Listing Period Extension The Commission shall be due if the Property is sold, conveyed, exchanged, optioned, or otherwise transferred within _ _ days (“Extension Period”) after the expiration of the Listing Period to anyone with whom the Broker or Agency has negotiated unless the Property is listed, in good faith, with another real estate agency. The term “negotiation” shall include providing information about the Property, showing the Property, or presenting an offer on the Property. All rights under this Section shall terminate upon the expiration of the Extension Period.
Acceptance Testing At the time of installation of a LIS trunk group, and at no additional charge, acceptance tests will be performed to ensure that the service is operational and meets the applicable technical parameters.
Additional Terms & Conditions Acknowledged and Agreed:
Automatic Renewal Limitation for TIPS Sales No TIPS Sale may incorporate an automatic renewal clause that exceeds month to month terms with which the TIPS Member must comply. All renewal terms incorporated into a TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall only be valid and enforceable when Vendor received written confirmation of acceptance of the renewal term from the TIPS Member for the specific renewal term. The purpose of this clause is to avoid a TIPS Member inadvertently renewing an Agreement during a period in which the governing body of the TIPS Member has not properly appropriated and budgeted the funds to satisfy the Agreement renewal. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing an “Automatic Renewal” clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable.
Acceptance Tests 11.1 If the Contract provides acceptance tests for Goods and/or the result of Services after their completion and/or delivery to the Purchaser, the acceptance shall only be considered as definitive when such tests have demonstrated the compliance of the Goods and/or the result of the Services to the requirements in the Contract. 11.2 Where the Contract provides for an acceptance procedure in the presence of both parties, at the successful completion of such procedure, the Purchaser shall issue the Supplier with an acceptance certificate which shall authorise the Supplier to invoice the Purchaser for any payment due on such acceptance. 11.3 The Purchaser shall at its discretion be entitled to issue and acceptancecertificate with reserves. The Supplier shall be obliged to remedy any non-conformities within the period set out in the acceptance certificate. Any payment which would otherwise have been due on acceptance may be withheld by the Purchaser in whole or part until the non- conformities underlying the reserves have been remedied.
ADDITIONAL TERMS OF SETTLEMENT 24. This settlement is agreed upon in accordance with section 24.4 of MFDA By-law No. 1 and Rules 14 and 15 of the MFDA Rules of Procedure. 25. The Settlement Agreement is subject to acceptance by the Hearing Panel which shall be sought at a hearing (the “Settlement Hearing”). At, or following the conclusion of, the Settlement Hearing, the Hearing Panel may either accept or reject the Settlement Agreement. MFDA Settlement Hearings are typically held in the absence of the public pursuant to section 20.5 of MFDA By-law No. 1 and Rule 15.2(2) of the MFDA Rules of Procedure. If the Hearing Panel accepts the Settlement Agreement, then the proceeding will become open to the public and a copy of the decision of the Hearing Panel and the Settlement Agreement will be made available at xxx.xxxx.xx. 26. The Settlement Agreement shall become effective and binding upon the Respondent and Staff as of the date of its acceptance by the Hearing Panel. Unless otherwise stated, any monetary penalties and costs imposed upon the Respondent are payable immediately, and any suspensions, revocations, prohibitions, conditions or other terms of the Settlement Agreement shall commence, upon the effective date of the Settlement Agreement. 27. Staff and the Respondent agree that if this Settlement Agreement is accepted by the Hearing Panel: a) the Settlement Agreement will constitute the entirety of the evidence to be submitted respecting the Respondent in this matter; b) the Respondent waives any rights to a full hearing, a review hearing before the Board of Directors of the MFDA or any securities commission with jurisdiction in the matter under its enabling legislation, or a judicial review or appeal of the matter before any court of competent jurisdiction; c) Staff will not initiate any proceeding under the By-laws of the MFDA against the Respondent in respect of the contraventions described in this Settlement Agreement. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement precludes Staff from investigating or initiating proceedings in respect of any contraventions that are not set out in this Settlement Agreement. Furthermore, nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall relieve the Respondent from fulfilling any continuing regulatory obligations; d) the Respondent shall be deemed to have been penalized by the Hearing Panel pursuant to
Acceptance Criteria The Services and Deliverables must meet the following acceptance criteria or the JBE may reject the applicable Services or Deliverables. The JBE may use the attached Acceptance and Signoff Form to notify Contractor of the acceptance or rejection of the Services and Deliverables. Contractor will not be paid for any rejected Services or Deliverables.
Additional Wet Weather Procedure 14.15.1 Remaining On Site a) for more than an accumulated total of four hours of ordinary time in any one day; or b) after the meal break, as provided for in clause 17.1 of the Award, for more than an accumulated total of 50% of the normal afternoon work time; or c) during the final two hours of the normal work day for more than an accumulated total of one hour, the Enterprise will not be entitled to require the employees to remain on site beyond the expiration of any of the above circumstances.
PRICE ESCALATION/DE-ESCALATION (CPI) The County may allow a price escalation provision within this award. The original contract prices shall be firm for an initial one (1) year period. A price escalation/de-escalation will be considered at one (1) year intervals thereafter, provided the Contractor notifies the County, in writing, of the pending price escalation/de-escalation a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the effective date. Price adjustments shall be based on the latest version of the Consumers Price Index (CPI-U) for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S. City Average, non-seasonal, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This information is available at Price adjustment shall be calculated by applying the simple percentage model to the CPI data. This method is defined as subtracting the base period index value (at the time of initial award) from the index value at time of calculation (latest version of the CPI published as of the date of request for price adjustment), divided by the base period index value to identify percentage of change, then multiplying the percentage of change by 100 to identify the percentage change. Formula is as follows: Current Index – Base Index / Base Index = % of Change CPI for current period 232.945 Less CPI for base period 229.815 Equals index point change 3.130 Divided by base period CPI 229.815 Equals 0.0136 Result multiplied by 100 0.0136 x 100 Equals percent change 1.4% % of Change x 100 = Percentage Change CPI-U Calculation Example: A price increase may be requested only at each time interval specified above, using the methodology outlined in this section. To request a price increase, Contractor shall submit a letter stating the percentage amount of the requested increase and adjusted price to the Orange County Procurement Division. The letter shall include the complete calculation utilizing the formula above, and a copy of the CPI-U index table used in the calculation. The maximum allowable increase shall not exceed 4%, unless authorized by the Manager, Procurement Division. All price adjustments must be accepted by the Manager, Procurement Division and shall be memorialized by written amendment to this contract. No retroactive contract price adjustments will be allowed. Should the CPI-U for All Urban Consumers, All Items, U.S City Average, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics decrease during the term of the contract, or any renewals, the Contractor shall notify the Orange County Procurement Division of price decreases in the method outlined above. If approved, the price adjustment shall become effective on the contract renewal date. If the Contractor fails to pass the decrease on to the County, the County reserves the right to place the Contractor in default, cancel the award, and remove the Contractor from the County Vendor List for a period of time deemed suitable by the County. In the event of this occurrence, the County further reserves the right to utilize any options as stated herein.
Project Specific Milestones In addition to the milestones stated in Section 212.5 of the Tariff, as applicable, during the term of this ISA, Interconnection Customer shall ensure that it meets each of the following development milestones: 6.1 Substantial Site work completed. On or before October 1, 2020, Interconnection Customer must demonstrate completion of at least 20% of project site construction. At this time, Interconnection Customer must submit to Interconnected Transmission Owner and Transmission Provider initial drawings, certified by a professional engineer, of the Customer Interconnection Facilities. 6.2 Delivery of major electrical equipment. On or before October 1, 2020, Interconnection Customer must demonstrate that all generating units have been delivered to Interconnection Customer’s project site.