Verification Process definition

Verification Process means the process described in Article VI of this Agreement wherein SWEPCO calculates and verifies Baseline Demand Usage, Interruption Demand Usage, and Demand Savings.
Verification Process means the process that commences from the effective date of this agreement and includes the Reviewing, verifying and validation of the BEE statuses of Measured Entities in accordance with the provisions of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003, as amended and related legislation and commences with receipt of this signed Agreement by the Verification Agency.
Verification Process means the process mapped by Xcelerate for the Parties to follow to obtain an ordered and successful Verification Service.

Examples of Verification Process in a sentence

  • There are a number of chemical substances and micro-organisms, getting into our body with water, may be dangerous more or less for health.The arsenic is the most dangerous in Hungary and globally too.

  • In Order to Keep Our Software Stay Undetected From Automatic Bot, Please Complete the Verification Process.

  • Verification Process: Describe the verification process for this indicator, including the responsible party, the data source, and the indicative timing of validation by the local education group.

  • Triumph Supplier’s P3 authority is defined in the PO agreement, at the P.O. line item level (see Figure 1b).P3 suppliers shall perform inspection and acceptance of product in accordance with the AS9015 Supplier Self Verification Process Delegation Programs and the Triumph document VWI 7.4.051 Preferred Performer Program - Supplier Instructions and Program Control Requirements.

  • However, the Association's higher cost of interest-bearing liabilities offset the yield advantage with respect to the Comparative Group.

More Definitions of Verification Process

Verification Process has the meaning set forth in Section 3(b) of this Attachment.
Verification Process means the process through which Defendant shall test for and verify concentrations of 1,4-dioxane in excess of the applicable threshold at the relevant monitoring and drinking water wells, using the sampling and analytical method(s) described in Attachment B to this Consent Judgment. Specifically, Defendant shall sample the wells on a quarterly basis unless an alternative schedule is agreed upon with EGLE. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for 1,4-dioxane, either by Defendant’s laboratory or a third-party laboratory retained by Defendant. In the event that 1,4-dioxane concentrations in groundwater sampled from any well exceed the applicable threshold, Defendant shall notify EGLE by phone or electronic mail within 48 hours of completion of the data verification and validation specified in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (“QAPP”) described in Section V.E. Defendant will
Verification Process means an audio recording by which a Customer validates his or her intent to enter into a contract to receive Electric Supply Service from an Electric Supplier other than the EDC. This process is separate from the solicitation and sales process.
Verification Process means the Reviewing, verifying and validation of the BEE statuses of Measured Enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act
Verification Process means the process established by the Council for confirming that a member has met the requirements of the continuing competence program.
Verification Process means having the information provided in your application confirmed by a third-party.
Verification Process means VeraSafe’s observations, automated security scans, manual security evaluations and checks, evaluation of a Participant’s questionnaire and survey responses, VeraSafe’s independent verification of certain questionnaire and/or survey responses, and VeraSafe’s analysis of documents provided by the Participant, which collectively are used to verify a Participant’s compliance with the Program Criteria.