Actual Cash Value. If you do not repair or replace the damaged, destroyed or stolen property, payment will be on an actual cash value basis. This means there may be a deduction for depreciation. Payment will not exceed the limit of liability shown on the Policy Declarations for the coverage that applies to the damaged, destroyed or stolen property, regardless of the number of items involved in the loss. You may make claim for additional payment as described in paragraph "c", and paragraph "d" below if applicable, if you repair or replace the damaged, destroyed or stolen covered property within 180 days of the actual cash value payment.
Actual Cash Value. The Actual Cash Value is what the property is worth and takes into account such things as the cost of replacement less any depreciation and obsolescence. In determining depreciation, we will consider the condition of the property immediately before the damage occurred, the resale value and normal life expectancy.
Actual Cash Value. We will pay the actual cash value. The actual cash value will take into account the cost to repair or replace, whichever is lower, at the date of the occurrence, using property of like kind and quality, less any depreciation. In determining depreciation we will consider, among other factors, the condition of the property before the occurrence, its resale value and its life expectancy.
Actual Cash Value. The value of covered property will be based on actual cash value at the time of loss (with a deduction for depreciation).
Actual Cash Value. Replacement cost less depreciation as referred to on Equipment Owners’ or Providers’ Books.
Actual Cash Value. The Actual Cash Value is what the property is worth and takes into account such things as the cost of replacement less any depreciation and obsolescence, in determining depreciation, we will consider the condition of the property immediately before the damage occurred, the resale value and normal life expectancy. Newly Acquired Articles If you acquire any additional articles of the type for which a limit of insurance is shown, we will automatically unsure these under this form, provided you notify us within 30 days. We will not pay more than $5,000 under this extension. Territorial Limits You are covered within the territorial limits of Canada and the Continental United States up to the limits of insurance shown on the Declarations Page. Other Insurance We shall not be liable for loss or damage if, at the time of loss, there is any other insurance which would attach if this insurance had not been effected, except that this insurance shall apply only as excess and in no event as contributing insurance and then only after all other insurance has been exhausted.
Actual Cash Value. The Actual Cash Value is what the property is worth and takes into account such things as the cost of replacement less any depreciation and obsolescence. In determining depreciation, we will consider the condition of the property immediately before the damage occurred, the resale value and the normal life expectancy. In the case of loss of or damage to any article(s), whether scheduled or unscheduled, which is (are) a part of a set, the measure of loss of or damage to such article(s) shall be a reasonable and fair proportion of the total value of the set, but in no event shall such loss or damage be construed to mean total loss of the set.
Actual Cash Value. When Actual Cash Value is shown on the "declarations" for Coverage A -- Buildings or Coverage B -- Business Personal Property, Replacement Cost does not apply. The value of such property is based on its actual cash value at the time of the loss with a deduction for depreciation.
Actual Cash Value. The Actual Cash Value will take into account such things as the cost of “replacement” less any depreciation, and in determining depreciation we will consider the condition immediately before the damage, use of the property, the resale value and the normal life expectancy.
Actual Cash Value. Actual Cash Value means the cost of replacing the damaged property with property of similar kind, capacity, size, quality and function less depreciation however caused. We will consider such items as the age, condition and normal life expectancy of the damaged property in determining depreciation