Annexure E. STAC CLAUSE No. XXXXXX’S REMARK STAC CLAUSE No. XXXXXX’S REMARK Acc/Dev Acc/Dev 101 300 102 330 103 340 120 350 200 360 210 370 220 380 230 390 250 400 260 410 270 420 280 430 290 440 COMPANY’S NAME & ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: DATE: NAME: DESIGNATION: BIDDER’S COMPANY SEAL: NOTE:
Annexure E. CHECKLIST FOR PASSING THE BILLS For the month of :
Annexure E. SMS declaration form (On the letterhead of the SMS Company) TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that M/s , Registered office address having its head end at has installed SMS from our Company for its HITS platform. Date of SMS Installation: SMS Version: With respect to the SMS installed at above mentioned head end, we confirm the following:
Annexure E. Addl. General Manager (CDX), HEEP, XXXX XXXXXXXX
Annexure E. As a part of the Contract, the Contractor must satisfy the under mentioned safety requirements and must ensure at all times that these are followed without any deviations:
Annexure E. Project Implementation Plan;
Annexure E. Addresses;
Annexure E. BILL OF MATERIAL As per RFP volume I
Annexure E. CONSENT AND INDEMNITY I /we, _ (full name and surname) with identity number: and _ (full name and surname) with identity number: _, being the Parent(s)(s) and/or primary caregiver(s) of _ (child’s full name and surname) (“the child”), hereby give consent for my/our child to take part in the activities of Lil Angels, including classroom and/or playground activities, as well as such educational and/or recreational excursions that may be arranged by Lil Angels. I/we request that Lil Angels and/or any of its employees, agents or contractors be appointed to be in charge of my child and act in loco Parent(s)is during the course of such activities. I/we hereby expressly indemnifies and holds harmless Lil Angels against all and any actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature and howsoever incurred which may be taken or made against myself/us or be incurred or become payable by myself/us arising out of the aforementioned activities. Lil Angels, its agents, employees, or contractors shall have no liability whatsoever for any loss of, or damage to, any property of my/our child or any person, nor for any personal injury or death of my/our child or any person whatsoever, howsoever any loss, damage or injury or death shall arise, including that arising from any negligence, gross negligence, act or omission of Lil Angels or its agents, employees, contractors or any other person duly authorised to act for and on behalf of Lil Angels in the course of the aforementioned activities. I/we expressly confirm that we understand the content hereof and unconditionally agree to same. Signed on this day of _ 20 at . WITNESSES:
Annexure E. Continuous Miner Scope of Works The scope of works relates to the area of the fall on the Continuous Miner, and does not refer to the fall in 5 cut through. The following works must be completed: • The Continuous Miner must be removed from the roadway and placed in a location that will not block access. • The area of the fall must be secured, including the roof being supported, to the satisfaction or the mine manager having regard to applicable safety standards for operating underground coal mines. • Safe access to the mining face must be available to the satisfaction of the mine manager, having regard to applicable safety standards for the operation of an underground coal mines. • The area must be cleared of excess material. ANNEXURE F Agreed Care and Maintenance Program Work Program Dewatering mine and maintain all pumps. Maintain statutory stonedusting on conveyor roads and travel roads. Prepare to run conveyors. Routinely run all conveyors. Statutory inspections and 103 inspections of all engineering plant. Statutory inspections of mine per operational inspection scheme. Inspect weekly, and maintain all accessible seals. Monitor the mine gases and respond to trigger events. Sample gas bags through the gas chromatograph. Maintain and repair as required for key operating equipment in the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant and associated infrastructure. Maintain and repair, to existing standard, all engineering equipment in use including compressors, winders and main fans, as required. Stability of U/G roadways Inspect all accessible roadways each 7 days or as required by regulations. Attend to any urgent deterioration immediately. Carry out other identified works subject to approval of the Receivers. Inspect the 5 cut through SLS Maingate area each shift and monitor temperature and as readings. Security Maintain a security presence of the whole site 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Attend to any security breaches. Gas monitoring trends Monitor gas levels in the mine and behind the seals continuously. Run gas bag samples, as required, through the gas chromatograph and record results. Forward Gas Chromatograph results to Xxxx Xxxxx for further analysis. Attend to Trigger Action Response Plans and alarms. Maintain the tube bundle system. Maintain all monitoring and analysing equipment. Carry out monthly ventilation review of mine. De watering Ellalong goaf and water level monitoring. Continue to xxxxxxx the Ellalong goaf. Monitor and record water levels ...