 44,405 $ 45,904 Q33032 Auditing Technician - II BIT 20.645006 21.398965 22.145006 22.898965 $ 42,942 $ 44,510 $ 46,062 $ 47,630 B1J101 Business Analyst I - BIT 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 151914 IMCD 25.672410 26.617307 27.172410 28.117307 $ 53,399 $ 55,364 $ 56,519 $ 58,484 C1J31 Cartographer 4 17.570805 18.383700 19.196596 20.009491 20.822387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 PAD 20.904286 21.669048 22.404286 23.169048 $ 43,481 $ 45,072 $ 46,601 $ 48,192 Q33032 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 433115 -IMCD 20.645006 21.398965 22.145006 22.898965 $ 42,942 $ 44,510 $ 46,062 $ 47,630 Q31012 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 20.767362 21.683900 22.600435 23.516971 24.433507 433115 IMCD 23.782875 24.667578 25.282875 26.167578 $ 49,468 $ 51,309 $ 52,588 $ 54,429 Q31012 Collections Specialist (Lead) Lead - CSRM 5 22.692089 23.700279 24.708469 25.716659 26.724848 433114 IMCD 25.757313 26.724285 27.257313 28.224285 $ 53,575 $ 55,587 $ 56,695 $ 58,707 Q31011 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) – CSRM 4 19.140241 20.003583 20.866925 21.730267 22.593610 434514 IMCD 20.398655 21.142349 21.898655 22.642349 $ 42,429 $ 43,976 $ 45,549 $ 47,096 B14013 Compliance Resolution Officer - ABCD 29.331590 30.447490 30.831590 31.947490 $ 61,010 $ 63,331 $ 64,130 $ 66,451 Q45012 Customer Service Representative – CSRM 4 16.991533 17.728267 18.465001 19.201736 19.938563 434514 Assistant 2 - DO 20.399119 21.142832 21.899119 22.642832 $ 42,430 $ 43,977 $ 45,550 $ 47,097 Q45013 Customer Service Representative (Lead) Assitant 3 21.532800 21.142832 23.032800 22.642832 $ 44,788 $ 43,977 $ 47,908 $ 47,097 Q45013 Customer Service Assistant 3 Lead - CSRM 4 18.499911 19.332762 20.165612 20.998463 21.831313 131816 DO 23.539200 24.520000 25.039200 26.020000 $ 48,962 $ 51,002 $ 52,082 $ 54,122 B1J102 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.050334 22.221088 22.910356 23.840368 24.770379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Information Capture Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 23.719855 24.776986 25.961382 26.891248 27.948379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.227113 21.400344 22.040787 22.976761 23.825196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.003636 25.350422 26.144925 27.215571 28.286214 436154 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Technician - ABCD 4 19.452813 20.355327 21.257841 22.160357 23.062872 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.225287 21.140298 22.055310 22.970321 23.885332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.498381 21.402110 22.305836 23.209564 24.113292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.445866 25.841316 26.629273 27.720976 28.812680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.498614 27.736644 28.974673 30.212702 31.450732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 22.961663 24.006977 25.052292 26.097607 27.142922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.292697 15.711539 16.166777 16.803589 17.440401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.333901 17.974362 18.355090 19.087046 19.819001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 17.659731 18.793097 19.196839 19.965393 20.733947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.453957 22.180891 22.846789 23.774036 24.701284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.066427 26.156349 26.588307 27.678228 28.768151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 28.986135 31.122363 31.601948 32.909855 34.217761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 25.548857 26.666887 27.226171 28.343825 29.461480 uSign Enve Job Code lope ID: D89554B7-4B37-4E68-AD14-8B3B654 Working Title 00487 Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 18.152481 18.727794 19.487234 20.246674 21.006114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.563178 20.398562 21.233947 22.069332 22.904716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 21.485373 22.069332 22.980661 23.891989 24.803318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 23.071794 24.013049 25.076716 26.079178 27.081639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 151914 Cartographer 4 18.070805 18.883700 19.696596 20.509491 21.322387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 21.267362 22.183900 23.100435 24.016971 24.933507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 23.192089 24.200279 25.208469 26.216659 27.224848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 19.640241 20.503583 21.366925 22.230267 23.093610 434514 Customer Service Representative - CSRM 4 17.491533 18.228267 18.965001 19.701736 20.438563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.999911 19.832762 20.665612 21.498463 22.331313 131816 IMCD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 B1J101 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 151915 GIS TSD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 B1J101 e-Services Business Analyst - IMCD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 C1J032 GIS Specialist - PAD 5 21.550334 22.721088 23.410356 24.340368 25.270379 131857 24.522212 25.437721 26.022212 26.937721 $ 51,006 $ 52,910 $ 54,126 $ 56,030 B14013 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 439113 32.155769 33.360000 33.655769 34.860000 $ 66,884 $ 69,389 $ 70,004 $ 72,509 B14013 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 33.323793 34.610000 34.823793 36.110000 $ 69,313 $ 71,989 $ 72,433 $ 75,109 B14013 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 35.848076 37.200000 37.348076 38.700000 $ 74,564 $ 77,376 $ 77,684 $ 80,496 Q29012 Information Capture Technician -II - IMCD 19.659819 20.372729 21.159819 21.872729 $ 40,892 $ 42,375 $ 44,012 $ 45,495 Q29013 Information Capture Technician Lead - III - IMCD 20.066219 20.796062 21.566219 22.296062 $ 41,738 $ 43,256 $ 44,858 $ 46,376 Q29011 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) I - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Information Capture Technician 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 Band (Senior Lead) IMCD 17.249391 17.861866 18.749391 19.361866 $ 35,879 $ 37,153 $ 38,999 $ 40,273 B14013 Inspector - CSRM 132136 Liquor CCD 29.331590 30.447490 30.831590 31.947490 $ 61,010 $ 63,331 $ 64,130 $ 66,451 B14013 Internal Auditor - ABCD 6 24.219855 25.276986 26.461382 27.391248 28.448379 131415 CCD 29.331590 30.447490 30.831590 31.947490 $ 61,010 $ 63,331 $ 64,130 $ 66,451 B14022 Liquor Licensing & Distribution Compliance Specialist - ABCD 29.316951 30.432241 30.816951 31.932241 $ 60,979 $ 63,299 $ 64,099 $ 66,419 B14022 Liquor Licensing Specialist - ABCD 25.463280 26.418000 26.963280 27.918000 $ 52,964 $ 54,949 $ 56,084 $ 58,069 B14022 Liquor Licensing Specialist Senior - ABCD 27.754608 28.804800 29.254608 30.304800 $ 57,730 $ 59,914 $ 60,850 $ 63,034 B1421 Liquor Licensing Technician - ABCD 24.372163 25.281420 25.872163 26.781420 $ 50,694 $ 52,585 $ 53,814 $ 55,705 B14021 License Permit Technician - CCD 24.372163 25.281420 25.872163 26.781420 $ 50,694 $ 52,585 $ 53,814 $ 55,705 B14021 Licensing Technician Lead - CCD 26.621692 27.604560 28.121692 29.104560 $ 55,373 $ 57,417 $ 58,493 $ 60,537 C23012 Management Analyst-I - ABCD 5 20.727113 21.900344 22.540787 23.476761 24.325196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - IMCD 23.506946 24.380152 25.006946 25.880152 $ 48,894 $ 50,711 $ 52,014 $ 53,831 C23012 Management Analyst-II - ABCD 6 24.503636 25.850422 26.644925 27.715571 28.786214 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent IMCD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 B1J103 Management Analyst-III - ABCD 5 20.725287 21.640298 22.555310 23.470321 24.385332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.998381 21.902110 22.805836 23.709564 24.613292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 152316 PAD 32.362511 33.604699 33.862511 35.104699 $ 67,314 $ 69,898 $ 70,434 $ 73,018 C23013 Modeler - PAD 6 24.945866 26.341316 27.129273 28.220976 29.312680 152317 27.853817 28.908142 29.353817 30.408142 $ 57,936 $ 60,129 $ 61,056 $ 63,249 B1J103 Operations Research AnalystAnalyst - BIT 32.362511 33.604699 33.862511 35.104699 $ 67,314 $ 69,898 $ 70,434 $ 73,018 B1J103 Operations Research Analyst - BIT 34.606034 36.200000 36.106034 37.648000 $ 71,981 $ 75,296 $ 75,101 $ 78,308 B1J103 Operations Research analyst Lead - BIT 37.499621 38.976727 38.999621 40.535796 $ 77,999 $ 81,072 $ 81,119 $ 84,314 B28011 Personal Property Auditor-BIT 7 26.998614 28.236644 29.474673 30.712702 31.950732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts I - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 131915 PAD 24.482465 25.396318 25.982465 26.896318 $ 50,924 $ 52,824 $ 54,044 $ 55,944 B28011 Personal Property Auditor-II - PAD 28.413398 29.491039 29.913398 30.991039 $ 59,100 $ 61,341 $ 62,220 $ 64,461 B1J102 Program Support Analyst - PAD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 B1J011 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 273416 Publications Editor 25.672410 26.617307 27.172410 28.117307 $ 53,399 $ 55,364 $ 56,519 $ 58,484 B1J033 Project Management Specialist - I - DO 6 23.461663 24.506977 25.552292 26.597607 27.642922 434923 PVS - II CCD 34.231332 36.209703 35.731332 37.709703 $ 71,201 $ 75,316 $ 74,321 $ 78,436 B22011 Property Appraiser 1 (Residential) - PAD 3 15.792697 16.211539 16.666777 17.303589 17.940401 434924 PVS - III 21.367307 22.142350 22.867307 23.642350 $ 44,444 $ 46,056 $ 47,564 $ 49,176 B22012 Property Appraiser 2 ( Residential/AG) - PAD 4 17.833901 18.474362 18.855090 19.587046 20.319001 434924 PVS 22.771154 23.596533 24.271154 25.096533 $ 47,364 $ 49,081 $ 50,484 $ 52,201 B22013 Property Appraiser 3 (Commercial) - IV PAD 24.453846 25.350719 25.953846 26.850719 $ 50,864 $ 52,729 $ 53,984 $ 55,849 B22013 Property Appraiser 3 Lead - PAD 26.588461 27.570000 28.088461 29.070000 $ 55,304 $ 57,346 $ 58,424 $ 60,466 Q4J021 Property Valuation Specialist 1 (PVS-II) - PAD 18.322768 18.979967 19.822768 20.479967 $ 38,111 $ 39,478 $ 41,231 $ 42,598 Q4J022 Property Valuation Specilaist 2 (PVS-III) - PAD 20.495603 21.243336 21.995603 22.743336 $ 42,631 $ 44,186 $ 45,751 $ 47,306 Q4J023 Property Valuation Specialist 3 (Lead) - PAD 4 18.159731 19.293097 19.696839 20.465393 21.233947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst 21.313028 22.094821 22.813028 23.594821 $ 44,331 $ 45,957 $ 47,451 $ 49,077 Q92012 Records and Imaging Services Technician-II - DO 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 439113 IMCD 19.659819 20.372729 21.159819 21.872729 $ 40,892 $ 42,375 $ 44,012 $ 45,495 Q92012 Records and Imaging Services Technician Lead-III - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 IMCD 20.066219 20.796062 21.566219 22.296062 $ 41,738 $ 43,256 $ 44,858 $ 46,376 Q92011 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) Service Technician-I - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) IMCD 17.249391 17.861866 18.749391 19.361866 $ 35,879 $ 37,153 $ 38,999 $ 40,273 C23012 Research Analyst - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 132815 IMCD 27.644277 28.689871 29.144277 30.189871 $ 57,500 $ 59,675 $ 60,620 $ 62,795 B1J103 Systems & Program Development/Management - PAD 29.983331 31.147200 31.483331 32.647200 $ 62,365 $ 64,786 $ 65,485 $ 67,906 B1J103 Systems & Program Development/Management - PAD 32.362511 33.604699 33.862511 35.104699 $ 67,314 $ 69,898 $ 70,434 $ 73,018 B1J103 Systems & Program Development/Management - PAD 34.886538 36.200000 36.386538 37.700000 $ 72,564 $ 75,296 $ 75,684 $ 78,416 B28011 Tax Examiner - Examiner-I - BIT 5 21.953957 22.680891 23.346789 24.274036 25.201284 132816 24.482465 25.396318 25.982465 26.896318 $ 50,924 $ 52,824 $ 54,044 $ 55,944 B28012 Tax Examiner - Examiner-II - BIT 6 25.566427 26.656349 27.088307 28.178228 29.268151 132817 28.413398 29.491039 29.913398 30.991039 $ 59,100 $ 61,341 $ 62,220 $ 64,461 B28013 Tax Examiner - Examiner-III (Senior) - BIT 7 29.486135 31.622363 32.101948 33.409855 34.717761 132216 Utility / 33.323793 34.606034 34.823793 36.106034 $ 69,313 $ 71,981 $ 72,433 $ 75,101 B22013 Utility/Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 26.048857 27.166887 27.726171 28.843825 29.961480 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (DLI) and MONTANA FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (MFPE) This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the Montana Department of Revenue, Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), and the Montana Federation of Public Employees (Union).28.662216 29.750225 30.162216 31.250225 $ 59,617 $ 61,880 $ 62,737 $ 65,000 B22013 Utility/Industrial Appraiser - PAD 29.453846 30.550000 30.953846 32.050000 $ 61,264 $ 63,544 $ 64,384 $ 66,664 B28013 Utility/Industrial Appraiser Lead - PAD 33.323793 34.606034 34.823793 36.106034 $ 69,313 $ 71,981 $ 72,433 $ 75,101

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Across the Board Pay Adjustments. The State shall increase each employee’s base salary by $ .50 per hour effective the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2020 and $ .50 per hour the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2021. SCHEDULE A - 2020 Job Code Working Title Band Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Strategic Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 Level 1 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Job Code Working Title (84%) Pay (88%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 17.652481 18.227794 18.987234 19.746674 20.506114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.063178 19.898562 20.733947 21.569332 22.404716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 20.985373 21.569332 22.480661 23.391989 24.303318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 22.571794 23.513049 24.576716 25.579178 26.581639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 151914 Cartographer 4 17.570805 18.383700 19.196596 20.009491 20.822387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 20.767362 21.683900 22.600435 23.516971 24.433507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 22.692089 23.700279 24.708469 25.716659 26.724848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) – CSRM 4 19.140241 20.003583 20.866925 21.730267 22.593610 434514 Customer Service Representative – CSRM 4 16.991533 17.728267 18.465001 19.201736 19.938563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.499911 19.332762 20.165612 20.998463 21.831313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.050334 22.221088 22.910356 23.840368 24.770379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Information Capture Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 23.719855 24.776986 25.961382 26.891248 27.948379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.227113 21.400344 22.040787 22.976761 23.825196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.003636 25.350422 26.144925 27.215571 28.286214 436154 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Technician - ABCD 4 19.452813 20.355327 21.257841 22.160357 23.062872 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.225287 21.140298 22.055310 22.970321 23.885332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.498381 21.402110 22.305836 23.209564 24.113292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.445866 25.841316 26.629273 27.720976 28.812680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.498614 27.736644 28.974673 30.212702 31.450732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 22.961663 24.006977 25.052292 26.097607 27.142922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.292697 15.711539 16.166777 16.803589 17.440401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.333901 17.974362 18.355090 19.087046 19.819001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 17.659731 18.793097 19.196839 19.965393 20.733947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.453957 22.180891 22.846789 23.774036 24.701284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.066427 26.156349 26.588307 27.678228 28.768151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 28.986135 31.122363 31.601948 32.909855 34.217761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 25.548857 26.666887 27.226171 28.343825 29.461480 uSign Enve Job Code lope ID: D89554B7-4B37-4E68-AD14-8B3B654 Working Title 00487 Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 18.152481 18.727794 19.487234 20.246674 21.006114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.563178 20.398562 21.233947 22.069332 22.904716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 21.485373 22.069332 22.980661 23.891989 24.803318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 23.071794 24.013049 25.076716 26.079178 27.081639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 151914 Cartographer 4 18.070805 18.883700 19.696596 20.509491 21.322387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 21.267362 22.183900 23.100435 24.016971 24.933507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 23.192089 24.200279 25.208469 26.216659 27.224848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 19.640241 20.503583 21.366925 22.230267 23.093610 434514 Customer Service Representative - CSRM 4 17.491533 18.228267 18.965001 19.701736 20.438563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.999911 19.832762 20.665612 21.498463 22.331313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.550334 22.721088 23.410356 24.340368 25.270379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Information Capture Technician 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 Band (Senior Lead) - CSRM 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 24.219855 25.276986 26.461382 27.391248 28.448379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.727113 21.900344 22.540787 23.476761 24.325196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.503636 25.850422 26.644925 27.715571 28.786214 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.725287 21.640298 22.555310 23.470321 24.385332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.998381 21.902110 22.805836 23.709564 24.613292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.945866 26.341316 27.129273 28.220976 29.312680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.998614 28.236644 29.474673 30.712702 31.950732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 23.461663 24.506977 25.552292 26.597607 27.642922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.792697 16.211539 16.666777 17.303589 17.940401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.833901 18.474362 18.855090 19.587046 20.319001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 18.159731 19.293097 19.696839 20.465393 21.233947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.953957 22.680891 23.346789 24.274036 25.201284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.566427 26.656349 27.088307 28.178228 29.268151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 29.486135 31.622363 32.101948 33.409855 34.717761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 26.048857 27.166887 27.726171 28.843825 29.961480 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (DLI) and MONTANA FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (MFPE) This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the Montana Department of Revenue, Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), and the Montana Federation of Public Employees (Union).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Across the Board Pay Adjustments. The State shall increase each employee’s base salary by $ .50 per hour effective the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2020 and $ .50 per hour the first full pay period that includes January 1, 2021. SCHEDULE A - 2020 Job Code Working Title Band Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 17.652481 18.227794 18.987234 19.746674 20.506114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.063178 19.898562 20.733947 21.569332 22.404716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 20.985373 21.569332 22.480661 23.391989 24.303318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 22.571794 23.513049 24.576716 25.579178 26.581639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 16.768400 17.494511 18.220621 18.946730 19.672840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 151914 Cartographer 4 17.570805 18.383700 19.196596 20.009491 20.822387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 17.930753 18.479377 19.028002 19.789214 20.550428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 20.767362 21.683900 22.600435 23.516971 24.433507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 22.692089 23.700279 24.708469 25.716659 26.724848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 19.140241 20.003583 20.866925 21.730267 22.593610 434514 Customer Service Representative - CSRM 4 16.991533 17.728267 18.465001 19.201736 19.938563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.499911 19.332762 20.165612 20.998463 21.831313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.050334 22.221088 22.910356 23.840368 24.770379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Information Capture Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 23.719855 24.776986 25.961382 26.891248 27.948379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.227113 21.400344 22.040787 22.976761 23.825196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.003636 25.350422 26.144925 27.215571 28.286214 436154 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Technician - ABCD 4 19.452813 20.355327 21.257841 22.160357 23.062872 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.225287 21.140298 22.055310 22.970321 23.885332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.498381 21.402110 22.305836 23.209564 24.113292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 28.848824 30.150193 31.451561 32.752928 34.054296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.445866 25.841316 26.629273 27.720976 28.812680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.498614 27.736644 28.974673 30.212702 31.450732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.468351 18.227793 18.987233 19.746673 20.506114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.278650 22.219534 23.160417 24.101301 25.042184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 22.961663 24.006977 25.052292 26.097607 27.142922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.292697 15.711539 16.166777 16.803589 17.440401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.333901 17.974362 18.355090 19.087046 19.819001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 17.659731 18.793097 19.196839 19.965393 20.733947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.294038 25.378511 26.462984 27.547457 28.631930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 14.540255 15.160263 15.780271 16.400279 17.020286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 16.563004 17.303620 18.044236 18.784854 19.525471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.144287 17.888296 18.632305 19.376314 20.120323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.453957 22.180891 22.846789 23.774036 24.701284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.066427 26.156349 26.588307 27.678228 28.768151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 28.986135 31.122363 31.601948 32.909855 34.217761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 25.548857 26.666887 27.226171 28.343825 29.461480 uSign Enve Job Code lope ID: D89554B7-4B37-4E68-AD14-8B3B654 Working Title 00487 Band Hourly Base Rates Training Assignment (84%) STANDARD Pay (88%) Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 0 (92%) Strategic Pay Level 2 (96%) Strategic Pay Level 3 (100%) Market Mid- point 439113 Account Maintenance Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Account Maintenance Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 436114 Administrative Assistants (All Divisions) 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 132214 Appraiser - I (Residential) - PAD 4 18.152481 18.727794 19.487234 20.246674 21.006114 132214 Appraiser - II (Residential/AG/Forest) - PAD 4 19.563178 20.398562 21.233947 22.069332 22.904716 132215 Appraiser - III (Commercial) - PAD 5 21.485373 22.069332 22.980661 23.891989 24.803318 132216 Appraiser - IV (Lead) - PAD 6 23.071794 24.013049 25.076716 26.079178 27.081639 436114 Audit Research Technician - II - BIT 4 17.268400 17.994511 18.720621 19.446730 20.172840 131915 Audit Research Technician - III (Lead) - BIT 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Auditing Technician - II - BIT 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 151914 Cartographer 4 18.070805 18.883700 19.696596 20.509491 21.322387 131915 Citizen Services Office Specialist - CSRM 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 433334 Collections Research Technician - CSRM 4 18.430753 18.979377 19.528002 20.289214 21.050428 433115 Collections Specialist - CSRM 5 21.267362 22.183900 23.100435 24.016971 24.933507 433115 Collections Specialist (Lead) - CSRM 5 23.192089 24.200279 25.208469 26.216659 27.224848 433114 Collections Technician - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 433114 Collections Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 19.640241 20.503583 21.366925 22.230267 23.093610 434514 Customer Service Representative - CSRM 4 17.491533 18.228267 18.965001 19.701736 20.438563 434514 Customer Service Representative (Lead) - CSRM 4 18.999911 19.832762 20.665612 21.498463 22.331313 131816 E-Business Analyst - II - CSRM 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 151915 GIS Analyst - PAD 5 21.550334 22.721088 23.410356 24.340368 25.270379 131857 Income Tax Specialist - BIT 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 439113 Information Capture Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Information Capture Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Information Capture Technician 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 Band (Senior Lead) - CSRM 132136 Liquor Auditor - ABCD 6 24.219855 25.276986 26.461382 27.391248 28.448379 131415 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - I - ABCD 5 20.727113 21.900344 22.540787 23.476761 24.325196 131416 Liquor Licensing & Compliance Specialist - II - ABCD 6 24.503636 25.850422 26.644925 27.715571 28.786214 131215 Liquor Purchasing Agent - ABCD 5 20.725287 21.640298 22.555310 23.470321 24.385332 131815 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 5 20.998381 21.902110 22.805836 23.709564 24.613292 131817 Management Analyst - (All Divisions) 7 29.348824 30.650193 31.951561 33.252928 34.554296 152316 Modeler - PAD 6 24.945866 26.341316 27.129273 28.220976 29.312680 152317 Operations Research Analyst-BIT 7 26.998614 28.236644 29.474673 30.712702 31.950732 433114 Other Agency Bad Debts - CSRM 4 17.968351 18.727793 19.487233 20.246673 21.006114 131915 Program Support Specialist - PAD 5 21.778650 22.719534 23.660417 24.601301 25.542184 273416 Publications Editor - I - DO 6 23.461663 24.506977 25.552292 26.597607 27.642922 434923 PVS - II - PAD 3 15.792697 16.211539 16.666777 17.303589 17.940401 434924 PVS - III - PAD 4 17.833901 18.474362 18.855090 19.587046 20.319001 434924 PVS - IV (Lead) - PAD 4 18.159731 19.293097 19.696839 20.465393 21.233947 131816 Quality Assurance Business Analyst - DO 6 24.794038 25.878511 26.962984 28.047457 29.131930 439113 Records and Imaging Services Technician - CSRM 3 15.040255 15.660263 16.280271 16.900279 17.520286 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Lead) - CSRM 4 17.063004 17.803620 18.544236 19.284854 20.025471 439114 Records and Imaging Services Technician (Senior Lead) - CSRM 4 17.644287 18.388296 19.132305 19.876314 20.620323 132815 Tax Examiner - I - BIT 5 21.953957 22.680891 23.346789 24.274036 25.201284 132816 Tax Examiner - II - BIT 6 25.566427 26.656349 27.088307 28.178228 29.268151 132817 Tax Examiner - III (Senior) - BIT 7 29.486135 31.622363 32.101948 33.409855 34.717761 132216 Utility / Industrial Appraiser - BIT 6 26.048857 27.166887 27.726171 28.843825 29.961480 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE and DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY (DLI) and MONTANA FEDERATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (MFPE) This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the Montana Department of Revenue, Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), and the Montana Federation of Public Employees (Union).34.717761

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