Area-Based Grant. 3.1 ABG is a new, non-ringfenced, general xxxxx introduced from 1 April 2008. “Non-ringfenced” means that there are no conditions attached to the way the funding is used. The aim of Government is that the grant will increase local flexibility over the use of resources, and further reduce onerous reporting requirements. Local authorities are free to use the totality of their non-ringfenced funding as they see fit to support the delivery of their local, regional and national priorities in their areas. It primarily does not provide new money but simply redirects an authority’s existing specific grant streams into a single pot.
Area-Based Grant. 3.1 Details are awaited from Government on the implementation of Area Based Grant and Capital arrangements.
1. An overview of the process for managing performance, using KA2 and V4K as its basis, is illustrated below: