Alternative Tenders. 12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, alternative Tenders shall not be considered.
Alternative Tenders. 15.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the TDS, alternative Tenders shall not be considered. If alternatives are permitted, only the technical alternatives, if any, of the Best Evaluated Tender shall be considered by the Procuring Entity.
15.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement to that effect will be included in the TDS and the method of evaluating different time schedules will be described in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
15.3 When specified in the TDS, Tenderers a reemitted to submit alternative technical solutions for specified parts of the Services, and such parts will be identified in the TDS, as will the method for their evaluating, and described in Section VII, Procuring Entity's Requirements.
Alternative Tenders. (ITT 13.1) An alternative if permitted under ITT 13.1, will be evaluated as follows: [insert one of the following] or
Alternative Tenders. 1Unless otherwise indicated in the TDS, alternative Tenders shall not be considered. If alternatives are permitted, only the technical alternatives, if any, of the Most Advantageous Tenderer shall be considered by the Procuring Entity.
Alternative Tenders. The Client promotes the submission of appropriate/innovative alternative for the Works Contract. The Service Provider shall liaise closely with the Client as to the acceptability/or otherwise of the principles of any alternative tenders proposed by a tenderer during the tender period.
Alternative Tenders. 13.1. Alternative Tenders shall not be permitted in this Primary Procurement process unless otherwise stated in the TDS.
Alternative Tenders. (ITT 13.1) An alternative if permitted under ITT 13.1, will be evaluated as follows: [insert one of the following] “A Tenderer may submit an alternative Tender only with a Tender for the base case. The Procuring Entity shall only consider the alternative Tenders offered by the Tenderer whose Tender for the base case was determined to be the Lowest Evaluated Tender.” or “A Tenderer may submit an alternative Tender with or without a Tender for the base case. The Procuring Entity shall consider Tenders offered for alternatives as specified in the Technical Specifications of Section V, Schedule of Requirements. All Tenders received, for the base case, as well as alternative Tenders meeting the specified requirements, shall be evaluated on their own merits in accordance with the same procedures, as specified in the ITT 33.”
Alternative Tenders.
15.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, alternative Tendersshall not be considered.
15.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement to that effect will be included in the TDS, and the method of evaluating different alternative times for completion will be described in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
15.3 Except as provided under ITT 13.4 below, Tenderers wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tender Documents must first price the Procuring Entity's design as described in the Tender Documents and shall further provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative by the Procuring Entity, including drawings, design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of prices, and proposed construction methodology and other relevant details. Only the technical alternatives, if any, of the Tenderer with the Winning Tender conforming to the basic technical requirements shall be considered by the Procuring Entity. When specified in the TDS, Tenderers are permitted to submit alternative technical solutions for specified parts of the Works, and such parts will be identified in the TDS, as will the method for their evaluating, and described in Section VII, Works' Requirements.
Alternative Tenders. (ITT 13.1) An alternative if permitted under ITT 13.1, will be evaluated as follows: “A Tenderer may submit an alternative Tender only with a Tender for the base case. The Procuring Entity shall only consider the alternative Tenders offered by the Tenderer whose Tender for the base case was determined to be the Lowest Evaluated Tender.” or
Alternative Tenders. 15.1 Unless otherwise specified in the TDS, alternative tenders shall not be considered.