Additional Functions Sample Clauses
Additional Functions. Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall take all such other actions as specified in such Proper Instructions and as shall be reasonable or necessary with respect to Repurchase Agreement transactions and the Securities and funds transferred and received pursuant to such transactions, including, without limitation, all such actions as shall be prescribed in the event of a default under a Repurchase Agreement.
Additional Functions. 21.1 General Principle
(a) Only in the cases expressly stated in Section 18.2 shall SORACOM indemnify the Subscriber for damages regarding the additional services and functions described in this ARTICLE 21 (“Additional Functions”) subject to Section 18.2. SORACOM shall not bear any responsibility in relation to changed or missing telecommunication content, system malfunction or any dispute between the Subscriber and any third party.
(b) The Subscriber shall use the Additional Functions described in this ARTICLE 21 according to the method of use and other service provision conditions posted by SORACOM on the SORACOM Site.
Additional Functions. The foregoing power of attorney:
(a) is coupled with an interest, is irrevocable and will survive the subsequent Disability or Incapacity of any Member or any subsequent power of attorney executed by a Member;
(b) may be exercised by the Attorney, either by signing separately as attorney-in-fact for each Member or by a single signature of the Attorney, acting as attorney-in-fact for all of them;
(c) will survive the delivery of an assignment by a Member of all or any portion of its Interest; except that, where the assignee of all of that Member’s Interest has been approved by the Administrator for admission to the Fund, as a Substituted Member, the power of attorney of the assignor will survive the delivery of that assignment for the sole purpose of enabling the Attorney to execute, swear to, acknowledge and file any instrument necessary or appropriate to effect that substitution; and
(d) is in addition to any power of attorney that may be delivered by a Member in accordance with its Subscription Agreement entered into in connection with its acquisition of Interest.
Additional Functions. 21.1 General Principle 21.2 SORACOM Beam Service
Additional Functions. The contract may include any or all of the following functions:
(1) Any or all of the program integ- rity functions described in § 421.304, provided the intermediary is con- tinuing those functions under an agree- ment entered into under section 1816 of the Act that was in effect on August 21, 1996, and they do not duplicate work being performed under a Medicare in- tegrity program contract.
(2) Undertaking to adjust incorrect payments and recover overpayments when it is determined that an overpay- ment was made.
(3) Furnishing to CMS timely infor- mation and reports that CMS requests in order to carry out its responsibil- ities in the administration of the Medi- care program.
(4) Establishing and maintaining pro- cedures as approved by CMS for the re- determination of payment determina- tions.
(5) Maintaining records and making available to CMS the records necessary for verification of payments and for other related purposes.
(6) Upon inquiry, assisting individ- uals for matters pertaining to an inter- mediary agreement.
(7) Serving as a channel of commu- nication to and from CMS of informa- tion, instructions, and other material as necessary for the effective and effi- cient performance of an intermediary agreement.
(8) Undertaking other functions as mutually agreed to by CMS and the intermediary.
Additional Functions. The foregoing power of attorney:
Additional Functions. The Director shall notify the Company in writing if he intends to conduct any business activities, either personally or through third parties, or do work or perform services for third parties. If the Company objects to his activities, he shall refrain from conducting or performing those activities. Without prior written consent of the Company, the Director is prohibited during his engagement with the Company, either directly or indirectly, in the Netherlands or elsewhere, to work in, assist, be connected with, do research for, give advice to, or render services to any enterprise or institution which manufactures, trades in, exploits, or gives advice concerning any products similar or related to those which are manufactured, traded or exploited by the Company or by any enterprise associated with the Company.
Additional Functions. General Principle 20.2 SORACOM Beam Service 20.3 Metadata Service 20.4 Private Network Services 20.5 SORACOM Endorse Service 20.6 SORACOM Funnel Service 20.7 SORACOM Funk Service
Additional Functions. General Principle
Additional Functions. Payment for all additional functions outside of the normal assignment, which require the presence of a Nutrition Manager, will be at the rate of time and one-half.