ADDITIONAL PRE-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. CMARE’S EXPENSE: CMARE will be responsible for all costs related to photo copying, telephone communications and fax communications while on County sites during the performance of work and services under this Contract.
ADDITIONAL PRE-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. 3.8.1 Additional services which are outside the scope of the services required under the Agreement Documents will not be performed by CM@Risk without prior written authorization from City. Additional services, when authorized by an executed written Change Order under Section 9 of the General Conditions, will be compensated for by a fee mutually agreed upon in such written Change Order between City and CM@Risk.
3.8.2 No claim for additional services, extra work done or materials furnished by CM@Risk will be allowed by City except as provided herein, nor will CM@Risk provide any additional services, do any work, or furnish any materials(s) not covered by this Agreement unless such work or material is first authorized in writing by City. Work or material(s) furnished by CM@Risk without such prior written authorization will be CM@Risk’s sole jeopardy, cost, and expense, and CM@Risk hereby agrees that without prior written authorization no claim for compensation for such services, work or materials furnished will be made, and City will not be responsible for such costs.
3.8.3 No Work (as defined by Section 1 of the General Conditions) may be performed under this Pre-Construction Services Agreement, without prior written approval by City. As an example, all procurement of long lead time items that must be procured to support the construction schedule or site investigative Work necessary to complete Pre- Construction Services, if done by the CM@Risk, will be performed only after a GMP Proposal for the Work has been approved and accepted in writing by City and all such Work will be done only under an executed Agreement for Construction Services, or pursuant to a prior written direction from City to engage in such procurement.