Amendment Act Sample Clauses
Amendment Act. 1987 as at 4 Jun 2004
Amendment Act. 1987 as at 4 Jun 2004 1a On the date as at which this compilation was prepared, provisions referred to in the following table had not come into operation and were therefore not included in this compilation. For the text of the provisions see the endnotes referred to in the table. Short title Number and year Assent Commencement Standardisation of Formatting Act 2010 s. 4 and 43 3 19 of 2010 28 Jun 2010 To be proclaimed (see s. 2(b)) 2 The provisions of this Act amending the Alumina Refinery Agreement Act 1961, the Alumina Refinery (Pinjarra) Agreement Act 1969 and the Alumina Refinery (Wagerup) Agreement and Acts Amendment Act 1978 have been omitted under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(4)(e). 3 On the date as at which this compilation was prepared, the Standardisation of Formatting Act 2010 s. 4 and 43 had not come into operation. They read as follows:
Amendment Act declared to be a State Forest and designated R.702 by the Proclamation dated the twenty- eighth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, and published in the Gazette of the thirtieth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, at page 242, shall cease to be reserved for, and shall no longer be included in the aforesaid State Forest; and
Amendment Act. The Trustees of the employee benefit plans referred to in this Agreement shall promptly Council of failure by any Employer to pay any employee benefit contributions required to be made under this and which are owed under the said plans in order that the Program Administrator of Employee Wage Protection Program may that been an assignment of under said Program in compliance with the Regulation to the Any provincial or federal required to be paid by Employer on contributions under this are not included in the specified amounts set out herein. The Employer shall pay Provincial Retail Sales Tax on contributions to the Fund and such taxes to Fund together with contributions on which such tax is paid. Employer recognizes the jurisdictional of the provided that when a work claim dispute arises between Union, is a party to this Agreement and any other Union or organization which cannot be settled to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, such dispute processed as a complaint to the Ontario Labour Relations Board requesting an order from Board as outlined in Section of Labour and, in will continue as assigned by the Employer until otherwise directed by the Ontario Labour Relations o ARTICLE
Amendment Act. (No. 2) 1985 (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Act 1990 2 (Franchise Fees) Act 1997 Gazette 30 Jan 1998 p. 577)
Amendment Act. Ame ndme nt s of " The La nd Ac t s , 1910 t o 1958.”
Amendment Act. Past II.—Amendment s o f *“ The Land Ac t s , Pa r t III.—Amendment s of The Cl o se r Se tt l ement Ac t s Amendment Ac t of 1917 ” ; Pa x x XX.—Amendment s of $“ The Disc ha rg ed So l die r s ’ Se tt l ement Ac t s , 1917 t o 1957 ” ; Pa r t V.—Amendment s of §“ The Xxxx y Sug a r Wor ks Ar ea Land Re g ul a t ions Ac t s , Pa r t VI.—Amendment s of ||“ The Land Ac t s Amendment Ac t of 1927 ” ; Pa r t VII.—Amendment s of ^f“ The Wa r Se r vic e Land Se tt l ement Ac t s , 1946 t o 1951 ” ; Pa r t VIII.—Amendment s of **“ The Land Ac t s and Ot he r Ac t s Amendment Ac t of 1957 ”; Pa r t IX.—St ud Ho l ding s ; Pa r t X.—Gene r a l . Pr e l iminar y . Pa x x XX.— 1,910 ,, 9 Land Ac t s , Pa x x XX.—Amendment s of “ The Land Ac t s , o p “ The S TO 1958. 1M0 t o 1958.’*
Amendment Act. Ame ndme nt s of “ The La nd Ac t s , 1910 TO 1958.** Sc hedul e . GbO 0o3 2 S *o h3
Amendment Act. 7 El iz . II. No. 71, respectively to which it relates, and contain or be accompanied by the following information and particulars, that is to say :—
Amendment Act by that subsection, the area of any Agricultural Farm held as prescribed by the said subsection three shall be taken into account in calculating the area declared or prescribed by *“ The Land Acts, 1910 to 1958,” or of any Order in Council under section fifty-one of those Acts (whether made before, on or after the enactment of this section) to be the maximum area or maximum aggregated area which may be applied for or held by that person under *“ The Land Acts, 1910 to 1958 ” : Provided further that for the purpose of determining whether or not a person other than the person thereunto entitled pursuant to subsection three of this section is qualified to acquire or hold any Agricultural Farm the area whereof exceeds two thousand five hundred and sixty acres, the area of that Agricultural Farm shall be deemed to be two thousand five hundred and sixty acres.