Article 100 Sample Clauses

Article 100. The EC Commission shall ensure experts of the EFTA States as wide a participation as possible according to the areas concerned, in the preparatory stage of draft measures to be submitted subsequently to the committees which assist the EC Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. In this regard, when drawing up draft measures the EC Commission shall refer to experts of the EFTA States on the same basis as it refers to experts of the EC Member States. In the cases where the Council of the European Communities is seized in accordance with the procedure applicable to the type of committee involved, the EC Commission shall transmit to the Council of the European Communities the views of the experts of the EFTA States.
Article 100. Implementation
Article 100. The Parties shall promote cooperation between EU regulators and the national regulatory authorities of the Republic of Moldova in the field of electronic communications. The Parties shall also consider cooperation in other relevant areas, including through regional initiatives. A regular dialogue will take place on the issues covered by this Chapter.
Article 100. This Agreement shall not, until equivalent rights for individuals and economic operators have been achieved thereunder, affect rights assured to them through existing Agreements binding one or more Member States, on the one hand, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, on the other, except in areas falling within Community competence and without prejudice to the obligations of Member States resulting from this Agreement in areas falling within their competence. This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaties establishing the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community are applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties and, on the other hand, to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 100. This Agreement shall not, until equivalent rights for individuals and economic operators have been achieved thereunder, affect rights assured to them through existing Agreements binding one or more Member States, on the one hand, and Georgia, on the other, except in areas falling within Community competence and without prejudice to the obligations of Member States resulting from this Agreement in areas falling within their competence. This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaties establishing the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community are applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties and, on the other hand, to the territory of Georgia.
Article 100. This Agreement shall be approved by the Parties in accordance with their own procedures. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Parties notify the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union that the Procedures referred to in the first subparagraph have been completed. Upon its entry into force, and as far as relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Community are concerned, this Agreement shall replace the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on trade and economic and commercial cooperation signed in Brussels on 18 December 1989. In the event that, pending the completion of the procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement, the provisions of certain parts of this Agreement are put into effect by means of an Interim Agreement between the Community and the Republic of Tajikistan, the Parties agree that, in such circumstances, the term date of entry into force of this Agreement shall mean the date of entry into force of the Interim Agreement. Hecho en Luxemburgo, el once de octubre del dos mil cuatro. V Lucemurku dne jedenacteho njna dva tisi'ce ctyri. Udferdiget i Luxembourg den elevte oktober to tusind og fire. Geschehen zu Luxemburg am elften Oktober zweitausendundvier. Kahe tuhande neljanda aasta oktoobrikuu uheteistkumnendal paeval Luxembourgis. ' EyivE oxo Aou^E^poupYo, oxig evSek i x OKiwppiou 8uo xikidSsg TEOOEpa. Done at Luxembourg on the eleventh day of October in the year two thousand and four. Fait a Luxembourg, le onze octobre deux mille quatre. Fatto a Lussembourgo, addi undici ottobre duemilaquattro. Luksemburga, divi tukstosi ceturta gada vienpadsmitaja oktobri. Priimta du tukstanciai ketvirt^ met^ spalio vienuolikt^ dien^ Liuksemburge. Kelt Luxembourgban, a ketezer-negyedik ev oktober havanak tizenegyedik napjan. Maghmul fil-Lussemburgu fil-hdax-il jum ta Ottubru fis-sena elfejn u erbgha. Gedaan xx Xxxxxxxxx, de elfde oktober tweeduizendvier. Sporz^dzono w Luksemburgu dnia jedenastego pazdziernika roku dwutysifcznego czwartego. Feito em Luxemburgo, em onze de Outubro de dois mil e quatro. V Luxemburgu jedenasteho oktobra dvetisi'cstyri. V Luxembourgu, enajstega oktobra dva tisoc stiri. Tehty Luxemburgissa yhdentenatoista paivana lokakuuta vuonna kaksituhattanelja. Som skedde i Luxemburg den elfte oktober tjugohundrafyra. Mh Co3MmHOMa nap maxpw HroKceM6ypr 11 OKTn6pw conw 2004 6a ...
Article 100. In order to achieve the objectives of this Agreement and in accordance with Articles 101, 102 and 104, without prejudice to Article 000, Xxxxxxxx shall receive temporary financial assistance from the Community in the form of grants and loans, including loans from the European Investment Bank according to the provisions of Article 18 of the Statute of the Bank.
Article 100. This Agreement shall not, until equivalent rights for individuals and economic operators have been achieved thereunder, affect rights assured to them through existing Agreements binding one or more Member States, on the one hand, and Georgia, on the other, except in areas falling within Community competence and without prejudice to the obligations of Member States resulting from this Agreement in areas falling within their competence.
Article 100. The Commission, at the General Secretariats Proposal, Shall Adopt Any Special Provisions That May Be Needed to Determine the Origin of Goods Article 101-. It Shall Be the General Secretariats Responsibility to Establish the Specific Requirements of Origin for the Products That Require Them Article 103-. The General Secretariat Shall Ensure Compliance with the Rules and Requirements of Origin In Subregional Trade