Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings Sample Clauses

Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. The terms of this Schedule 1 (“Territory-Specific Terms”) reflect certain legal and operational requirements in each jurisdiction where our Products and Services are delivered. For each order under this Agreement, the terms and conditions stated below corresponding to the applicable Territory supplement and amend this Agreement for that order.
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. 5. 모든 서비스 오퍼링에 적용되는 추가적인 보장의 제한. 당사는 당사의 직원들과 협력업체가 일반적으로 인정되는 업계 표준 및 관행을 준수하는 방식으로 주문서에 기재된 본건 서비스를 이행할 것임을 보장합니다. 본 보장에 대한 위반이 발생하는 경우, 귀사에 제공되는 유일한 구제수단 및 당사가 부담하는 모든 책임은 귀사에 대한 비용 청구 없이 본건 서비스를 재수행하는 것으로 합니다. The terms of this Schedule 1 (“Territory-Specific Terms”) reflect certain legal and operational requirements in each jurisdiction where our Products and Services are delivered. For each order under this Agreement, the terms and conditions stated below corresponding to the applicable Territory supplement and amend this Agreement for that order. 본 부록1의 조건(“계약지역별 조건”)은 당사의 본건 제품 및 본건 서비스가 제공되는 각 관할권에서의 특정 법적·운영상의 요구사항을 반영하고 있습니다. 본 계약에 따른 각 주문서와 관련하여, 해당 계약지역에 적용되는 이하 명시된 조건은 해당 주문서와 관련하여 본 계약을 보충 및 변경합니다.
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you.
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. 5. 适用于所有服务产品的额外有限保证。我们保证,我们的雇员和承包商将以符合公认行业标准和惯例的方式提供订单所列的任何服务。若我们违反该项保证,我们将免费为您再次提供服务,作为您唯一的救济以及我们的全部责任。 19 The terms of this Schedule 1 (“Territory-Specific Terms”) reflect certain legal and operational requirements in each jurisdiction where our Products and Services are delivered. For each order under this Agreement, the terms and conditions stated below corresponding to the applicable Territory supplement and amend this Agreement for that order. 本附件 1(“地区-特别条款”)的条款反应了我们的产品和服务所售的每一法域的特定法律及经营要求。就本协议项下的每一订单而言,下列适用于特定地区的条款与条件构成本协议针对该订单的补充与修订。
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. 5. 提供される全サービスに適用される追加制限付き保証 マイク ➫ストラテジーは、そ✰従業員及び契約業者が注文書に記載された本サービスを、一般に受け入れられている業界基準及び慣行を遵守した方法で遂行することを保証します。本保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも ✰とします。 22 The terms of this Schedule 1 (“Territory-Specific Terms”) reflect certain legal and operational requirements in each jurisdiction where our Products and Services are delivered. For each order under this Agreement, the terms and conditions stated below corresponding to the applicable Territory supplement and amend this Agreement for that order. 別紙 1 に規定される条項(以下、「対象地域に特有✰条項」といいます)が示すも✰は、私たち✰製品およびサービスが納入される法域それぞれにおける、幾❜か✰法的な要件およびオペレーション上✰要件です。本契約✰も✰とで注文ひと❜ひと❜に❜いて、下に記載される条項(適用✰ある対象地域に関しても✰)が、当該注文に関する限り、本契約を補足しか❜修正する内容になっています。
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. 5. 適用於所有服務產品的額外有限保證。我們保證,我們的員工和承包商會依據公認產業準則及實務的方式,執行訂單中的任何服務。違反此項保證時,您的唯一補償以及我們的全部責任,將為免費重新執行該服務。 20 [附表 1 - 特定地區條款] The terms of this Schedule 1 (“Territory-Specific Terms”) reflect certain legal and operational requirements in each jurisdiction where our Products and Services are delivered. For each order under this Agreement, the terms and conditions stated below corresponding to the applicable Territory supplement and amend this Agreement for that order. [附表 1(「特定地區條款」)之條款,可反映提供產品與服務之各管轄地的法律和經營要求。針對本合約下之各訂單,將以下列對應於相關地區的條款與條件,取代及修訂本合約。]
Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings. We warrant that our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices. For any breach of this warranty, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be reperformance of the Services at no cost to you. 用于分析和移动应用程序的企业数据;设计优化后的内存策略,并向分析师、数据科学家和开发人员以及架构师发布高性能数据集,以便他们可以更快地在可信数据上构建分析工具、模型和应用程序;进行回归测试、审核模式、解决问题以及实施持续的数据完整性管理流程。

Related to Additional Limited Warranty Applicable to all Service Offerings

  • Liability for Failure to Stop Payment of Preauthorized Transfers If you order us to stop payment of a preauthorized transfer three (3) business days or more before the transfer is scheduled and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.

  • Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of: i. Prohibiting the use of all forms of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; ii. Designating the property to which this Policy applies as a "designated area,” which must at least comprise all buildings and structures where activities funded under this Grant Agreement are taking place, as well as Grantee owned, leased, or controlled sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to this designated area; iii. Applying to all employees and visitors in this designated area; and iv. Providing for or referring its employees to tobacco use cessation services. B. If Grantee cannot meet these minimum standards, it must obtain a waiver from the System Agency.

  • Vendor Logo (Supplemental Vendor Information Only) No response Optional. If Vendor desires that their logo be displayed on their public TIPS profile for TIPS and TIPS Member viewing, Vendor may upload that logo at this location. These supplemental documents shall not be considered part of the TIPS Contract. Rather, they are Vendor Supplemental Information for marketing and informational purposes only. Some participating public entities are required to seek Disadvantaged/Minority/Women Business & Federal HUBZone ("D/M/WBE/Federal HUBZone") vendors. Does Vendor certify that their entity is a D/M/WBE/Federal HUBZone vendor? If you respond "Yes," you must upload current certification proof in the appropriate "Response Attachments" location. NO Some participating public entities are required to seek Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) vendors as defined by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Statewide HUB Program. Does Vendor certify that their entity is a HUB vendor? If you respond "Yes," you must upload current certification proof in the appropriate "Response Attachments" location. No Can the Vendor provide its proposed goods and services to all 50 US States? Yes