Payment Schedule The purchase price for timber sold under this contract shall be paid in advance as follows: The first payment shall be paid within 30 days of the notification of high bid or before operating, whichever occurs first. The first payment shall be 10 percent of the total estimated bid value. The total estimated bid value shall be the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. Cash bid deposits shall be applied to the initial payment. Subsequent payments shall be made in advance of timber removal when log hauling begins. Each payment shall be made before the value of timber removed equals one-half an advance payment or within the time period stated on the billing if PURCHASER is more than one-half of a payment in advance. The amount of each advance payment shall be calculated by dividing the total estimated bid value less the initial payment by 9; with the total estimated bid value being the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. STATE may accept partial payment, upon written request, if logging is inactive. However, the full amount of advance payment is paid before logging resumes. Partial payment must be sufficient to maintain a payment deposit equal to one-half of a regular advance payment. The total purchase price shall be calculated after all log scale is reported by multiplying prices in Section 44 by the scaled volume. STATE shall refund any advance payment in excess of the total price, or PURCHASER shall pay any deficit within 30 days of notice. PURCHASER's deposit account shall not accrue interest payable to PURCHASER.
ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Special Contract Conditions revisions: the corresponding subsections of the Special Contract Conditions referenced below are replaced in their entirety with the following: