Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.
Abnormally Low Tenders 35.1 An Abnormally Low Tender is one where the Tender price, in combination with other constituent elements of the Tender, appears unreasonably low to the extent that the Tender price raises material concerns with the Procuring Entity as to the capability of the Tenderer to perform the Contract for the offered Tender price. 35.2 In the event of identification of a potentially Abnormally Low Tender by the evaluation committee, the Procuring Entity shall seek written clarification from the Tenderer, including a detailed price analyses of its Tender price in relation to the subject matter of the contract, scope, delivery schedule, allocation of risks and responsibilities and any other requirements of the tendering document. 35.3 After evaluation of the price analysis, in the event that the Procuring Entity determines that the Tenderer has failed to demonstrate its capability to perform the contract for the offered Tender price, the Procuring Entity shall reject the Tender.
Abnormally High Tenders 36.4 An abnormally high price is one where the tender price, in combination with other constituent elements of the Tender, appears unreasonably too high to the extent that the Procuring Entity is concerned that it (the Procuring Entity) may not be getting value for money or it may be paying too high a price for the contract compared with market prices or that genuine competition between Tenderers is compromised. 36.5 In case of an abnormally high tender price, the Procuring Entity shall make a survey of the market prices, check if the estimated cost of the contract is correct and review the Tender Documents to check if the specifications, scope of work and conditions of contract are contributory to the abnormally high tenders. The Procuring Entity may also seek written clarification from the tenderer on the reason for the high tender price. The Procuring Entity shall proceed as follows: i) If the tender price is abnormally high based on wrong estimated cost of the contract, the Procuring Entity may accept or not accept the tender depending on the Procuring Entity's budget considerations. ii) If specifications, scope of work and/or conditions of contract are contributory to the abnormally high tender prices, the Procuring Entity shall reject all tenders and may retender for the contract based on revised estimates, specifications, scope of work and conditions of contract, as the case may be. 36.6 If the Procuring Entity determines that the Tender Price is abnormally too high because genuine competition between tenderers is compromised (often due to collusion, corruption or other manipulations), the Procuring Entity shall reject all Tenders and shall institute or cause relevant Government Agencies to institute an investigation on the cause of the compromise, before retendering.
Protective Measures We have implemented and will maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures in relation to the Services taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing, as well as the likelihood and severity of risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. This includes measures relating to the physical security of Our facilities used to deliver them, measures to control access rights to Our assets and relevant networks, and processes for testing these measures. In accordance with Our obligations under applicable law, We may undertake digital forensic investigations in relation to the use of the Services and Subscriptions. You are responsible for using, and ensuring that your Users use, the controls and advice provided by the Services correctly and consistently.
Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.
Sector Sub-Sector Industry Classification Level of Government Type of Obligation Description of Measure Source of Measure All sectors : : - : Central : National Treatment Senior Management and Board of Directors : National Treatment and the Senior Management and Board of Directors obligations shall not apply to any measure relating to small and medium sized domestic market enterprise2. Foreign equity is restricted to a maximum of 40% for domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000 Note: Members of the Board of Directors or governing body of corporation or associations shall be allowed in proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such enterprises. : -1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. - Foreign Investments Act of 1991 (R.A. No. 7042, as amended by R.A. No. 8179). -Presidential and Administrative Issuances. ∞ 2 The concept of a small and medium sized domestic market enterprise is an enterprise with paid in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000.00.
Usage Measurement Usage measurement for calls shall begin when answer supervision or equivalent Signaling System 7 (SS7) message is received from the terminating office and shall end at the time of call disconnect by the calling or called subscriber, whichever occurs first.
Performance Measure Grantee will adhere to the performance measures requirements documented in
Performance Evaluation The Department may conduct a performance evaluation of Contractor’s Services, including Contractor’s Subcontractors. Results of any evaluation may be made available to Contractor upon request.
Performance Measures The System Agency will monitor the Grantee’s performance of the requirements in Attachment A and compliance with the Contract’s terms and conditions.