AGREEMENT EXHIBITS. The attached Exhibit A, Oakland County Tactical Consortium Bylaws (“Bylaws”), and any amendments thereto, are incorporated into and part of this Agreement.
AGREEMENT EXHIBITSThe Exhibits listed below and their properly promulgated amendments are incorporated and are part of this Agreement.
AGREEMENT EXHIBITSExhibit A – Central Frederick Sewer Service Area (CFSSA) Exhibit B – Xxxxxxxxx County Sewer Service Area (FCSSA) Exhibit C – CFSSA Concept of Operation (“CFSSAA” or “Agreement”) executed this day of , 2014, by and between THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF XXXXXXXXX COUNTY, MARYLAND, a body politic and corporate of the State of Maryland, hereinafter called the "County", and THE CITY OF XXXXXXXXX, a municipal corporation located within Xxxxxxxxx County, hereinafter called the “City”, witnesseth the following:
AGREEMENT EXHIBITS. The following Exhibits are hereby incorporated by reference into this agreement: Exhibit A: Scope of Work Exhibit B: City’s Request for Proposals for Operations of Visitor Center, issued August 8th, 2022, and Consultant’s Proposal for Operations of Visitors Center, dated August 26, 2022 Exhibit C: Oregon Public Contracting Code Requirements
AGREEMENT EXHIBITSThe Construction Agreement contains Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C, which are described in detail as follows:
AGREEMENT EXHIBITS. The following exhibits are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement: Exhibit ARequest for Quotes Exhibit BORS 279B Personal Services Public Contracting Code Requirements Exhibit C – Consultant’s Quote and Schedule of Rates and Charges In the event of a conflict between this Contract and its exhibits, the terms of this Contract shall prevail, followed by Exhibit B, then Exhibits A and C, in that order.


  • Addendum to Agreement Students who do not complete an AA/AS degree can use the prescribed curriculum in a statewide transfer articulation agreement as a common advising guide for transfer to all public institutions that offer the designated bachelor’s degree program. Please note the following:

  • AMENDED EXHIBIT A The Fund Accounting Agreement is hereby amended by changing the name of T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation Fund to T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation Fund, Inc.; by changing the name of T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund to T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund, Inc.; by changing the name of T. Rowe Price GNMA Fund to T. Rowe Price GNMA Fund, Inc.; by changing the name of T. Rowe Price New America Growth Fund to T. Rowe Price New America Growth Fund, Inc.; by changing the name of T. Rowe Price State Tax-Free Income Trust to T. Rowe Price State Tax-Free Funds, Inc.; by changing the names of Georgia Tax-Free Bond Fund, Maryland Short-Term Tax-Free Bond Fund, Maryland Tax-Free Bond Fund, Maryland Tax-Free Money Fund, New Jersey Tax-Free Bond Fund, New York Tax-Free Bond Fund, New York Tax-Free Money Fund, and Virginia Tax-Free Bond Fund to T. Rowe Price Georgia Tax-Free Bond Fund, T. Rowe Price Maryland Short-Term Tax-Free Bond Fund, T. Rowe Price Maryland Tax-Free Bond Fund, T. Rowe Price Maryland Tax-Free Money Fund, T. Rowe Price New Jersey Tax-Free Bond Fund, T. Rowe Price New York Tax-Free Bond Fund, T. Rowe Price New York Tax-Free Money Fund, and T. Rowe Price Virginia Tax-Free Bond Fund, respectively, on behalf of T. Rowe Price State Tax-Free Funds, Inc.; by removing T. Rowe Price California Tax-Free Income Trust as a Mutual Fund – Parent; and by changing the names of California Tax-Free Bond Fund and California Tax-Free Money Fund to T. Rowe Price California Tax-Free Bond Fund and T. Rowe Price California Tax-Free Money Fund, respectively, and moving them under T. Rowe Price State Tax-Free Funds, Inc. as Mutual Fund – Series.

  • Contract Exhibit J Quarterly Sales Report If a conflict exists among any of the Contract documents, the documents shall have priority in the order listed below: a) The Contract b) Statement of Work, Contract Exhibit A c) Additional Special Contract Conditions, Contract Exhibit D d) Special Contract Conditions, Contract Exhibit C e) Resume Acknowledgement Form, Contract Exhibit G f) Contractor Selection Justification Form, Contract Exhibit H

  • Item Agreement As negotiated items are agreed upon, they shall be reduced to writing and initialed by the chief negotiator of each party. Such initialing shall be construed as tentative agreement by both parties on that item or issue, subject to finalization by ratification by the membership of the Association and adoption by the Board.

  • Second Amendment to Exhibit A to Services Agreement Exhibit A to the Services Agreement shall be, and here by is, supplemented with the following:

  • Amendment to Exhibit A to Services Agreement Solely with respect to Accounts that are not investment companies registered under the 1940 Act, the section of Exhibit A to the Services Agreement entitled “Administration and Risk Management” shall be, and hereby is, deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

  • Client Agreement We are not required to enter into a written agreement complying with the Code relating to the services that are to be provided to you.

  • ADDENDA AND EXHIBITS Attached hereto is an Addendum or Addenda consisting of Paragraph 49 through 52, and Exhibits A through A, all of which constitute a part of this Lease.


  • Exhibits and Attachments The following exhibits and attachments are included hereto and incorporated by reference herein: Exhibit A—Services Exhibit B—Payments and rates Attachment I—§504 Compliance